Thanks 777. I'll give it a go first thing in morning. I have 20 million credits to go until Anaconda, and this will help a great deal. All i need now is a way to drink coffee without steaming up the Rift
Thanks 777. I'll give it a go first thing in morning. I have 20 million credits to go until Anaconda, and this will help a great deal. All i need now is a way to drink coffee without steaming up the Rift
No worries, I'm gong to spend an hour or so organizing the profile tonight. I need to put some descriptions and category's in, the profile was built purely for my own use.
Hopefully the functions within the Galaxy Map will be improved. There's also a wee trick that Michael Brookes has added to make life easier for us. The search box accepts pasted text. When I yell "PASTE!" at my ship, Voice Attack performs a Ctrl-V and pastes in the text I've stored in my clipboard.
I got the galaxy map bound to a voice attack command, so getting it open is no problem.. However, I can't navigate the thing since the mouse doesn't show up.. I mean, yes, I can move up and down / left right over the systems, etc.. with the keyboard, but how do I search for a system? I'm not able to get over to that left sidebar to do anything.. I'm assuming once I make it over to that sidebar I can search for a system name, then hop back over the galaxy portion and plot a route?
What about filtering systems by population, etc..?
This is just really hard to do with the DK2 on.. Am I missing some easy steps? I'd love to hear how you all manage to search for a system and plot a route, etc.. while using the Rift.. I can't figure it out. For now I'm memorizing routes and using the left UI panel (contacts, etc..) to jump between systems manually, selecting each new system by hand.
Edit - It was a problem on my end. A reboot brought the mouse back.
Why doesn't your mouse show up? My mouse pops right up in both the system/galaxy maps, as well as inside starport services. Even if you DO get the mouse to pop up in the galaxy map, selecting a system can be tricky. There are a bunch of tricks that i have figured out for myself, and can work it pretty easily. You can't click on anything out there that you see, you have to type the name of the system into the search box, even if it is right there off to the side. THEN you can usually (usually) click the system to select it/navigate to it.
Thanks! I guess that's my first issue to look into.. Now that I know the mouse should be there Not sure why it's not, it doesn't show up in the game options / start screen either.. perhaps there's an option to turn it off when using the Rift.. i'll double check that.
Edit.. Hrm.. Hardware Cursor (graphics), and Headlook Mouse (controls) are two suspects.. I'll need to dig into it when I can get the rift setup tonight.
Thanks! They're already bound to keys, I just can't get from moving around the galaxy to the left sidebar to search for a system (because my mouse doesn't appear). I don't know how to get to it visually, so navigating via keys around in space doesn't help much.
Thanks! They're already bound to keys, I just can't get from moving around the galaxy to the left sidebar to search for a system (because my mouse doesn't appear). I don't know how to get to it visually, so navigating via keys around in space doesn't help much.
I believe the Left / Right Panel (GUI) binds should do the trick. When I open up the System Map, I click over Right (2 I think) to Navigation, then use the Down (GUI) bind to get to the search box, then the Select (GUI) bind, then I can use the keyboard to type in the system name.
I believe the Left / Right Panel (GUI) binds should do the trick. When I open up the System Map, I click over Right (2 I think) to Navigation, then use the Down (GUI) bind to get to the search box, then the Select (GUI) bind, then I can use the keyboard to type in the system name.
Your GUI navigation buttons work in the Galaxy Map. If you've highlighted a system and have that pop-up panel with the "Select" "Navigate" "System Map" etc buttons showing, you need to press LEFT, and then the focus will be on the side bar. Press RIGHT again to go back to that.
You'll need completely separate keys to navigate the map itself though, but it's the GUI buttons that control the panel. Works in the usual way up/down/left/right and left/right tab buttons.
But the key is pressing LEFT to get to it first. Same for the system map
I keep hearing, over and over, how people don't know how to use the galaxy map and the rift. It's really easy, so I'm just imagining that they haven't got a hold of how you do it without the mouse. I've not known any other way seeing as I've never used anything but the rift. So here's how:
Note: In this explanation, I will be using the following terms:
Navigation keys - these refer to your keys for navigating menus, up down left and right. Tab keys - these refer to your next and previous keys that are used to switch tabs in menus. Lateral thrust keys - the keys you used to thrust laterally left and right Activate button - whatever button you use to select items in the menu Cancel button - or your "back" button
Ok so what are you using? Joystick/Xbox Controller/Keyboard. Using each is all basically the same.
Set your galaxy map controls so that-
When you hold a button (preferably on the stick rather than the hotas) your stick controls yaw and pitch, your Navigation buttons control x and y translation, your tab keys control z translation and your lateral thrust keys control zooming. Use that as a guide and change it to whatever you want.
When you let go of the button, you'll be able to use your navigation and tab keys to manipulate the banner and floating menus. See the red section below for the most important tip about this.
Xbox Controller:
The default is perfect-
You use the left stick for x and y translation, the right stick for pitch and yaw, you hold X to use the right stick for z translation and the LS and RS for zooming (I think that's right).
The D-pad, LB and RB are all used exclusively to manipulate the banner and floating menus. See the red section below for the most important tip about this.
Keyboard and Mouse:
Forget the mouse. It is nothing to you here!
Assign any keys you like to x/y/z translation, pitch, yaw and zoom. Just remember the important thing is to make sure that none of them are the same as the keys you use for your Navigation and Tab keys. So WSAD for one and arrow keys for the other is a suggestion.
Now the most important thing for your brain to get around is that there are three input "states" that you change between automatically and you need to know how to get from one to the other:
1. Map navigation. This begins whenever you make some kind of movement on the map.
2. Banner Menu navigation. This begins whenever you press your "left" navigation key as defined above. You have to press it several times if you are in the third state.
3. Floating Menu navigation. This begins whenever you click on a system and the floating menu appears, or if you press the "right" navigation key when you are in the second state (and the floating menu is already there because you've selected a system).
So a standard work-flow of plotting a route in the galaxy map is like this:
1. You open it
2. You zoom out and look for your system
3. You can't find it so you click "left" navigation and then "right" tab to get to the navigation tab of the menu banner.
4. You go down using the "down" navigation button until the search field is highlighted.
5. You click your activate button
6. You touch-type or lift your rift and type the name with one hand (the only annoying thing about this)
7. You click your activate button again
8. You press your "left" navigation button again to get back to the menu banner,
9. You go down with the "down" navigation button until you've selected "Fastest route"
10. You press the "right" navigation button a couple of times until the Plot Route button is highlighted on the floating system menu
11. You click your activate button an the route is plotted.
12. You use any of your galaxy map navigation controls to look around the local area before you press your cancel button to get out of the galaxy map.
It takes a long time to explain something that's actually really simple. In many ways it's probably easier than using the mouse and keyboard on a 2D screen once you get your head round the differences.
I didn't have any default pad config for the galaxy map- possibly because my config was a custom variant of the FD X-55 config? Not sure.. anyway, I used these instructions to add the mappings quickly and painlessly:
The only issue I have with the Galaxy Map and Rift is when I am rotating the map around when it is about half-way zoomed out, and see some interesting system floating in space, perhaps within 1000ly from from where I am. There is no easy way to select that system to see what it is and possibly plot route to it. I have tried to use the navigation keys to move the cursor closer to that target, but I can't seem to find that target again as soon as I start moving around the map.
This is why I switch back to monitor use every now and then, especially when trying to figure out where to go next.
Other than that, as you say in your step-by-step list, it is not difficult to plot your route once you know the name of your target system.
Many thanks for taking the time. I've now headed out in to the dark void of space in an ill equipped but sexy (Apollo White) Asp explorer. Help with the Galaxy Map is greatly appreciated.
As a quick side note - The Rift is the perfect way to experience exploration. Some sights seen through the bubble cockpit of an Asp are jaw dropping in VR. Plus the lack of ships in deep space means judder largely vanishes.
The only issue I have with the Galaxy Map and Rift is when I am rotating the map around when it is about half-way zoomed out, and see some interesting system floating in space, perhaps within 1000ly from from where I am. There is no easy way to select that system to see what it is and possibly plot route to it. I have tried to use the navigation keys to move the cursor closer to that target, but I can't seem to find that target again as soon as I start moving around the map.
This is why I switch back to monitor use every now and then, especially when trying to figure out where to go next.
Other than that, as you say in your step-by-step list, it is not difficult to plot your route once you know the name of your target system.
Many thanks for taking the time. I've now headed out in to the dark void of space in an ill equipped but sexy (Apollo White) Asp explorer. Help with the Galaxy Map is greatly appreciated.
As a quick side note - The Rift is the perfect way to experience exploration. Some sights seen through the bubble cockpit of an Asp are jaw dropping in VR. Plus the lack of ships in deep space means judder largely vanishes.
I didn't have any default pad config for the galaxy map- possibly because my config was a custom variant of the FD X-55 config? Not sure.. anyway, I used these instructions to add the mappings quickly and painlessly:
re. #3. You can't find it so you click "left" navigation and then "right" tab to get to the navigation tab of the menu banner.
Just a warning for new people trying this: since the last couple of updates, I found there is a delay of a 2-5 seconds after the galaxy map opens before you can select the navigation TAB in the menu (it probably has a lot of data to load). It might give you the impression it isn't working.
I have the hotas.x setup. I spent about a half hour getting it to work with the joystick and throttle stick, its pretty intuitive for me now..
Its great for sorta flying around the galaxy map.. and seems to select things very easily. The hat can pick out the location options.. select, route etc.
For using navigation search, I depend on the ED trade tool to pick my locations.. so i set it up so I can easily pop out to a browser and get the info I want.. while remaining in VR.
Start virtual desktop
Start voice attack
Setup voice attack with CTRL+C "copy that", CTRL+V "paste here" and ALT+TAB "alt tab" commands.
Open a web browser in virtual desktop.. find a site with information about systems. I use the ED Trade Tool page...
Launch ED
When in galaxy map tell Voice attack to "alt tab" this will bring you out of ED and into Virtual Desktop
Grab mouse and find your browser window. Select the text you want to copy.
tell Voice Attack to "copy this"
go back into ED
Go to the navigation window in the galaxy map
Select the field and tell Voice attack to "paste here"
now search for that system.
I can click the fire button to "select the system" and use the the hat switch to chose the route option..