Game Discussions The No Man's Sky Thread

The takeaway is really PlayStation VR has finally got a Killer App. Pity ED couldn't get there first but if the quality of the graphics had to dip so much NMS, it's probably not possible.
I used my PSVR headset on PC ED aand it was fine: like legible text and so on (plus no god rays), but native Playstation support would be good. Here's hoping they can do something for next-gen.

As for NMS, i've only recently started dabbling again, after playing it pretty hard at launch. Next patch is meant to improve PSVR, but it seemed pretty good still.
I still dislike the actual spaceship flying, something ED does far better, but mooching about on planets shows you can have fun with "space legs" with minimal actual content, and mostly just giving a nice sandbox and good mechanics.

Finished the tutorials, and made a simple base and a modest chlorine farm, which i'm still kinda proud of:


Surprisingly enjoyable doing not much of anything in the game, and if nothing else I think it shows what a small studio can do for planetary gameplay. Sure Elite doesn't need survival mechanics and base building, but i'd at least hope FDev can make me enjoy being on the ground as much.
I cant get over how much i am loving NMS..... i mentioned this in another thread but it is for me one of the best games i have ever played (its another one i would not touch without VR)

the only game which comes close to this for me released in the last decade is elite dangerous.

I am really enjoying the narrative adventure as well... i know it is all scripted but it just feels so much more personal being actually hand written as it were, and it shows that it CAN work even in a procedural game with optional MMO like characteristics.
I am really enjoying the narrative adventure as well... i know it is all scripted but it just feels so much more personal being actually hand written as it were, and it shows that it CAN work even in a procedural game with optional MMO like characteristics.
That's right. They've had this scripted narrative that is optional and you can do whenever you feel like it. I've suggested to have something like that in ED too, even having different "career path" narratives that would incorporate the beginners tutorial and even open certain engineers in the process. Some of the plot points could be to engineer a specific module for a task (mission) that has to be done.

NMS does have a bit of the same challenge as ED in that people who are new to it don't know what to do. There's so much to do, but they haven't figured out what they can do so they don't know what to do. Just as I told one of my kids the other day about the food processing machine in NMS and how you can use it as extra storage since you can carry it. He didn't even know what the thing was. And the bigger an open world game like this become, the more distant it can seem to understand all the things there is to discover and do. Narrative stories do help a player through it.
NMS is a great game overall, but I think it's actually 'romance over' quite fast for me. First few dozen hours when you figure everything out are great, obviously. If someone would say ED is the same - for ED it's actually first few thousand hours, for sure, so it's really no comparison ;)

Done main quest till the end, the one with Atlas? ... Done most secondary/main quests too. Went till the end with Atlas, got to a point where I choose a new galaxy, choosen a Lush one I think, went to a beautiful planet after that - and ... lifted off and went to a station to 'save' + go back to a base to finish some things.

Finished those things over, but ... I can't go back to the new galaxy anymore? It's simply not in a list anywhere in teleports.


Went back to finish what's there left to finish. Complete farmer guy quest, decided to reach galaxy center, started jumping black holes. Quite tiresome: summon space anomaly -> ask about black hole -> jump -> go to some random part of galaxy -> repeat.

After about 10 jumps I can't see any pattern of any kind of where Black Holes teleport me. I was thinking they might do some occasional jumps but would progress me towards a center - nope. Seems 100% random.

Well, time to shelve it. No point of making any other pointless base. Bases, however, connect you more to a game world than anything else - quite similar to Subnautica, but that's been mentioned already a 1000s times.

P.S. Great game, but quite shallow in the end, once you start seeing same stations, same freighters, same plants, aliens, buildings on planets etc. you kinda start to wonder. This game doesn't have a great replayability for me, some other games do, Long Dark for example - return to that every few weeks.
Glad I've got a good connection, my PS4 is downloading updates for NMS 2.12, ED 1.36, and RDR2 1.12 right now!

Oh, actually the RDR2 install just finished, I guess I'll play that for a bit.
NMS is a great game overall, but I think it's actually 'romance over' quite fast for me. First few dozen hours when you figure everything out are great, obviously. If someone would say ED is the same - for ED it's actually first few thousand hours, for sure, so it's really no comparison ;)

Done main quest till the end, the one with Atlas? ... Done most secondary/main quests too. Went till the end with Atlas, got to a point where I choose a new galaxy, choosen a Lush one I think, went to a beautiful planet after that - and ... lifted off and went to a station to 'save' + go back to a base to finish some things.

Finished those things over, but ... I can't go back to the new galaxy anymore? It's simply not in a list anywhere in teleports.


Went back to finish what's there left to finish. Complete farmer guy quest, decided to reach galaxy center, started jumping black holes. Quite tiresome: summon space anomaly -> ask about black hole -> jump -> go to some random part of galaxy -> repeat.

After about 10 jumps I can't see any pattern of any kind of where Black Holes teleport me. I was thinking they might do some occasional jumps but would progress me towards a center - nope. Seems 100% random.

Well, time to shelve it. No point of making any other pointless base. Bases, however, connect you more to a game world than anything else - quite similar to Subnautica, but that's been mentioned already a 1000s times.

P.S. Great game, but quite shallow in the end, once you start seeing same stations, same freighters, same plants, aliens, buildings on planets etc. you kinda start to wonder. This game doesn't have a great replayability for me, some other games do, Long Dark for example - return to that every few weeks.

Depends if you like the gameplay loops, I've put more hours into ED than NMS, but I've actually enjoyed a higher % of those hours in NMS doing things, whereas in ED (as an explorer) most of my hours were spent reading the forums etc while I waited for a long SC trip. That's improved with the FSS, but probe mapping is still time consuming non gameplay.

Personally I can spend hours faffing around on one planet, just finding stuff to mine, finding all the fauna, finding the knowledge stones etc....I walk, don't use exocraft. As long as I ignore the bad pop up I'm drinking in the scenery of the planet.

If I want to go back to any place I build a base (not build a base per se, as in mulitple buildings etc, just the basic "base" then a portal, solar panals and batteries, mind you I don't think you need power to go to a portal from a station.).

Black holes are random but do move you a large amount of LY towards the centre, but the main travel distance is across the galaxy so to speak. Still better than manual jumping system to system.

Elite has the same problem, finding the rare amongst the mundane common stuff, NMS is more accessible and wastes less game time IMO. Although NMS could use more building types, different trading outposts. More unique styles from the races as well, oh and more fauna types!
Depends if you like the gameplay loops, I've put more hours into ED than NMS, but I've actually enjoyed a higher % of those hours in NMS doing things, whereas in ED (as an explorer) most of my hours were spent reading the forums etc while I waited for a long SC trip. That's improved with the FSS, but probe mapping is still time consuming non gameplay.
I've thought about that too. I spent 6k hours on ED and just over 1k hours on NMS, but during those 6000 hours in ED, a large percentage is just super cruising, jumping, reading forums, or using other 3rd party tools to find bases, neutron stars, or whatenot. I enjoy them both but for different reasons though. The long flight times is kind'a part of ED's charm now. 😄
I've thought about that too. I spent 6k hours on ED and just over 1k hours on NMS, but during those 6000 hours in ED, a large percentage is just super cruising, jumping, reading forums, or using other 3rd party tools to find bases, neutron stars, or whatenot. I enjoy them both but for different reasons though. The long flight times is kind'a part of ED's charm now. 😄
I wouldn't call it "charm" ;)
But recently started playing Elite again (thanks to NMS getting the spaceshipey bug biting going on) and enjoying it a lot....just hit 3 billion following the DW2 course still only 14kly from I think I'll be able to afford a carrier when I get back (in 2025)!
...and just when I thought I'd had enough of base-building... along come naturally occurring 'castles'......

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...and just when I thought I'd had enough of exploring... along comes...... well... this.......

A real 'what the flipping flip' moment.



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...and jut when I thought I'd had enough of exploring... along comes...... well... this.......

A real 'what the flipping flip' moment.
Remember to walk/drive around and use your visor to find any marked with "?". You can pick them up and plant them in your base. They show up in the build menu as anomalies or something like that. There are a bunch of different anomalous planets like this. I have 5 or 6 of them so far. Picking a couple plants from each. I still want to find a soap-bubble planet again in the new save file. I'm sure I'll find one eventually.

Here's a couple of the ones I found:



Yup. Right up to the moment the game crashed.... yet again.
Bummer. Sorry to hear. I've been lucky. Haven't had a crash in quite a while now. And no dropping through freighter hull into space either. Had some issues with being blocked going through places. Invisible walls. Got stuck in my freighter once. Could not get out, and the solution was to make it jump to another system. It changed its position in space or whatever. I guess there are some rounding errors to the 3d models causing it.
Whelp after putting about as much time as I can stand into it I gotta say that the Beyond update is a big old dud. Literally none of the multiplayer stuff is fun or even minimally functional. You still can't share base ownership, or contribute towards one another's main story progression or most missions, so long term coop play is right out.

Also the base building interface is just terrible and seems like it was designed to annoy you on purpose. After many frustrating sessions the group I've been playing with has collectively decided to uninstall the game and ignore it pending some kind of major overhaul in the future.

I hope VR is worth it for the people who are enjoying that aspect of it.

Game seems to be treading water now, adding pointless and horribly implemented multiplayer features at the expense of building out their game world. Unfortunately I suspect that major overhauls of the core game loops or the procgen aren't going to be happening anymore, now that there's a resource-heavy and mechanically limited VR component of the game to maintain, not to mention the console versions which are already cracking under the strain.

All I've been waiting for is the original promise of a galaxy which gets harsher, more challenging, and weirder as you approach the center. And maybe some better spaceship combat controls. Still kinda hoping they do that eventually.
Whelp after putting about as much time as I can stand into it I gotta say that the Beyond update is a big old dud. Literally none of the multiplayer stuff is fun or even minimally functional. You still can't share base ownership, or contribute towards one another's main story progression or most missions, so long term coop play is right out.

Also the base building interface is just terrible and seems like it was designed to annoy you on purpose. After many frustrating sessions the group I've been playing with has collectively decided to uninstall the game and ignore it pending some kind of major overhaul in the future.

I hope VR is worth it for the people who are enjoying that aspect of it.

Game seems to be treading water now, adding pointless and horribly implemented multiplayer features at the expense of building out their game world. Unfortunately I suspect that major overhauls of the core game loops or the procgen aren't going to be happening anymore, now that there's a resource-heavy and mechanically limited VR component of the game to maintain, not to mention the console versions which are already cracking under the strain.

All I've been waiting for is the original promise of a galaxy which gets harsher, more challenging, and weirder as you approach the center. And maybe some better spaceship combat controls. Still kinda hoping they do that eventually.

Clearly not the game for you then. I'm having an absolute blast.

I have no recollection of reading/hearing anything about things getting "harsher/challenging/weirder".
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