Want to know what would be great for Exploration?

The incoming changes in CHPT 4 sounds great!

But what would be grand for Exploration is : SPACE LEGS! (and multicrew)

The problem that turns off most people from exploring is the tedious jump and honk - which is getting addressed with CHPT 4 however not the hyperspace travelling itself which sucks a lot of your time watching the loading screen with little gameplay.

Remember the Krait Mk2 review where it seemed like you could almost walk around your ship, it seems Frontier already has some foundations in place.

What if, we can have space legs and walk around our ships doing module repairs, reading news or inspect cargo while our ship travels from star to star?

But how would the FSD be engaged without the pilot at the cockpit? Well here we could have multicrew!
Crew that we hire could have gunnery, piloting, and endurance stats. Or split piloting into two categories : local space piloting and long haul piloting.

If we then can assign a crew member to travel along our set route (we better plan the route carefully if we don't want the rats involved) then we could walk around our ship and (insert gameplay) while the ship undergoes multiple jumps to the preset destination point. We could make it so that the multicrew pilot would cause a time or failure (module damage) penalty depending on the multicrew's rank so that it would still be best if the player himself pilots his own ship. Obviously, you'd need a multicrew ship to take advantage of this gameplay.. so Diamondback Explorer pilots would be classed as hardcore.

I would also propose an endurance stat for the multicrew pilot so that s/he does eventually get tired and would need to rest, so you send him/her to the bunker while you takeover the ship. This would also be nice with multiplayer multicrew where you can actually have two or three people working together on a ship to explore the unknown and having the real feeling of immersion of being in a ship together in space.

These changes would certainly remove unenjoyable gameplay from Exploration or just travelling - or if you do enjoy evading stars and lining up for the next jump and squeal at the hyperspace jump sequence you could still do it.

And if these changes can be applied, I would also like to propose a couple more things to enhance exploration - for example, hull damage could only be repaired with the ship landed - you have to go out with your SRV and repair it from outside. Only modules could be repaired with AMFU. Cockpit glass could be repaired if the ship is landed and all crew members are in an SRV or a fighter. And so on - details would be up to Frontier. Yes obviously we recognize that the base game doesn't include Horizons - but it has been years now and that should be changed.

Then another thing would be the multicrew element itself. If a crew member is assigned to shields, then shields should function 50% better. If a crew member is assigned to weapons, then weapons should function 50% better, and so on depending on the rank and skill of the crew member. A crew member could also be assigned to pilot the ship (egads!) while the player mans the turrets. But this should be a different thread.

Getting back to the topic - space legs doesn't have to mean earth shattering changes. Floating around your ship would be a nice start, which could lead to floating around inside a megaship, then to floating around inside a generation ship, then to walking around stations, then to walking around cities, then lastly in several years walking around planets. That end can be achieved through this step-by-step process. Personally I don't really care about walking around planets or cities - but would love to be able to float around inside a megaship. Imagine arriving in the vicinity of a large orbital station and seeing multiple huge capital and megaclass ships around the space station and knowing that you could visit into any of them. And if you could visit a capital ship - wouldn't that open a new class of gameplay, such as a military career and/or espionage?

Thanks for reading!

Deleted member 110222


Reason: space legs mentioned immediately.

Feel free to ignore my next thread, but it will give food for thought.
Well, if not spacelegs then at least some proposal so that you don't spend half of your 3 hours per night staring at the hyperspace loading screen.
The incoming changes in CHPT 4 sounds great!

But what would be grand for Exploration is : SPACE LEGS! (and multicrew)

The problem that turns off most people from exploring is the tedious jump and honk - which is getting addressed with CHPT 4 however not the hyperspace travelling itself which sucks a lot of your time watching the loading screen with little gameplay.

Remember the Krait Mk2 review where it seemed like you could almost walk around your ship, it seems Frontier already has some foundations in place.

What if, we can have space legs and walk around our ships doing module repairs, reading news or inspect cargo while our ship travels from star to star?

But how would the FSD be engaged without the pilot at the cockpit? Well here we could have multicrew!
Crew that we hire could have gunnery, piloting, and endurance stats. Or split piloting into two categories : local space piloting and long haul piloting.

If we then can assign a crew member to travel along our set route (we better plan the route carefully if we don't want the rats involved) then we could walk around our ship and (insert gameplay) while the ship undergoes multiple jumps to the preset destination point. We could make it so that the multicrew pilot would cause a time or failure (module damage) penalty depending on the multicrew's rank so that it would still be best if the player himself pilots his own ship. Obviously, you'd need a multicrew ship to take advantage of this gameplay.. so Diamondback Explorer pilots would be classed as hardcore.

I would also propose an endurance stat for the multicrew pilot so that s/he does eventually get tired and would need to rest, so you send him/her to the bunker while you takeover the ship. This would also be nice with multiplayer multicrew where you can actually have two or three people working together on a ship to explore the unknown and having the real feeling of immersion of being in a ship together in space.

These changes would certainly remove unenjoyable gameplay from Exploration or just travelling - or if you do enjoy evading stars and lining up for the next jump and squeal at the hyperspace jump sequence you could still do it.

And if these changes can be applied, I would also like to propose a couple more things to enhance exploration - for example, hull damage could only be repaired with the ship landed - you have to go out with your SRV and repair it from outside. Only modules could be repaired with AMFU. Cockpit glass could be repaired if the ship is landed and all crew members are in an SRV or a fighter. And so on - details would be up to Frontier. Yes obviously we recognize that the base game doesn't include Horizons - but it has been years now and that should be changed.

Then another thing would be the multicrew element itself. If a crew member is assigned to shields, then shields should function 50% better. If a crew member is assigned to weapons, then weapons should function 50% better, and so on depending on the rank and skill of the crew member. A crew member could also be assigned to pilot the ship (egads!) while the player mans the turrets. But this should be a different thread.

Getting back to the topic - space legs doesn't have to mean earth shattering changes. Floating around your ship would be a nice start, which could lead to floating around inside a megaship, then to floating around inside a generation ship, then to walking around stations, then to walking around cities, then lastly in several years walking around planets. That end can be achieved through this step-by-step process. Personally I don't really care about walking around planets or cities - but would love to be able to float around inside a megaship. Imagine arriving in the vicinity of a large orbital station and seeing multiple huge capital and megaclass ships around the space station and knowing that you could visit into any of them. And if you could visit a capital ship - wouldn't that open a new class of gameplay, such as a military career and/or espionage?

Thanks for reading!

I disagree.

You are forcing space legs and changes to hyperspace into the same issue.

If it currently takes say 6 hours to fly to colonia. I doubt anyone is going to walk around their ship letting it effectively fly itself with a crew member doing other things for 6 hours game time.

Also the whole point of the Galaxy in ED is that it's BIG. It should take tame to travel to places, it should make you want to explore and to have to plan what to do and where. Other wise its just another small game world with short cuts. Making Space seem smaller by removing the need to jump does nothing for exploration, or mystery.
I have to be honest that's the last thing I expected to see improving exploration! - Space Legs?

While I have nothing against space legs, I'd rather a few other exploration goodies first..

Such as..
An exploration SLF or SLE (Ship Launched Explorer)
New SRV a SEV (Surface Exploration Vehicle)
Heck a Dedicated Exploration ship!
Ability to land on a planet with atmosphere
Ability to Land on Water / Liquid

Space legs? Yeah but whenever really
If it currently takes say 6 hours to fly to colonia. I doubt anyone is going to walk around their ship letting it effectively fly itself with a crew member doing other things for 6 hours game time.

Also the whole point of the Galaxy in ED is that it's BIG. It should take tame to travel to places, it should make you want to explore and to have to plan what to do and where. Other wise its just another small game world with short cuts. Making Space seem smaller by removing the need to jump does nothing for exploration, or mystery.

1) I didn't say make space smaller nor did I say remove hyperspace. You could still walk to the cockpit and see the journey taking place.
2) You could still take over the controls of the ship, and you would reach your destination faster than having a crew member fly it.

Its not actually the space legs alone but empowering multicrew in an exploration ship. A diamondback Explorer even with space legs would gain no benefit from this.
Somehow atmo planets have more sense for exploration, it's actual exploration content don't you think?
You confused space exploration with ships interior exploration.
Reading news with legs and staring at cargo must ve fun but i'll skip it ;)
I am actually referring to the improvement in the journey rather than the activity.

Yes of course the exploration content itself would be welcomed. But that's the destination part, not the journey aspect.
1) I didn't say make space smaller nor did I say remove hyperspace. You could still walk to the cockpit and see the journey taking place.
2) You could still take over the controls of the ship, and you would reach your destination faster than having a crew member fly it.

Its not actually the space legs alone but empowering multicrew in an exploration ship. A diamondback Explorer even with space legs would gain no benefit from this.

What you are attempting to do is to instigate an auto pilot. That means you don't need to be at your keyboard to fly the ship, wander off and do other things, That has the effect of removing the neccessity to travel - in effect you just created a type of fast travel and made the universe smaller.

There are plenty of other threads that have discussed fast travel, worm holes, auto pilots, offline travel. They all have the same fundamental issue... The necessity to travel is what makes the galaxy feel BIG. It's what makes exploration a challenge. It's what makes finding mysterious things challenging and engaging.

The scale of the Galaxy matters. Its one of the biggest assets the game has.
But I don't see where this makes travel faster and making the galaxy smaller. If at all, it makes the galaxy larger.
1) I will take much more time to reach your destination.
2) You're now a small head, instead of a huge ship.

Your ship is now a vehicle rather than your body, you can inspect it and repair it and you can walk around to different windows to check out the effects of that nebula. This makes the scale larger, not smaller.

Also, instead of watching the hyperspace cutscenes, you could now participate in the game - plotting a takeover, masterminding a sabotage, or even striking a conversation. You can be doing that time crafting jumponium for your next jump. You could be using that time to repair the hull of your SRV. You could train your crewmate to improve endurance, or if a real person were to have morphed in via telepresence, then you could walk him about your customized interiors.

This makes the scale larger. I don't see how it makes this smaller.

I don't see the appeal of seeing the hyperjump loading screen over and over. During Distant Worlds journey I had to have loads of YouTube playing on a second monitor to watch during the hyperjump sequence. This took me out of the game. Like EDDB, it breaks the game's principles.
Space legs should not alter the main focus of the game, which is flying your ship. It should be restricted to simple task like walking around in your ship. Space walks to repair your ship or investigating derelict space ships.
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