Two years today. Remember Salome - Text Cyphers

Blueprints have legends and possibly numbered inserts of text. Feature 1 details, feature 2 details, etc.

Palimpsests have multiple layers, and possibly the layers can be separated and numbered, separating the text.

Julio Cortazar's Hopscotch novel has this cover, which shows a possible way to order numbers 1 through 0.
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abcdefhiklmnopqrstuwxyACDEFGHIKLMOPQRSTVWZ 124567890_ missing(0): gjvzBJNUXY3 (11) Puzzle
abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDFHIJLOPQSTUWY .,“”—á Missing(0) jEGKMNRVXZ (10) Poem *(11) if you count white space potentially.

^This may be wrong. I didn't do part of the text comparison correctly.

Here is a list of non zero characters from each. The top is the puzzle. The bottom is the poem. The Bolded characters are the one missing from the other list. The non shared values. If you ignore the special characters and numbers and only look at a-z and A-z(treating them as all unique) then each line has 7 values shared. They also have the exact same ammount of characters when considering a-z and A-Z... It's a bit curious. Might be a way to translate it.

Non shared characters:


This setup makes it very interesting and almost look solvable with how everything the the alphabet range matches up properly and is similar in number.

Still going over the characters to see how much I can infer about their replacements and shifting. I think each character was shifted separately. That is why ceaser doesn't work. It may be based on fibonacci or something. Trying to find patterns or anything that makes sense.

Alo looking at combined and seperate character bases for upper and lower case to look for clues. Some things are obvious like s and a have to be few characters in the puzzle because they are the only ones with enough characters to have more than in the poem.
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Here are my ideas based on the clues and what @mach10 has said.

I've shared a spreadsheet that shows my workings. I believe the code should be broken down in to three sets; numbers, capitals and lower case letters. The image's left hand text is rotated so I rotated the right hand text the same way. This makes it a bit more readable and I can make out a few words such as plei(d)e(s) but I don't have a method of filling in the (d) and (s) so it's probably a red herring.

I think to solve the puzzle you need to move through it in a similar way to the SRYERBEEACDCIAAEJXDF0 puzzle. But where do you start and what is the pattern? Maybe this is what Mach10 meant by "concentrate on the numbers". It also appears that it took Mach10 a while to work it all out even when it is said to be a simple puzzle.

“In quoting others, we cite ourselves.” — Julio Cortázar
What does this mean? Well, it suggests that we only see/read/remember what we want to. But what does it mean to the puzzle? It appears that the penny dropped on this clue for Mach10 so maybe we should consider it in a different way? Eg. Could "Quoting" refer to characters in the puzzle which we require to work it out? Does it mean that using the left hand text allow us to work out the right hand text? Working out the cypher was too easy but maybe we need to use the encryed text to work out the rest of the puzzle?

What's with the left hand text being in the handwritten script? Is this a clue or just a way to make a simple puzzle not so simple?

Mach10 also said that it's in the numbers. I don't see an obvious pattern. I printed off the script on to two pieces of paper and overlaid them lining up on the pairs of the same number. I thought that maybe some of the letters would match up spelling a word but I got nothing.

Still working it out
What's with the left hand text being in the handwritten script? Is this a clue or just a way to make a simple puzzle not so simple?

Hard to explain Julio Cortázar my best translation is "we reference/reflect ourselves using others quotes." I would assume this refers to the Soliloquy being used as the quote and we have to cite it to the cipher some how.

That's my understanding
I think puzzle text is backwards. I've been comparing words and you run into this:

u dAcH1

While a

The only two comparable objects in the puzzle.This woud mean the text is backwards then scrambled or swapped somehow. Either moved around or using a hex like code with capital lowercase and numbers etc. Possibly punctuation and stuff.

then again:

w 1un

I can

It couls also be this. I forgot about that character.
— Julio

Or if you take out the numbers first you get:

I fear
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I think puzzle text is backwards. I've been comparing words and you run into this:

u dAcH1

While a

The only two comparable objects in the puzzle.This woud mean the text is backwards then scrambled or swapped somehow. Either moved around or using a hex like code with capital lowercase and numbers etc. Possibly punctuation and stuff.

then again:

w 1un

I can

It couls also be this. I forgot about that character.
— Julio

Or if you take out the numbers first you get:

I fear

So what Drew made some of the ciphers go clockwise for certain lines?
So what Drew made some of the ciphers go clockwise for certain lines?

Maybe in all directions? My current hypothesis is that the numbers indicate how to read the text (upward, downward, left, right). I'll go on exploring this idea.
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Atm I'll be working number positioning I can only assume the total of number you move the first letter into the certain spot
Ex. if the total of number is 103 you move the first letter to the spot 103 then every letter should follow after that in a 103 spot. Then with every number you used you delete which I believe becomes a Space between each ciphered word.
I noticed two things:

1: 22 numbers in the puzzle.
2: 22 capital letters in the poem.

This does not work if they are a direct 1:1 per value. But:

3: 16 unique capital letters in the poem.

This equats to hexadecimal. And it could be used to get less than 16 unique characters depending on application. Or in general.


Could these characers be part of a hex code encryption method. maybe with a second text making up for the 99-111 extra characters in the puzzle compared to the poem.
I think puzzle text is backwards. I've been comparing words and you run into this:

u dAcH1

While a

The only two comparable objects in the puzzle.This woud mean the text is backwards then scrambled or swapped somehow. Either moved around or using a hex like code with capital lowercase and numbers etc. Possibly punctuation and stuff.

then again:

w 1un

I can

It couls also be this. I forgot about that character.
— Julio

Or if you take out the numbers first you get:

I fear

Possibly if Salome is looking in a mirror. Might be mirror writing.
Just to note that PALIMPSEST was the key needed to solve K1 of the CIA Kryptos puzzle (Vigenere). The alphabet was KRYPTOS then and could be SALOME here. The K1 message was:

Between subtle shading and the absence of light lies the nuance of iqlusion. (sic)

Perhaps Drew quoted that Sanborn message, hinting at the mechanism used? But then, we already ruled out Vigenere.

The numbers are still nagging me. Except for one case (17), they're all single digits, so their Fibonacci values could be mapped to characters. So I hacked a little program together during my lunch break that does the conversion. Recursion time!

public class FibTranslator {

    public static void main (final String...args) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
            int  f = fib(i);
            char c = (char) (f + 65); // ASCII
            System.out.println(String.format("Fib(%d) = %d => %s", i, f, c));

    static int fib(final int n)  {
        return n < 2 ? n : fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);


Ugly are the colors here btw. The output would be:

if A == 0

Fib(0) = 0 => A
Fib(1) = 1 => B
Fib(2) = 1 => B
Fib(3) = 2 => C
Fib(4) = 3 => D
Fib(5) = 5 => F
Fib(6) = 8 => I
Fib(7) = 13 => N
Fib(8) = 21 => V
Fib(9) = 34 => c
Fib(10) = 55 => x

rsp. if A == 1

Fib(0) = 0 => @
Fib(1) = 1 => A
Fib(2) = 1 => A
Fib(3) = 2 => B
Fib(4) = 3 => C
Fib(5) = 5 => E
Fib(6) = 8 => H
Fib(7) = 13 => M
Fib(8) = 21 => U
Fib(9) = 34 => b
Fib(10) = 55 => w

Hm. May not lead to much, but anyway. Otherwise, I'm out of clues TBH. 🍻

I am just curious: Did Mach10 gave a proove about his solution to you?
He gave no proof to anyone his been holding it out for Bognogus stream. Mach10 said he be "gone" for 2 weeks (last week). No one has a clue as to anything on how he solved it other then what he posted on Discord.

I do know he was watching Bog's stream a couple of days ago.
note that PALIMPSEST was the key needed to solve K1 of the CIA Kryptos puzzle (Vigenere). The alphabet was KRYPTOS then and could be SALOME here. The K1 message was:
He gave no proof to anyone his been holding it out for Bognogus stream. Mach10 said he be "gone" for 2 weeks (last week). No one has a clue as to anything on how he solved it other then what he posted on Discord.

I do know he was watching Bog's stream a couple of days ago.

No proof, no credit. We can safely assume they were trolling at this point.
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