[Video] Open letter from community to Elite Dangerous

Wasn´t even a reveal cause they said they would do it last year.

All i think it woul´d be nice they take action against long standing bugs or even try and let us know, in other words than standart Phrases ( We are aware....). Communication about the games State and future Development even wit no "Garantie no Eta". Like they did for the fleet carriers. A disapointment is that i hope the don´t give us only a planned 2018 update at 2019 and sell it as the big Update (ok when they do, but they have to communicate why, like "no time ARX implention took to mutch codeing). As a Programmer i can fully understand why ARX messed it up (to many lines of code to many Places). What i can´t Understand is the rapid not that mutch tested rollout, but i gues it was a Marketing decission. I personly hurts my that i see it as a solution to sign sutch a petition.

In my studies they told us "Not to communicate is communication too" !

edit. Did Grammar, and secund Part cause Zac liked first one?
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I see this comment a few times already this morning. C’mon this is constructive criticism from a substantial number of prominent people from the community. If you don’t agree that’s fine but many of the comments in this thread are just cynical and that is not going to help move the game forward.
The comments have very little to do with people being annoyed that somebody is pretending to speak for them. If people wanted to express their opinion, they would, and do, here on the forums.

And the video isn't exactly "moving the game forward", because it's not saying anything new. I feel like these videos are made by just looking at whatever the longest thread of the week was.
I'd like to draw everyone's attention to a portion of Zach's response in the reddit thread:

Zac Antonaci said:
This conference and statement has been created by a number of well-known community members. The decision to create a list of grievances and recommendations/demands/guidelines followed by video content and a petition is specifically made in an attempt to make change through public pressure. While I do commend the aims listed of having a better and closer relationship between community and Frontier, I am unable to condone this approach.
(Emphasis mine)

What exact options does FDev want us to take beyond getting a lot of the community to come together and say "Fix your Quality Assurance because it's definitely not assuring any quality"
I have to disagree with the not entitled sentiment. One thing, and one thing only i am entitled to, is to be able to play the game, without having to constantly restart the game during a session, due to game breaking bugs that litter ED, and i'm on PC.

Are you suggesting that YOUR ability to log in and play is somehow more important than my ability to log in and play, simply because you took a chance and donated funds, whereas I had not even heard of Elite until sometime into 2.2? If so, that is a level of arrogance of which you should be ashamed. If not, than I'm glad to stand at your side in favor of better release quality.

I will, however, be quick to point out that even the greatest of giants in the software arena are not immune to bugs in their releases, or post-release update-related issues. Ever hear of a little company called Microsoft? Pretty sure they could buy Frontier several times over, and both their software and their patches, even decades after their initial release, have been prone to bugs - some that go beyond just game-breaking, to outright stopping you from even starting your PC correctly. Of course, Microsoft probably has more programmers sitting in their breakroom right now than Frontier has had programmers in their employ since their founding, so it's little wonder why Microsoft can release a hotfix for a bad update in so much more timely a manner.

Ultimately, it doesn't matter who you are or how big you are, bugs are a fact of software life. So we really need to give Frontier a little leeway and time to fix issues as they are discovered. We've had how many patches so far? As far as I can tell, they've been able to fix the game-breaking issues pretty well so far. I've no doubt they'll fix these ones too. A bit of civility and a good bug reporting is all it takes from us.
I agree with ObsidianAnt, I agree with the sentiment but not necessarily the wording. It reads like a list of demands.

Meantime console users can't play the majority of the game, that should be the number one topic of conversation, but it's rather telling that it is not.
Unfortunately it's not being discussed here that much.

https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/dav7z8 Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/dav7z8/calling_all_pc_commanders_please_help_us/
Kind of.

I got this from it:

1) We are trying to do our best, we are working hard

2) Yes, we understand your frustration

3) We do communicate, our CMs are working hard, sometimes in their own time.

4) Don't try to blackmail us by community people shutting down their channels (or whatever), community run stuff can be shut down if they want (remember this was tried before about a year ago, FD were not amused).

5) Public test server - nothing to say now, but will be discussed.

6) Don't expect anything to change.
Number 5 piqued my interest.

Testing the updates thoroughly before release? Can it really be true?! How quaint!

Now tell me, when & where can I buy my LBP (Lifetime Bug-testing Pass)?

£120 seems perfectly reasonable for many happy years of DIY Q&A. Too soon?
the EDCD, in this case, refers to Elite Dangerous Community DIscord from which this open letter thing orginated, not elite dangerous community developers over at github
I do very much support calling out fdevs shocking communications approach which i think zac gets away with too lightly.

The cm team are doing what they can but as head of comms or director of publishing or whatever job title zac does jump in only when it looks like it will explode to say a whole load of nothing.

That said its just a game and fdev clearly arent interested in communicating with much other than our wallets so i guess we can either carry on flying spaceships and stop worrying about what couldve been or move on.
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