The Phoenix Rises

Earth, 1964. A man by the name of Mario Savio stood upon the steps in front of a building in Berkeley, California and delivered a speech, cementing his name in the tomes of history for ages to come. He spoke of corruption within the higher powers of that building, that college that was meant to teach one and all. He envisioned freedom and justice.

"There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious-makes you so sick at heart-that you can't take part. You can't even passively take part. And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop."

Here we are, over a millennium later. We face a machine. A corrupted, malicious machine that seeks war. A machine that intends to use its own people to fight a supposed threat that we know nothing of. It uses its processes to create more machines to carry out its will. The time has come to throw ourselves upon those machines and bring their operations to a halt.

We remember, we have not forgotten.
The Phoenix rises again, its fire will shed its light upon the machines.

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This mentality is so perverted and wrong. It depresses me to think people read things like that and think they are profoundly enlightening. Hippies never seem to understand the real dangers facing them and are blind to see the damage they cause to their own efforts.

Just because there are gears doesn't mean they need bodies to be thrown on them. The mentality for people to always look at powerful organizations and individuals as inherently shady or evil is insidious and spreads far too fast among the weak minded and uneducated among us.

Sometimes the right decisions are the hardest ones. We cannot simply wish the Thargoids away, we need to unite together to defend humanity. Together.
It's hardly an uneducated position, just different than yours. A matter of relative value placed on security or survival vs. truth and conscience.

There's always going to be people who think survival and security are worth any cost (secrecy, deceit, authoritarianism, etc), and others on the other side who'd absolutely risk annihilation rather than act under false pretenses. What you see here is the latter making their stand.

By all means, be in opposition (you'll hardly be alone), but it isn't ignorance driving people to risk catastrophe for the sake of truth and their values. Both sides can have that much respect for one another at a minimum.
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Strategically, the Thargoid incursion is wrong. There are rumours of a much greater threat heading this way - a second faction of Thargoids allegedly chasing this group. The Club has founded Aegis to fight this wave of Thargoids, but in doing so will weaken our resources so much that we will be helpless against the ones on their way. When we fail, and we will, Operation Exodus will occur - the Club and its most valued members will vanish to selected locations leaving us to fight and die. Their plan is doomed to failure and we will be destroyed. Would you rather not focus your resources on creating a defensive perimeter, than fight an enemy which does not want to be fought. You KNOW that this Thargoid invasion is so pathetically phoney, yet you rush to 'defend humanity'... Worse is coming, and the Club are offering you as a sacrifice.
Strategically, the Thargoid incursion is wrong. There are rumours of a much greater threat heading this way - a second faction of Thargoids allegedly chasing this group. The Club has founded Aegis to fight this wave of Thargoids, but in doing so will weaken our resources so much that we will be helpless against the ones on their way. When we fail, and we will, Operation Exodus will occur - the Club and its most valued members will vanish to selected locations leaving us to fight and die. Their plan is doomed to failure and we will be destroyed. Would you rather not focus your resources on creating a defensive perimeter, than fight an enemy which does not want to be fought. You KNOW that this Thargoid invasion is so pathetically phoney, yet you rush to 'defend humanity'... Worse is coming, and the Club are offering you as a sacrifice.

When I go out and put my ship between an oncoming Thargoid position and a station full of civilians with my hardpoints at the ready it is not because any "Club" tells me to do it. I do it for the innocents and those unable to protect themselves from the Thargoids. If AEGIS did not exist, then another group would have been formed and I would have willing joined them to to do my part. I and others do not intend to be "sacrificed" so easily but If I die in the line of duty fighting Thargoids and defending humanity then I do so proudly and of my own free will. No amount of conspiracy talk will take that from me or the ones I defend.

You can claim that the invasion is pathetically phony but you do so while simultaneously discounting the many pilots who fight Thargoids at great risk every day. You forget the researchers that work tirelessly to come up with new ways to defend our ships and homes and you forget the many independent pilots who do their part supplying the back end of the war effort all while having to put up with traitorous attacks from within. Find the surviving family members of a Thargoid attack where a victim was violently spaced when the hull of their home on the station was ripped open by Thargoid fire. Tell them that this war is pathetically phony. The Thargoid threat is mitigated due to our efforts not in spite of them. I refuse to lay down my arms for a week in an effort to prove that the Thargoids will not stop. I know they will not and the cost of not defending is too great.

I'm not sorry to say but the notion of a Thargoid civil war is just a fictional story and has no bearing on the reality of what we face. I cannot see the relevance of why a civil war would even be important to us. The point is that they are in our territory killing our people, I care little for why they do it. Wether they attack out of purpose or indifference doesn't change a thing in the end. The point is attacking humans is not allowed. Having to write this out seems so unnecessary but clearly you all live in your own worlds. By never acknowledging their sacrifices, you have just as little regard for the loss of human lives as the bugs you are advocating for.

Saying that they are just attacking stations as they flee is a silly statement. I guess you don't know how big space really is, the distance between things is incredible. Thargoids are free to go through and around the bubble without ever attacking anything if they really wanted to. Ones who are fleeing attackers don't stick around to pick new fights with the locals. They are targeting fleets and stations and this is clear. Well, clear to most that is, some of you are far too gone to be reasoned with.
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I am CMDR Edgecrusher420 in-game as well. For as long as I have been playing I haven't been very vocal until most recently. Never did anything exceptional or was part of any big multiplayer groups so you probably wouldn't have heard of me. I suppose if you go out near the permit locked section of space behind Bernards loop you might find a few systems with my name in it but otherwise I don't expect anybody has really heard of me at all other then perhaps a passing "o7" in open chat.

That might change soon though. This kind of RP and the fact that there is little end game content in Elite means i'm exploring more multiplayer things and outside the game interactions etc.
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