The questionable treatment of Thargoids in the Alnath System

If you want to check this out for yourself, simply plot a course to the Alnath System and go to planet A2 in the Pileades (Might've butchered that) Sector, or if you need help, check out this video by Blind Pew!:

I recently watched a video by Bind Pew on Youtube where he uncovers some of INRA's shady dealings. It was discovered that INRA in the past had captured themselves an actual Thargoid Ship WITH an actual live specimen.

Since the base was run down and ruined, we can make the inference that these events happened quite a while ago.

Right before you come to the data link, you see what looks like mangled and detached Thargoid Ship parts, suggesting that whatever transpired at this particular research base, was not very civilized.

Once one takes a look at the data logs found at the base, it is confirmed that the researchers there tortured and abused the captive specimen with the Mycoid Virus, making it die a long and painful death.

In these logs, it is confirmed that when the Mycoid Virus is introduced to a Thargoid's ship/body, it paralyzes and poisons them, and then slowly eats away at them until they die.

You can also infer that the particular researcher who was writing these logs had a xenophobic and unending resentment for the Thargoids, just from his tone of voice and the way he speaks about them.

The thing is, should we really be worried about this kind of Thargoid, or maybe we should be more concerned with the 2nd kind of Thargoid, which is hinted to be far more agressive than the latter species.

Sure, these "experiments" might help us learn more about the Thargoids in general and help us develop ways to grow ourselves as a species, but is this really the correct way of doing things?

This harrowing discovery makes me fear what the future looks like in terms of Human to Thargoid relations in the future....
Personally I agree with INRA's action regardless of how "inhumane" it might be.

Let's be honest here, we are trying to judge ourselves based on morals and criteria we created that have no basis in anything other than our own subjective experience and social construct from the masses' influence. For all we know the Thargoids have no such sentiment or even a concept similar to the ones we are questioning.

When it comes to inter-species interaction, I would rather first focus on being able to defeat the other species before attempting to befriend it. For example, let's think about our society and its constructs. As an employee, your fulfillment of duty to your employer ensures your pay, which in turn sustains your life. As an employer, your treatment of your employees ensure your company's functionality, which in turn sustains your life.

Mutually assured destruction is a fantastic deterrence. Not to mention we've already seen in our own history of what happens when a group of armed and powerful people interact with those with less power and the ability to defend themselves (refer to the time period of roughly 1500 til 1865).

It's a prisoner's dilemma, the irrational choice of knowing how to screw the other party over (without actually doing it) is the utilitarian answer and I will take that over anything else.
Don't you find it a bit weird how these particular Thargoids don't attack you unless provoked, they just scan you and go about their buisness as normal. They don't want to hurt you, they're just looking for escape pods, why would they be looking for escape pods?

Perhaps they're looking for cryogenically frozen escape pods, namely, the one and only Former Federation President Jasmina Halsy, as once her escape pod was retrieved, I believe it's stated that aliens helped her ship get back (from Jasmina herself, so take anything she says with a grain of salt).

Now, there are a few problems that I can't easily explain with this theory, one, how do we know that it was the Thargoids that helped Star01 (I think that's what her ship was called), which is a fair argument. Secondly, there isn't really much evidence to suggest that it was actually the other variety of Thargoids behind the ship attacks out in the Pileades Sector.

However, one thing just does not sit with me at all, how come these Thargoids do not want to attack us on sight? Surely they must have seen what we have done to the other species of them back during the Thargoid War?

Also, another weird coincidence is that Thargoid activity didn't really start to spark up until the Star01 incident (correct me if I'm wrong on that one)!

Another problem with this theory is why would the Thargoids even bother looking for a very specific person, it would seem like not the smartest idea for an Alien Race to send a massive amount of troops and ships, all to just look for one person?

Still, something just doesn't sit with me. In conclusion, I think that Jasmina Halsy might have more of a connection to the Thargoids than we think she does. Perhaps she actually talked with the Thargoids in some manner or another...
Hey OP, you should read up on the other bases in the INRA sticky thread first post, alnath isn't the only place bad things have happened. Also check the lore for details of the thargoid types - oresisns and klaxians I assume you're talking about. Lots of story to follow.
Personally I agree with INRA's action regardless of how "inhumane" it might be.

Let's be honest here, we are trying to judge ourselves based on morals and criteria we created that have no basis in anything other than our own subjective experience and social construct from the masses' influence. For all we know the Thargoids have no such sentiment or even a concept similar to the ones we are questioning.

When it comes to inter-species interaction, I would rather first focus on being able to defeat the other species before attempting to befriend it. For example, let's think about our society and its constructs. As an employee, your fulfillment of duty to your employer ensures your pay, which in turn sustains your life. As an employer, your treatment of your employees ensure your company's functionality, which in turn sustains your life.

Mutually assured destruction is a fantastic deterrence. Not to mention we've already seen in our own history of what happens when a group of armed and powerful people interact with those with less power and the ability to defend themselves (refer to the time period of roughly 1500 til 1865).

It's a prisoner's dilemma, the irrational choice of knowing how to screw the other party over (without actually doing it) is the utilitarian answer and I will take that over anything else.

I second that.

We have loads of examples of genocide that is approved today by the public as necessary. INRA has done what is necessary.
The treatment of CMDR Jameson on the other hand, that is disgusting.
I am curious to know what History will Decide meant by " But when one has seen, first hand, the effect of their weapons - seen the destruction, the chaos, the bodies - can one be blamed for wanting them to suffer, as we have?

What did he see to inspire such hatred, what did the Thargoids do?

All these threads about how that Thargoids are all innocent and harmless and we the humans are the evil ones, yet they did something to inspired hatred, they did something to make biological warfare not only necessary but our only option;.

All those Warships we now see destoryed had people on, so did the freighters, so did the science ships, so did the Type 9s and the Belugas, all those ships deployed escape pods, the Flowerships collect and get violent if you stop them.

Why did the innocent and harmless Thargoids destroy all those ships, what are the innocent and harmless Thagoids doing with all the occupants of the Escape pods.

Well what ever it is, I am sure an apologist will claim it is INRAs fault and those people in the pods deserve what ever happens to them as the Thargoids are innocent and harmless and misunderstood and it was the people in the Beluga liners that were the evil ones
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I would think its more to do with the nature of humanity more than anything else

Imagine if North and south america had developed technology past the point of the europeans.

Now , here come the europeans raiding and stealing and being idiots, the Americans fight back and decide "these europeans need to go" and launch an all out assault on Europe
destroying as many of our ships as possible while taking no prisoners.
The europeans fight back, but we're outgunned and will swiftly be defeated, we have to win regardless of the method....and the method chosen is that we've found out the americans have no immunity to plague
How long would it have taken for us to decide to send a ship laden with plague to America? 10 seconds? 5?

And the result is genocide 99.9% of the population dies

And the survivors? remembering... waiting... growing.... and then they find out the plague was'nt natural as they thought, but sent by us to them....

In the coming months , it is going to be a very cold winter for humanity..... :eek:

I'm not saying we should eradicate all the Thargoids or that we should ally with them. Maybe we should just observe how they react to humanity and possibly try to communicate with them.

From what I have been researching, the Oresrian variety of Thargoid seems to be fleeing from the Klaxian variety of Thargoids.

As quoted from the Wiki and various in game sources:

"Following the initial conflict between humans and Thargoids, the Oresrians and Klaxians apparently became embroiled in a civil war. Sometime before 3303, the Klaxians gained the upper hand and forced the Oresrians into a slow, continuous retreat across the galaxy, a retreat which will take them directly through human space. The Club has learned that the Oresrians plan to use human civilization as a "bullet shield" to occupy the Klaxians' attention while they escape deeper into space. This poses a potentially apocalyptic threat to humanity's survival.[5]"

Perhaps we should stop focusing on the Oresrian type of Thargoid and put our attention towards the real threat, the Klaxians.

Although, you could make the solid argument that fighting the Oresrians will help us learn and adapt when the Klaxians eventually do reach the inhabited bubble.

However, I don't like the fact that the Oresrians are using us as a bullet shield either...
I am curious to know what History will Decide meant by " But when one has seen, first hand, the effect of their weapons - seen the destruction, the chaos, the bodies - can one be blamed for wanting them to suffer, as we have?

What did he see to inspire such hatred, what did the Thargoids do?

All these threads about how that Thargoids are all innocent and harmless and we the humans are the evil ones, yet they did something to inspired hatred, they did something to make biological warfare not only necessary but our only option;.

All those Warships we now see destoryed had people on, so did the freighters, so did the science ships, so did the Type 9s and the Belugas, all those ships deployed escape pods, the Flowerships collect and get violent if you stop them.

Why did the innocent and harmless Thargoids destroy all those ships, what are the innocent and harmless Thagoids doing with all the occupants of the Escape pods.

Well what ever it is, I am sure an apologist will claim it is INRAs fault and those people in the pods deserve what ever happens to them as the Thargoids are innocent and harmless and misunderstood and it was the people in the Beluga liners that were the evil ones

I don't disagree with anything you stated, however the one thing that is interesting is that we've yet to witness thargoids attack any of those vessels. It's the one thing that I'm curious about with everything going on. Don't get me wrong, the thargs scooping up escape pods (and getting PO'd if you scoop one up in front of them) doesn't tell me they're here "to do no harm", but on the surface it doesn't seem crystal clear.

I think what INRA did to Jameson, whoever orchestrated the Dynasty expedition, there is some undeniable evil there. Perhaps it's collateral damage from a focus on the bigger picture, but it doesn't necessarily make it right.

Unfortunately we really don't know how 'deep' this story goes at this point, I'm hoping that it does continue in this manner. At this point we don't even know if we're dealing with the Oresrians, the Klaxians, or even if there is actually any distinction between them (based on Drew's post a little while back).

There's a shroud of mystery around all of this that I'm really hoping can start to be clarified (and at a bit quicker pace IMO).
Perhaps we should stop focusing on the Oresrian type of Thargoid and put our attention towards the real threat, the Klaxians.

Although, you could make the solid argument that fighting the Oresrians will help us learn and adapt when the Klaxians eventually do reach the inhabited bubble.

However, I don't like the fact that the Oresrians are using us as a bullet shield either...

Except there's another alternative. Since supposedly the Klaxxians aren't here yet, we simply WIPE OUT the Oresians utterly, reverse engineer what technology we can to augment our ships and weapons. And then hope the Klaxxians don't come as they suddenly find a lack of their enemy... and if they do come, they'll find a fleet armed with tech that can hurt them and tactics they've never seen before. Granted Klaxxians probably already know we're here most likely, but since our skirmishes haven't been against them, now would be a good time to make some radical advancements. Between Thargoid tech and Guardian ruins we have the potential to make some very lethal stuff, also we should, since we found the INRA bases and Jamesons ship, be working on a new strain of Mycoid to lace our AX weaponry with, so even if we have to retreat from a Thargoid fight, they are permanently crippled.
Maybe they REALLY don't like snakes. Pythons,,Anacondas,,Adders,,Vipers,,Asps. It's a jungle out there :eek:. I have many friends who also kill them on sight due to fear. Shame really, they're just doing their own thing. Oh and dangerous if provoked :rolleyes:
Or perhaps the thargoids are farming escape pods because they are doing the same type of experimentation on humans to find the human equivalent of the virus?
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