Tips & Suggestions: 'Galaxy Map' with OR

It's not you, it's some of the smallest text in the game and thus, limited by the resolution of the rift a lot sooner.

I have my reset rift position in an easy to click spot on my HOTAS that won't affect my usage other times, so one trick I do, is move my head a bit, reset the rift position to this new head placement, read the text I need, and and then reset back
Since I have it as a quick switch, it's quite quick and don't have to think about it much. It is NOT a fix, simply a work around, but that's the price of being an early adopter sometimes.

It's also the same method I use when I want to take an extended look at the back of the ship without losing tracking from turning my head all the way round.
Thanks for the replies.... Glad it's not just me :)

I thought it was "Look directly at the green line, not straight ahead?

Yes, I remember that in the first DK1 you had to look straight, now in both it says to look at the line, but I tried the Old way and I find it more confortable. Before I was also seeing a lost of detail playing for long time or relaxing, but doing it looking straight it goes away.
I think it increases the FOV, you are free to try, maybe it's only me :D
How to config hotas for system and galaxy view in DK2?

Hi guys and girls,

I've been looking around, but didnt find anything yet.

I'm running DK2+X55 Hotas, and trying to figure out what you do.

As all of you who run DK2, the galaxy view and system view are simply unusable using mouse input. The click point is random, and especially system view is impossible to operate.

So has anyone some good tips to configurations for make the 2 views remotely usable?

Hi Catpain and others - definitely good info and just what I needed.

Primary take away is, that you can configure the axis without ruining your game setup. So I used one of the hats combined with the joystick + some throttle keys to get all zoom, translate and pitch/yaw stuff setup. ALMOST usable now. Just a little slower really, and the translation hat works WONDERS in system view
ALMOST usable now. Just a little slower really, and the translation hat works WONDERS in system view

Really? I'm surprised to hear that - the system map is the one thing I exclusively use with the mouse. Mouse wheel for zooming and both buttons held to move the cursor - works like a charm for me.

Generally spoken, I really enjoy the map in the rift - however I have never used it on a screen (only played ~5 hours in premium beta before receiving the rift in early August).
Galaxy Map -> This is how you use it (for those who don't know)

As I just read people are frustrated it does not work on VR, here is how I use it.
It works just fine.

The galactic map only has one flaw left (in comparison to mouse/keyboard)
Entering text is very difficult with the VR headset on. We'd need some sort of onscreen keyboard that can be used with head movements.

Aside from that it's perfectly useable if you spend a few minutes learning it.

1. map your joystick buttons so you can rotate, pan, zoom, select, and change layer height. (look in settings)
- for rotation use a small analog stick if you have it on your HOTAS (on Warthog I have a small analog button on left side free for that)
2. change your graphical settings so it is smooth, on 980 SLI you need medium settings at 1440p (oO)
3. now open galaxy map and the first thing you do is rotate the view so you are looking from an angle like 60° down to your current position
- You will notice that there is a plane which you can change in height (has an own button for up and down)
If you change height then all stars move up or down, your VIEW is always on this vertical centered plane !
- On this plane you will notice a selection circle, you can move it with another one of your joystick controls in 2D space (perfectly on the plane)
- You will also notice that all stars which are somewhat close to that center-plane have a small line going up or down into the plane, it shows how much vertical distance they have.
4. Now use that selection circle and move it to the position where the stars line is intersecting with the center-plane -> you just selected the star.
- You can now use the UI left/right buttons to choose route/system map/etc
- on the left UI element you have a "View" tab which shows the information about the selected star.

This works hasslefree and very easy, with a mouse you will not be much faster once you got it out and it feels good to use it.

System map:
The system map works as well as the galaxy map. Here the buttons for "zoom" and "panning" are functional.
You have the same sort of selector, just this time you do not move it in 3D space, you move it in 2D space as the system map is 2D.
You just move it over a planet or station and you see the information.
Very easy to use, if there was no delay/lag in activating the system map it would be perfect ;)
100% agree with OP.

Both the Galaxy and System maps are perfectly usable in the Rift. The Galaxy map actually gives me some slight vertigo when looking about (mainly down).

I would even go so far as to say that text input is not difficult. The small gap between bottom of HMD and nose makes keyboard use acceptable as I can see what Im doing.
I've glasses :) I can't see anything through that gap without hassle.

I hope they did not give up on VR features, nothing happened for quite a while for Oculus support.
An onboard keyboard where you just have to look at the keys should not be that difficult to implement (just a virtual overlay). That would solve input issues.
100% agree with OP.

Both the Galaxy and System maps are perfectly usable in the Rift. The Galaxy map actually gives me some slight vertigo when looking about (mainly down).

I would even go so far as to say that text input is not difficult. The small gap between bottom of HMD and nose makes keyboard use acceptable as I can see what Im doing.

Yup the gap! I know exactly what you're talking about. It's what I use to find my drink and snacks. Haven't tried typing through it yet though lol.
I would point out, do NOT turn on the galaxy map while you are in the commodities market. It makes the map super slow in the rift.
100% agree with OP.

Both the Galaxy and System maps are perfectly usable in the Rift. The Galaxy map actually gives me some slight vertigo when looking about (mainly down).

I would even go so far as to say that text input is not difficult. The small gap between bottom of HMD and nose makes keyboard use acceptable as I can see what Im doing.

I do that too but a virtual keyboard would be great. Better still Leap Motion support for the ultimate VR keyboard experience!
While this recipe works, it does not reduce the need for FD to fix the mouse cursor in the galaxy map.

I can't agree on that one.
Normall I agree that any bug should be sorted out (and they ignore all the VR bugs since pre release, it's not a priority anymore since so many non VR customers bought it)

However, mouse and keyboard are not an input for VR.
VR is all around immersion and being able to control your game without looking at your physical environment, that ruins immersion
The game is built for HOTAS, the cockpit features HOTAS and it allows to blindly control the whole game (with anoying exception to ESC and keyboard input in searches)

As long as the menus are perfectly controlled with HOTAS there is no need for a mouse support in 3D space. There are far more important things to do for FD than that.
However there are some small glitches with the galaxy controls left, and the starting screen in VR should already be in "isometric" position.
Here's a quick video I put up showing how I manage to navigate using Rift.
I just found out something that may be useful. The search function of the galaxy map accepts pasted values. Assigning a button to Ctrl+V means you can prepare a destination before you don your helmet. Or you could do what I done seeing as I don't have a fancy HOTAS: my "Voice Attack" now has "paste" as a command.
For entering text, I use the secondary screen for streaming/recording, and if I lift the rift i cant still read on my monitor to type in text.

This is how I navigate with mine:

Galaxy Map in Oculus.

Hey CMDR's & Dev's.

I'v been doing a lot of trading using my Oculus recently. I really enjoy the experience for the most part. I just need the devs to add one feature.(I've asked before, and thought it was time to do it again).

Can you add a small clickable list of last travelled systems? This would make trading, and using the galaxy map so much easier when using the Rift. Most of my trading is between 2 systems, and continually having to type the 2 names over and over again is incredibly cumbersome when wearing the device.

I hope a nice and understanding, VR using dev reads this and takes pity.

Happy Space Trucking all.
Hey CMDR's & Dev's.

I'v been doing a lot of trading using my Oculus recently. I really enjoy the experience for the most part. I just need the devs to add one feature.(I've asked before, and thought it was time to do it again).

Can you add a small clickable list of last travelled systems? This would make trading, and using the galaxy map so much easier when using the Rift. Most of my trading is between 2 systems, and continually having to type the 2 names over and over again is incredibly cumbersome when wearing the device.

I hope a nice and understanding, VR using dev reads this and takes pity.

Happy Space Trucking all.

If you have Voice attack you can try my ships computer, it has about 3000 commands, many are designed for the Rift.

For routes, you simply say 'Outbound route' or 'inbound route' depending on the leg you are flying. It will type the route for you and select the system. The template is already done, just modify it for your own route. I've also added all the main systems and the major rare goods systems.

Failing that you can just tell it what to type - The whole alphabet and numbers are in there.

Works well, at least until the devs come up with something COMPUTER 2015 V 2-Profile.vap?dl=0
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