General Various Quality of Life Improvements

I've been playing around with my carrier, trying to figure out how to best align it with various play styles. Personally, I absolutely love the Fleet Carrier and the dynamic that it brings to the game. Gives the game a fresh feel which was a very long time overdue. Whilst I am thoroughly enjoying using the carrier, it hasn't been without it's frustrations and I've listed a few improvements below that I think would greatly enhance the experience.

Squadron Permissions - We all know that the original Fleet Carrier announcement was primarily centred around the ship being a squadron asset. Whilst I honestly believe moving away from a squadron focus was a good thing, I do believe that the carrier could benefit by allowing minor interactions by squadron members. Presently, squadron members have exactly the same access as all other players and can only deposit Tritium to assist with carrier management. By allowing a carrier owner to set permissions to squadron members based on their rank, you could enlist support for tasks like jumping the carrier, commodity trading, outfitting etc.

Fleet Carrier Numbers - I think we can all agree that something needs to be done regarding the max carrier limit for star systems and astronomical objects. Given that the fleet carrier is a personal ship, theoretically every player could own one. This presents a problem when trying to jump to systems that have already hit their upper limit of carriers and we're still in early days following release. My knowledge of game development is fairly limited and I am no expert by any means, however I might suggest looking a additional instancing or servers to take on the additional load as I'm assuming the upper limits were put in place to mitigate the load on the server. In any case, something definitely needs to be done.

Commodity Trading - The prospect of creating a living, breathing commodity market is exciting and will be a challenging endeavour on its own. Currently, there is no way to monitor your market performance (which commodities are performing well or not). All I know is that yesterday, I posted a sale of HN Shock Mounts and they're not there anymore. No information about how much I made from the sale, and who purchased them. This might seem like a small issue but when you consider that your could be trading quite a lot of different commodities at the same time, I'd be ideal to have some way to monitor the traffic in and out of the market. It's just good business. I might also suggest allowing a commodity to be bought and sold simultaneously, further enhancing the 'living stock market' aspect of the function.

Personalised Greetings - As a carrier owner, I'd like to be personally greeted when requesting to dock, I'm not just another blockheaded brace girdle from Hardbottle. Something like "Door's open, bed's made, welcome home Commander" or "Welcome home Commander, all is in order", you get the idea.

Hopefully you could at least consider the above suggestions, I know Fleet Carriers are still fresh and there will be changes to come. Looking forward to what they bring.

See you out in the black.

CMDR DarkAllegance
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