Buildings & Attractions Tiny dinosaur display building

Dinosaurs like the Composnathus and the Microceratops are too small to be in the wilds of the enclosures. How about a building specifically made just for them and others? Select it, place it down, connect it to a path and power it up, and presto. Here's a rough diagram and some notes.

The dinosaurs need to be acquired like the other ones, digging up their bones to get DNA, with how to unlock them depending. When looking at the building normally you'll only see rough models of the dinosaurs displayed, clicking it and selecting the option to look closely gives a special view with the HD models and behaviors. PA voiceovers describing the species shown also play like in the Gryosphere and Tour.

Aside from the Compsognathus and Microceratus, which other littlesaurs would you like to see in such a building? Keep in mind that dinosaurs that are a maximum of a meter tall or waist-high to the guests, whichever is easier to measure, would be best for the exhibit. This includes things like the very small species of ankylosaur/nodosaur who only grew about two/three feet tall.
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