This game is pretty stale...

I'm guessing it's not just me, but I've been quite bored of what this game has to offer. Prepare yourselves because I'm about to rant about opinions, but these opinions are from observations so stick around if you want to, otherwise, TLDR at the bottom. I've been around since maybe 2015, back when the game was a single purchase for $60. Back before the break into horizons (which cost an additional $30, by the way), and obviously before odyssey (yet another $30). Between that and the cosmetics I've dropped about $150 on this game, which is fine. I need to emphasize that, that's my choice. What's not fine is how absolutely mitigated progression is for the road map that is elite dangerous.

It's like a stuck up restaurant: you pay some ridiculous sum for a fancy dish that consists of an apple slice, a chocolate chip, a teaspoon of peanut butter, and a drizzle of carmel syrup most of which isn't even on the 'food'. Then the dessert; an update highlighting a single sprinkle on a platter the size of the table with some powdered sugar on and around it. That's it, sugar coated sugar. It's all the same. No update introduces any new and exciting mechanics to the game. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the last actual entertaining update to the game was engineering simply because it allowed actual customization to a ship and its modules but even that's fallen short because there is a clear course of approach, a "right way", to do things. No one in their right mind is going to bring an ASP scout with cannons engineered for short range to a fight. This is because cannons are 100% outclassed by every other weapon, short range has zero benefits over overcharged on projectile weapons, and because the asp scout blows as a ship.

Clear and obvious balance issues aside, where is the variety? You're telling me humanity has access to alien tech, reverse engineered it, mastered space flight, and become a galaxy spanning civilization, all in the span of 300 years, and developed no more than thirty eight vehicle to traverse all of the galaxy? And in that time of endless conflict, the very crucible from which mankind was forged, we've got literally twenty weapon systems, some of which are literally just copy/paste versions of others. Worse yet, some of these things are TOTALLY USELESS. Enzyme missile racks, flechette launchers, dumbfire missiles, cannons, burst lasers, torpedos, mines... I mean, the only way those things are useful is if you use them so wrong the target simply doesn't expect it.

The missions are all the same. They're not even procedurally generated. They are ALL THE SAME THING with the same rewards rebranded by factions that offer and accomplish absolutely nothing. An assassinate mission, assuming it even works at all, will consist of a terrible pilot in a corvette/cutter/anaconda that and literally be rammed to death at no expense to yourself. Unless of course you're in a wing, at which point the enemy is a der-de-lance and three vultures 100% of the time. The same thing applies to wetwork, deserter, mining, transport, data delivery, every mission available is the same stale gameplay with the same outcome. Even thargoid combat, if you beat one you can beat them all. What's the point? There's only so much money that's useful that the grind simply becomes a session of begging for entertainment.

Well there's an entire galaxy to explore, right? Sure, billions of systems, billions of, you guessed it, exactly the same thing over and over. Oh look, a white star. Oh, a blue one. Look at that, two of them! Oh bonus, a neutron star. It's quite bad when the holy grail of exploration is literally a planet that looks just like earth, is called "earthlike", and you can't even touch the thing. That's it, it's there, onwards to the next system of exactly the same thing. The planets you can land on are all the same retextured experience that have absolutely nothing to do, nothing to see, nothing to experience, and only vary in size, color, gravity, and lighting. It's like No Mans Sky without the added interaction of plant and animal life on the barron rocks you choose to touch down on. Seriously, it's all the boring parts of something that should be wildly entertaining in a nearly infinite galaxy. Even worse is how the scientific knowledge we have actually accumulated hasn't transferred over to the game. A large majority of the known stars in the universe are either not labeled in game, totally wrong, or both. The visuals of nebulae are totally wrong and planets are just completely backwards. Take our solar system for example. We've know what pluto looks like for the better part of 7 years now, almost a decade. Why is it not only off-limits, but a white ball? And why is Charon perfectly round and the one of the two that we CAN land on? You would thing frontier would be all over that when it was all the craze but no, they had additions no one asked for to work on.

I'm not even gonna say too much about the shoot-em-up disguised as a space flight simulator known as odyssey. We asked to walk around on the ships we fly and instead that's the one place you can't walk. What a spit in the face. It's the single grindiest experience I have ever partaken of and the only thing it does is aid in furthering the grind. I've found it easier and more entertaining to avoid walking around all together. It's boring, pointless, and unnecessary. A spectacular waste of time and misuse of content development for a flop of a game mode in the space flight simulator.

The base gameplay itself is growing dull. I'm probably just sour, but warping from place to place at faster-than-light velocities was fun at first, but after the 100th time the visuals and mechanics just got boring, after the 1000th I really just avoid it. Again, we've mastered FTL travel and can pop lightyears between stars but it can take literal hours to get between system destinations. It seems the best way to play the game is to not even play it. Auto-undock, supercruise assist, play a bit of actual game, supercruise assist, auto-dock, repeat. The entertainment of the game is in the combat. Nobody play ED for the trade and smuggling (totally worthless profession, by the way. Some risk, zero reward). Exploration can be pretty at times, but you gotta want that view real bad cause you're gonna have to hunt for it. At the end of the day, we strap into our crash couch and warm up the guns because the only entertainment for miles is the unpredictability of PVP. Only there's no one around and the people who are on use nothing but FDLs and cutters because, again, there is simply a right way to do things and again the only variance is the people doing it comically wrong to challenge themselves or for a laugh.

What I don't understand is how a game can be around for as long as ED has, have the same funding ED has, have the development team ED has, and lack SO MUCH gameplay. This really feels like a skeletal structure of a game that should be in "alpha' for years like star citizen. It's mind-boggling how the updates can be a year apart and introduce next to nothing and require three or four patches to fix the things they broke in the process and fix the bugs that arose from the patch for the patch. The solution is simple: add ships, add weapons, add modules, for **** sake introduce class 3 and 4 railguns. Increase the variety. Introduce specialized ships and modules/weapons that are specialized versions of what already exists if you insist on being lazy. Put NPCs on planets outside of the bubble, generate actual AI to fight and interact with. Don't say it can't be done, modders for space engineers code it for free from their bedrooms. There is a whole pile of EASY EASY crap that could be tapped into but frontier simply refuses to play along and instead insists on polishing that turd of a FPS in the spaceship game. Don't get me wrong, the game is still somewhat fun, but I can only find myself playing with a friend and even then we only ever get an hour or so in before we're off to elsewhere.


TL,DR: Game is a senior citizen, lacks any and all variety despite this, easily remedied. Updates and patches introduce more bugs than orkin could handle, outweighing content in totality. Add some fekking ships and bits and guns please.
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Procedurally generated doesn't have to be dull. FDev could sprinkle all kinds of interesting stuff through the oatmeal.
How about
  • a barnacle site here or there
  • a Guardian monolith
  • an abandoned wreck with some pre-engineered tech that can be salvaged
  • ...
Modular ships sacrificing two internals for one extra big core module . . .
Or open the game up for modding.
This happens when you approach the game in the wrong way. I must admit that FDev does not state clearly what to do with the game, you have to figure it out by yourself. I am deeply convinced that this game is a just a tool for your own narrativ. You need a fairly high ability to abstract and imagine things. But then it works perfect if you are willing and able to put effort in it. Example: GalNet News on Youtube published some Info about a newly discovered Quarantine base in HIP 86908 some days ago. So what to do with this Info? Just go there and look? Ignore it? ...What did i do? I constructed a narrativ around this. Wrote a mail (yes a mail) to my squadron members in that i tell about a conference we had in our company office in our home starport. An imperial Research institute has launched a science and survey satellite months ago into the Region. That satellite two weeks ago reported about unknown, propably human origin, heatsignatures and Signals from Planet 3A in HIP 86908. All research by the institute gave no clue or hint about this in their archives etc. So they contracted us to investigate. The intelligence chief of our company get into Detail... since there are other carriers already in the system, i wrote (RPing the Intel chief) that the satellite Data could have been leaked by eventual hacking or a spy within in the institute. So carefull on the Spot because other groups seems to be interested in that discovery as well and could be hostile. So, two cmdrs had travel there and investigate. Of course they need to back-brief the Rest of the squadron and our Board of directors, as well as writing a report for the imperial institute. ... More or less i do this with every interesting thing in the game, it works for wars, community goals, discovered surface thargoids site and all kind of news we get through the sources available. From my point of view that is how ED should be played. You could almost create a campaign out of this, just not scripted by FDev, in fact by yourself
"I want a spaceship with a view"
im sorry what did you expect swarms of lavian treegrub movin majestically through the forrest vistas that haven't been coded in yet...….
elite is a flat galaxy sim and yea it has little depth its you and who you play with that gives it any really
for any real depth try exo one demo on steam ;)(that was a joke btw I am not even sure the devs know how deep that game goes)
at least they got the charging in the storm clouds right just like a real tic tac uap doesn't
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stale, yet I see no developers making anything newer or better or even similar
history is full of various flight sims.
all gathering dust
this one is not, I wonder why?

so many want so much, very few are creating what some of us want.
If a person can do better, they should.

I like the marriage analogy

It is a huge flaw in certain types.
some, like me react quickly and do NOT keep things bottled up.
some like to save it all up for the dramatics.

I have to say again though, a lot of complaints. and no real substance, a simple rant.

You apparently enjoyed it at one time. Now you can't.
And in that time of endless conflict, the very crucible from which mankind was forged, we've got literally twenty weapon systems, some of which are literally just copy/paste versions of others. Worse yet, some of these things are TOTALLY USELESS. Enzyme missile racks, flechette launchers, dumbfire missiles, cannons, burst lasers, torpedos, mines...

I've used flechettes, they rather niche but nice. They also nicely used in an out of combat scenario - to peel off materials in a barnacle forest on in a crystalline shard forest.
I've also used dumbfires, really nice to clean up someone's internals if you put penetrator payload on them.. nice aoe and they can hit multiple mrp at the same time
Torps are nice - one funny way to deal with those pesky shield tanks.

The missions are all the same. They're not even procedurally generated

Dom had a nice stream where they explained how missions are generated, pretty informative.

Well there's an entire galaxy to explore, right? Sure, billions of systems, billions of, you guessed it, exactly the same thing over and over. Oh look, a white star. Oh, a blue one. Look at that, two of them! Oh bonus, a neutron star. It's quite bad when the holy grail of exploration is literally a planet that looks just like earth, is called "earthlike", and you can't even touch the thing. That's it, it's there, onwards to the next system of exactly the same thing.

There are rare things out there.
And there are systems with rather unusual orbital mechanics.
Not at last - it is pure exploration - you get to be the first one there... not to be the tenth or the millionth...

Nobody play ED for the trade

I'd say a lot do.
And then we have the odd trading CG that gets everyone in a frenzy... like one of the last CG

the only entertainment for miles is the unpredictability of PVP. Only there's no one around and the people who are on use nothing but FDLs and cutters because, again, there is simply a right way to do things and again the only variance is the people doing it comically wrong to challenge themselves or for a laugh.

There is an active PVP community and they know how to find eachother.
I dont play ED for the pvp, but there are people that are doing it exclusively for it

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the last actual entertaining update to the game was engineering

I'd say the last one was carrier interiors (and bar tender player to player EDO materials trading)

I'm probably just sour,

Yep, you definitely are.
If Elite is turning you into a pickle, it's a sign you need to find something else to play
Most of the smartasses here saying "if you don't like it, don't play it" irritate me immensely. Just the kind of discuteers ED forum doesn't need. We should strive for betterment of the game, not preserving the staleness.
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Most of the smartasses here saying "if you don't like it, don't play it" irritate me immensely. Just the kind of discuteers E:D forum doesn't need. We should strive for betterment of the game, not preserving the staleness.
Thats the point its not stale, there's plenty to do if you are interested in doing it.
Maybe folks that rant that there is nowt to do should just play something else for a few nights then come back 🤷‍♂️

I think if a game that was basically Elite and all its technological processes, (such as system scanning etc), merged with the atmospheric, taxidermy, environmental content we see in No man's Sky, then that's pretty much the game of the century.

I am interested in Elite primarily because of the 80's nostalgia, realised in modern form, but also the technical elements to piloting a space ship; Fuel scooping, station-hopping, the technical way you have to dock onto a pad, (no- I don't have stabilizers on any of my ships), Checking off all the Biological and Geological things. There are many scientific and technical features that I find very attractive and interesting, if only something actually came out of performing those initial actions; mostly it's related to collecting materials for the great grind. Yeah- I'm kind of getting fed up of that now. So some content is getting out of reach and out of interest - the excitement is fading and actual desire to see the fruits of many years of grinding is starting to get annoying. Something to be aware of.

I have actually gotten bored out of my brain with the missions. Like OP says, it really is just like ground hog day, the same thing and nothing different in any way. Even the places you go are identical, exactly the same designs and exactly the same copy/paste technology. I do, however, find mining in planetary rings one of my favourite activities. Mainly because of the satisfaction of blowing up an asteroid following a risky, tricky process of planting explosives and detonating them.

The whole process of playing ship yoyo-jousting with an adversary just makes my eyes water. It gets old FAST. Maybe I need to try to get fighters to work properly.

There really needs to be some variety. I haven't got a clue who's a pirate and who's a bounty hunter, only for the little decal on side of station or ship or, suit. Buildings, outfits, ships, are IDENTICAL.. EVERYWHERE. That leads me on to the ARX store, which is pretty much devoid of actual variety, if not for the colours of the copy/pasted items. Same items, just given a different name and colour. That's not really acceptable. Which is why I've not spent a penny in years, because it's not worth it, and what there is should already be a feature of the game, like it is in other games.

Expecting me to come up with my own game story line and quests seems to be the new attitude of game publishers. I can go play in a sand pit if I want to do that. I'm looking for something out of this world, not some identical, wooden blocks to play with, then being told to make my own game out of it.

Horizons introduced airless, barren moons we could land on - Okay, but if that's all it's going to be then that wasn't worth it.
Odyssey - well, I don't think there's any point commenting on it, right now, because it doesn't even work. There are game breaking bugs all over it that renders it unplayable at the moment. I'm sure devs are aware, looking at the issue tracker, so I'd rather they took their time addressing it, and not feel pressured to rush it all out - which I get the feeling they have felt looking at the extent, depth and overall quality of the update content over the years.

It's not a lack of things in the game, I think my issue I have is the lack of depth applied to the content.
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