UtahRaptor King of Dromeosaurs

If Velociraptor already impressed you then you haven't seen the Raptor that could kill a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Name Meaning: Utah's Predator
Genus: Dromeosauridae
Found: Utah,USA
Era: Early Cretaceous period-129-122 Million years ago
Length: 23.feet
Height: 6.6.feet
Weight: 22,00-44,00.Ibs
Diet: Meat

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It will be interesting. Technically, it is a raptor that is about the size of the spinoraptor, yet we could see it as a "real" dinosaur counterpart. It would be awesome to have it as the last raptor we could unlock in game, it may be the only one that could combat the large herbivores and carnivores too!
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