Undiscovered nebulaes on galmap?

Hows it with undiscovered nebulaes that nobody visited? Are they visible on galmap, or they have to be discovered first? Because when you have a look around inhabitted bubble its plenty of them around but if you have a look far NE of our bubble its lesser nebulaes behind voids you have to cross if you want to keep going that direction...
Some Nebulae cannot currently be traveled to because there are no stars nearby lol...

I'm looking at you, Cat's Eye Nebula.
Hi OP. I don't know if this will help as haven't tested it yet.

In the games GraphicsConfiguration.xml file, there are nebula counts for each graphical setting for the galaxy map. i.e low setting = nebula count 10, high setting = nebula count 30.
I have my map set on 'Low' so I'm assuming I only get the count 10 (perhaps the number showing at a particular zoom or something)
There is also a 'NebulasInBackgroundCount' too. Perhaps playing with these numbers will help show more nebs on your map.

Edit: Apologies I may have misunderstood you. But anyway, this might help folk see more nebulas on their galaxy map.
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