Full-Version (1.4.0 Beta1) released:
- Added completely reworked Personal panel showing rank progress, ship loadout, credit overview, active bounties, notes, crews and history graphs.
- Added small rework Trade Overview, Market and Location Database panel
- Added new Cargo panel to track your current cargo load.
- Added new Cartography Database panel showing scanned data of stars and bodies, incl. star system survey.
- Added Faction, Faction State and colored Security Level to the Position Display, when traveling.
- Added processing of 70 events from the new journal.
- Added processing of unprocessed journal files at start up of TCE.
- Added Faction, Faction State, Goverment and Security Level to Navigation, Trade Overview and Market Database panel.
- Added Cash History graph to the Personal panel, click the category for displaying.
- Added Commodity Info panel incl. Commodity Average Price History to the Commodity panel, click a commodity to display it.
- Added new income categories to the cash overview of the reworked Personal panel.
- Added Crew overview and automatic commission deduction of certain income at the reworked Personal panel.
- Added automatic adjustment of the current Jump Limit, depending on cargo load at the reworked Personal panel.
- Added new player.data file, which stores most player informations. The TCE_Personal.db file now stores secondary data, e.g. all notes.
- Added more game/TCE data to the TCE.config file.
- Added TCE-Relay (V.35 beta) extension to the TCE installation.
- Added TCE-Relay price update button to the Launcher. Click it to update market prices by using online EDDB/EDDN data.
- Added reduced overall memory usage.
- Added version number of installed extensions at the Launcher.
- Added persistance of filter settings for star systems and region summary, when changing between them at the Navigation panel.
- Added improved overall work performance of the Navigation panel.
- Added fade in/out of Main UI, when HIDE TCE key is pressed.
- Added Event Reporter displaying event informations and more.
- Added beta Text-To-Speech system for events. Activate it at the Options panel.
- Added storing of uncollected bounties. They are displayed at the Personal panel.
- Added automatic fade out of UI interface on interdictions.
- Added option to automatically connect to EDMC when docked at a registered market.
- Added option to let EDMC (V2.17) send the market data to EDDN.
- Added 'Visualize' button to the Summary panel.
- Added improved performance on read/write operations of large databases.
- Added last sound to finalize SoundFX.
- Added updated unregistered market database, holding now 49k markets, thanks to Supporter 'flat'.
- Added error corrected star system database for names and coordinates, thanks to Supporter 'flat'.
- Added salvage commodities to Database.
- Added star system name, distance to star and stock level informations at the Route Finder Panel.
- Added Minimap for planetary flights to find stored planetary locations much easier.
- Added stock level to the export tab at the Trade Overview panel.
- Added reworked Route Finder panel to show more data about a route.
- Added hiding the reworked filter setting display at the Route Finder Panel.
- Added export of visited star system names to ED on quit of TCE.
- Added Beluga ship type and picture.
- Added bunch of translation text, russian and spanish incomplete.
- Added TCE Manual for TCE V1.40+.
- Removed Sector ID display from the Position Display, showing the body name instead, you are close to.
- Removed manual Jump Range selection of the Navigation panel. It is now handled automatically.
- Removed the selection of an unregistered market from the Market Database panel. It is now automatically selected, when adding an market.
- Removed 'minimized on start' options for support panels (Waypoints, Summary and Cargo). They always start minimized now.
- Removed the obsolete Star System Database panel.
- Removed the Credit Balance panel and moved the overview into the new Personal panel.
- Fixed an issue when detecting actual resolution, TCE takes data now from the virtual screen size, not only from the primary screen.
- Fixed a bug with Preview Route at the Route Finder panel.
- Fixed a small HUD color bug.
- Fixed a bug in updating the Summary panel.
- Fixed a bug with the clipboard.
- Fixed a bug when highlighting an entry in a list.
- Fixed a bug when storing price data from EDMC and the market name differs from your current.
- Fixed a bug when upgrading a database at the launcher.
- Fixed an issue with the installation of TCE, if no C:\ drive is present.
- Fixed an issue when exiting ED and TCE stays hidden.
- Fixed an issue in sizing the Main UI, when using a resolution below 1920x1080.
This version is only for users, who participate in the ED 1.7/2.2 Beta. If you don't participate, it is not fully functional.
Because of the beta status of TCE, you may encounter bugs or crashes. If so, please report back, provide the relevant journal file and database, if possible or required.
Please consult the updated manual for more information about the new features or make a post with your question.