We Need Larger Terrain Brushes

The current 20 (meter I think is the unit they are measuring in) size limit of the terrain brush is fine for most jobs, but for trying to create mountains or any large geological formation, its insanely tedious to use. I think if the size limit was at least doubled to 40 it would be a lot easier to use, though ideally, I would go all the way to maybe 80 or 100 if its possible. Im not sure if the current limit size is just by design small or if its due to technical limitations, but if its possible to make it bigger that would be so helpful. I really hope this is something the devs consider or have considered because it would make life much easier for people who want to build this kind of thing.
thats a good idea! I really hope they add the option in some form one way or another. I think what youre saying is a really good point tho. Makes me think of using the conservation credit amount slider in the animal trading section, its impossible to use it to set a small price lol.
Although I can imagine the brush may be limited to 20 as it would become too difficult for the game to process, I also really wish a bigger brush was available to create large hills, mountains and lakes much faster and more naturally.
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