going back to my suspicion for raxxla as a planet, following that screenshot of the supposed translation 'mistake' in the russian version of the codex, where it states "the legendary planet raxxla". here is something i found that support's it too.
apparently, someone asked frontier for a "christmas hint" and received this message:
It may be a typo/not relevant, but ‘planet’ is italicized as PLANET (T is not italicized). Searching for ‘PLANE’ takes you to the LAVE system.
so, not only they did a "mistake" in the russian translation version by stating it's a planet, but also here? what are the odds? hmmmm

source of the image is from this text document, in page 14:
t is quite interesting that searching for “Plane” in the galmap takes you to Lave.

Also brings back memories of reading the Oolite saga, a set of fan-fiction books written by Drew . Great books, and definitely worth a read, but do bear in mind they are not considered official lore.

uhh...as i was traveling to CD-37 15492 on my way to tau ceti, i saw this weird looking pink star, that was so close to the system, and i wanted to check it out, but it was unselectable, and it had no name. no matter how hard i tried selecting it from all angles, it just didnt work. i suspected because i had my route going to CD-37 messing up with it since it's so close to it that my mouse prefers selecting CD instead, so i changed my route to CARENER but the problem persisted, i jumped somewhere else, just so i can select it to jump back. but now it's gone. not there at all. is it a galaxy map common bug? or is it a teleporting dyson sphere star? Raxxla intensifies...

i should have recorded a video of it instead, looking at it from different angles, just in case... now it's gone :/
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uhh...as i was traveling to CD-37 15492 on my way to tau ceti, i saw this weird looking pink star, that was so close to the system, and i wanted to check it out, but it was unselectable, and it had no name. it looked vibrating too a little bit, no matter how hard i tried selecting it from all angles, it just didnt work. i suspected because i had my route going to CD-37 messing up with it since it's so close to it that my mouse prefers selecting CD instead, so i changed my route to CARENER but the problem persisted, i jumped somewhere else, just so i can select it to jump back. but now it's gone. not there at all. is it a galaxy map common bug? or is it a teleporting dyson sphere star? Raxxla intensifies...
View attachment 153050
i should have recorded a video of it instead, looking at it from different angles, just in case... now it's gone :/
I think that is a secondary star represnting the in system stars. It's part of the main one. Select CD-37 on the galmap and it should pop up again in certain situations. That or mouse hover over it.
I think that is a secondary star represnting the in system stars. It's part of the main one. Select CD-37 on the galmap and it should pop up again in certain situations. That or mouse hover over it.
ah yes. nvm, there it is again...my bad. i got exited there for a second. haha, thank you and sorry for being such a noob. just trying to help with anything i find xD
( teleporting dyson sphere lol...)
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Speaking of Lave.
I find it interesting that Lave defines as
b: to flow along or against

"Lave is a simple, monosyllabic word that magically makes the mundane act of washing poetic. Shakespeare used it in The Taming of the Shrew, when Gremio assured the father of his beloved Bianca that she would have "basins and ewers to lave her dainty hands." And in Charles ens' The Old Curiosity Shop, Nell "laved her hands and face, and cooled her feet before setting forth to walk again." The poetry of "lave" is also heard when describing water washing against the shore, as in our example sentence, or even the pouring of water: "He … laved a few cool drops upon his brow" (John Lockhart, Reginald Dalton). Before washing our hands of "lave," we'll tell you its etymology: it, as well as "lavatory," comes from Latin lavare, meaning "to wash."

So basically it has to do with water. Oddly specific of them to make Waters of Shintara the rare in Shin Dez.
It reminds me of the head contact in the Demeter system, Brain Wade...yes Brain, not Brian. Wading is something you do in water. Baptism anyone?

The first day (This is really the 2nd day) of the Eleusinian mystery rites was to get in the proper garb (CMDR suits) and the right location (Demeter?).
The second day to "Alade! Mystai! "To the sea, Initiates!"

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On a side note. It's interesting that Tau Ceti is in the Cetus constellation (Belly of the whale), Van Maanen's Star (home to the Guardians of the Free Spirit, among other things) is one of the stars of the Pisces constellation, the fish, and Epsilon Eridani (Home of WorldCraft and Maybe the Guardian AI) is in the Eridanus constellation, the river.
So small fish gets eaten by the big fish and gets out of the belly and swims to the river? Maybe?....
Not before Laving with the curative Waters of Shintara. Maybe.

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going back to my suspicion for raxxla as a planet, following that screenshot of the supposed translation 'mistake' in the russian version of the codex, where it states "the legendary planet raxxla". here is something i found that support's it too.
apparently, someone asked frontier for a "christmas hint" and received this message:
It may be a typo/not relevant, but ‘planet’ is italicized as PLANET (T is not italicized). Searching for ‘PLANE’ takes you to the LAVE system.
so, not only they did a "mistake" in the russian translation version by stating it's a planet, but also here? what are the odds? hmmmm

source of the image is from this text document, in page 14:

So following on this, if you put PLANET in the search of the galaxy map, it also goes to Lave. Probably because there is the planet literally named Planet Lave, which I find weird because I don't think any other planet in game has the word PLANET in front of it, unless I missed something. Also PLANET and RAXXLA both have 6 letters, weird that they brackets both those words, don't know if that has anything to do with anything, but I just found it weird...
going back to my suspicion for raxxla as a planet, following that screenshot of the supposed translation 'mistake' in the russian version of the codex, where it states "the legendary planet raxxla". here is something i found that support's it too.
apparently, someone asked frontier for a "christmas hint" and received this message:
It may be a typo/not relevant, but ‘planet’ is italicized as PLANET (T is not italicized). Searching for ‘PLANE’ takes you to the LAVE system.
so, not only they did a "mistake" in the russian translation version by stating it's a planet, but also here? what are the odds? hmmmm

source of the image is from this text document, in page 14:
I've always liked that letter. :)
Had what I thought was an odd experience today, and at the time I just wrote it off but it’s been bugging me. I’m severely sleep deprived at the moment (working night shifts) so forgive me if this is a silly question;

Has anyone ever been jumping through systems in the bubble and turned in the UC data, and gotten a congratulations message like a first discovery but no system or body name being listed? Is this a new thing related to Codex discoveries maybe? Or something like a bonus for using under par for probes with the new DSS?

Edit: My route was as follows;

212 Puppis
Puppis Sector EQ-P A5-1
COL 285 Sector KH-L C8-18
COL 285 Sector WY-X B15-2

I have looked back through the systems multiple times and definitely have not first discovered anything. The only planet I mapped is the one in Ithaca.

Edit2: I also remember I had Chara on the page as well, because it was too close to Ithaca to cash in there.
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@BluWolve - youre describing a mixture of things.
1. You only get the name of the 1st discovered etc if you sell each system individually, otherwise you just get a total of x 1st mapped, x 1st discovered etc
2. it is a bug that you get recognised as 1st discoverer when its already discovered - seems to trigger more for 1st discovered by * (stars - spell check filters them outr here * * * * * * *)which I believe is a swear word filter...and now sometimes get it when the 1st discoverer is 'Validating' which is a new one I think.
3. There are unmapped planets in the bubble, possibly some undiscovered if FSS not used so do check, try the 'South' towards Pleiades Sector way for best results (havent gone up and down on the plane much so may be more off the beaten track)

Edit: Also get 1st Discovered in Colonia a lot...like 20-30% of the time, all inhabited, all mapped, most by named players and not Validating - if bug reporting was easier, ie in game, id actually bother more. Anybody in Colonia on PC or PS4? I have a minor mystery needs checking out please (its probably a bug and certainly not Raxxla, just a mini mystery)

Which segues nicely into 'Fernweh' - I looked it up and in Codex its a desire for somewhere never seen (paraphrasing) but according to Wiki it means more of a journey or a longing to travel - may mean both, may be a subtle change, probably means nothing but a 'journey' has been mentioned before.
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So following on this, if you put PLANET in the search of the galaxy map, it also goes to Lave. Probably because there is the planet literally named Planet Lave, which I find weird because I don't think any other planet in game has the word PLANET in front of it, unless I missed something. Also PLANET and RAXXLA both have 6 letters, weird that they brackets both those words, don't know if that has anything to do with anything, but I just found it weird...
Galaxy map does partial searches so PLANET, PLANE and PLAN (eventually, keep clicking >) find Lave.
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