If the Powerplay Maintenance Update happens alongside Beyond Chapter 4 we are toying with the idea of doing a Powerplay news service/cycle update video for our group and the wider Elite Dangerous community. To practice, and to test feasibility, we are currently attempting a largely development orientated 'dry' news service, ie one that does not feature community events, ship reviews etc (there are pros out there that do that kind of thing). Anyway, the latest attempt is below and if there are only minor problems with it frankly that would be incredible, but considering the crash course in video production that has occured I personally am rather pleased with what has been produced!


CMDR Justinian Octavius
3.1.2 Patch Notes 'News Bulletin'

Here's the 3.1.2 patch 'news bulletin.' The production went better, 'news anchor' (me) still needs work! But practice makes perfect as the saying goes.


CMDR Justinian Octavius
Dev News: PMF Application Website

Some news on the PMF application portal/website that is being worked on by FDev.


CMDR Justinian Octavius
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