[Video] The need for credits & unrewarding gameplay

Admittedly I didn't like the title of the skimmer vid. That said, I agree with the vast majority of your content (which can rarely be said for anyone), and I appreciate you beating this dead horse. o>
Which planet or moon is shown from 7:30 on? Looks like an interesting place for cliff diving.

Also, I tried to give you some (more) rep, but the forum said I've given you too much already.



Funny vid and repped...and agree with a fairly big chunk of it. The thoughts of going back to the near vertical grind wall compared to having some fun earning some half decent coin...decisions decisions.

Nice planet though...might take a time out and go there fer a look see...staying in the bubble I cant help thinking which mission type is next fer the chopping block. Thats actually the very definition of pessimism...waiting fer the inevitable nerf bat and trying to guess whats gonna get annihilated next.

Make money while the sun shines cos all frontier seems to want is rain and typical british weather really...its actually becoming quite obviously apparent now...they want pure grind or bust with no shortcuts at all. A not overly inspiring thought if Im honest ^
Make money while the sun shines cos all frontier seems to want is rain and typical british weather really...its actually becoming quite obviously apparent now...they want pure grind or bust with no shortcuts at all. A not overly inspiring thought if Im honest ^

Thanks, Vermin, now I need to re-fill my coffee cup and clean up the one I spewed all over my PC. You get rep, sir. [big grin]
It seems this game knows only two states. You can make Gold Rushes or no Money at all. I once tried the Passenger Missions in Quince but never made any Money out of this due to my impatience when i was board hopping. I want to play the game not the menu. but as it stands there is nothing to do which is at least a bit rewarding. Also I loved to mine but as for now there is no more real sense in it. Last time I tried to mine to unlock some engineers and i also unlocked the one with the 10 Painite (didn't remember the Name) but this is also a grind in itself. Dumping 1.2 mio credits just to get an unlock is far too much imho. I don't know why Frontier is doing everything to kill the fun or enjoyment one can get out of the game without sinking your whole life in it. Even so I tried to get my friends back in, because we once had fun playing together but as far as it stands they don't want to join me because this game isn't rewarding at all. I'm sorry for a great game that is screwed over by it's devs time after time and only leads to the conclusion that just downloading the client is a waste of time.
Trouble is the FD team think that 1000cr is a lot of credits, when really its just lose change, if the credits rewards were a bit higher, ,,,,,,No wait! a lot higher, it would be worth doing more things in game, the payouts just don't give you enough incentive to do anything.
Playing is its own reward. Players are only focusing on whatever target they've set themselves, rather than going out there and flying a miracle of a spaceship.
It's a game, it's fun. Only a player can turn it into a job.
Playing is its own reward. Players are only focusing on whatever target they've set themselves, rather than going out there and flying a miracle of a spaceship.
It's a game, it's fun. Only a player can turn it into a job.


I get the notion that Mr. Yamiks, while making fun videos, just jumps on the zeitgeist of the moment. When Rewards are the only way to measure fun, the point of 'playing' a 'game' is lost.
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