Newcomer / Intro What are you up to?

The pilot: any port with a crew lounge. Listed under station services, like the passenger lounge, commodities market or contacts. Choose one, or go to the next port. Depending on their initial rank, they will sap a certain percentage of (all!) of your income, so some people prefer "hire and fire": buy a pilot at the lounge, do whatever you want to do, then fire them before you cash in your profits. Other people prefer to buy a low ranked pilot and train them up in combat rank. That way, you lose less income to your pilot. In any case, until they're Elite, they will also sap off any experience points from killing enemy ships - so if your goal is to rank up in combat yourself, that pilot will slow you down.

Which fighter: the wiki has an overview, they all have their strong and weak points. Weak pilots do better with gimballed weapons or a fixed beam. Better pilots can use anything. I like the Guardian hybrid "XG-8 Javelin". It looks good, and anything that gets hit by that shard launcher tends to notice it. The problem is the actual hitting. If you want to go that route, you'll need to visit some specific Guardian ruins in order to obtain the blueprint and materials.
I've finally bitten the bullet after 7 months of play and installed a fighter hanger!

Whats next? how do I get a pilot, and any recommended fighter to get?

Thanks in advance,

Kind Regards,

Mark (in case you hadn't guessed yet Mark in reverse is Kram 😂 )
Hiya Mark.

So I'm not the best at this, but others can (hopefully!) chime in with better advice. When I employed an NPC pilot, I was strongly advised to hire them as Harmless, vs the temptation to get a more experienced pilot. The reason being is that as they level up, they will take a larger percentage of your income (and they take income whether they're active or not!) for each rank they progress. When you hire a harmless pilot, by the time they get to Elite, they are taking 10% of your earnings. If you hire an Expert pilot, by the time they're Elite they'll be taking a lot more.

Once you have a pilot, get them a ship! When they're starting out, the best is to get them an "all-round" ship since their skill level needs to be worked on, and get them gimbaled weapons to start. People told me that NPC pilot aim is "always perfect" but I didn't find that to be the case early on. I started mine off with an F63 with gimbaled multis. Once they got as far as Dangerous, I switched them to a GU-97 with fixed plasmas.
So, let me guess. Mark Stephen Roberts, right? Actually, not guessing at all. Years ago, I had a girlfriend that could write in longhand backwards as quickly as anyone could do it forwards, she even could write right to left or vice versa. Strange talent, you had to hold it to a mirror to easily read her writing.

Found a strange plant today, it reminded me of those egg pods in the movie Alien

Alien Pod.jpg
I've finally bitten the bullet after 7 months of play and installed a fighter hanger!

Whats next? how do I get a pilot, and any recommended fighter to get?

Thanks in advance,

Kind Regards,

Mark (in case you hadn't guessed yet Mark in reverse is Kram 😂 )
Guardian ship launched fighters look cool, so are best for when you want to play in them yourself. They are quite fragile compared to human SLFs - at least the Trident which is meant to be the best of them is. The Trident has a fixed mount plasma weapon with slow shot speed that couldn't hit a small fast ship if the outcome of the battle depended on it. And since an SLF often complements slower less agile ships, it kind of invalidates half the point of taking an SLF into a fight.
The Taipan is the slowest and least agile of all SLFs, but it has greater survivability - more armour and shields. Since all fighters are vastly more agile than any other ships, this is the one to go for if you are using it for combat. If you are looking for an SLF for exploration, I like the GU97 - Imperial basking in miniature and the best cockpit view.

So, which Taipan to get?
Well, it depends on the rank of your NPC pilot. If you want a pilot for a short period, hire the highest rank you can. If you want an NPC pilot to keep for ever, hire the lowest rank you can as that will save you a lot of credits in the long run. The higher the rank when you first employ them, the higher percentage they will always take relative to hiring a harmless pilot at the start.
Ultimately you probably want a fixed beam laser Taipan with heatsink to melt shields on any sized ship, and small ships don't need kinetic weapons to crack the hull. The NPC pilot really needs to be Dangerous rank, maybe Master, before they can hit reliably with fixed weapons. Until then, gimbled pulse Taipan with chaff. If you are flying a large ship like an Anaconda or Corvette with plenty of space for a dual SLF bay, go for that. If a fighter is lost in combat, you can launch the fighter in the second bay while the first is rebuilding.
If you don't like the sound of the pilots voice when you first get them, terminate their contract and get another before you have invested time in ranking them up.
I like having an SLF around, but don't always use them as I don't always want to give away a chunk of my experience points for my own combat rank. I don't notice the credits it costs.
I've finally bitten the bullet after 7 months of play and installed a fighter hanger!

Whats next? how do I get a pilot, and any recommended fighter to get?

Thanks in advance,

Kind Regards,

Mark (in case you hadn't guessed yet Mark in reverse is Kram 😂 )
There was at one time a suggestion that the best fighter to buy was the one that matched the fighter in the background of the pilots picture in the hiring lounge as that would be the one they were best with.
One trouble with that is working out what the fighter is is not always easy, another is that the idea is probably biowaste.

I used to hire and fire only using them as a distraction defence when hauling as my combat ships couldn’t carry fighters. Later I picked one and have now ranked them up to Elite.

Most of the time I have carried the Condor fitted with plasmas and point defence, but recently I have taken to carrying the GU-97 equipped with fixed beam lasers which seems to be much more effective. But that is with an Elite level NPC.

I usually use a two fighter hanger that way when one is lost I can send the NPC out straight away in the second one without having to wait for a replacement to be assembled.
I've finally bitten the bullet after 7 months of play and installed a fighter hanger!

Whats next? how do I get a pilot, and any recommended fighter to get?
You can find crews of various skill level for hire in Crew Lounge in station. Depends on whether you would keep the npc around or just "use and dump".

If that's the later case, just pick the highest level crew available, do the job and fire him.

If you tend to keep him around, start with the harmless and train him up to elite. The benefit of this is shown below:


You can see the huge profit share difference.

For the fighters, before the crew level up to dangerous: use gimballed variants (I prefer gimballed pules). of Taipan, Taipan is the toughest (but slowest) SLF out there, so he could take a few more hits.

After he is dangerous, you can switch to fixed weapons. which fighters is not important at this point, just experiment out the one which you suit your use most. I prefer Condor as it is a all-rounder.

Lastly, when starting out with harmless crew, please take care of him, he is really harmless to everybody except himself. So don't let him fire at your target first, you shot first and then call him in. Otherwise, you will lost a lot of SLFs.

Bare in mind, you die, he die. So make sure you know when to chicken out when starting the pewpew.
Whats next? how do I get a pilot, and any recommended fighter to get?

Thanks all, for the excellent detailed replies :)

I'm going to go with a harmless pilot, and keep.

...Another question, if I may?

I was looking at ship packs a few days ago, and saw a really cool rever (Serenety) style pack.
Went to buy it today, and couldn't find it again?

Are ship kits only available from specific stations?
I'm toying with the idea of a trip to Colonia (possibly Sag A*...)

It would be my second time and I'll be folding space in the FC. It just seems so far away and will cost oodles in tritium. Bit like the real world in that respect.


Edit: Nah. Too much time needed... :D
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I'm toying with the idea of a trip to Colonia (possibly Sag A*...)

It would be my second time and I'll be folding space in the FC. It just seems so far away and will cost oodles in tritium. Bit like the real world in that respect.


Edit: Nah. Too much time needed... :D
OK you changed your mind, but I wouldn't fly an FC there myself unless I was using the bit of software you can get from github that automates the jumps for you, so the trip can be made while you sleep.
I flew my alt account bubble to Colonia recently for engineer unlocks and returned on one of the FCs that do the trip for you.
Ship type maybe?
Ship kits are purchased using Arx from the company store which you can access directly or through the main menu or station menu.
The kits are, like the skins/paint jobs, specific to particular ships and what you can get for each ship varies.
At various times of the year there will be limited edition paint jobs and other stuff available if you do miss these most of them will be back the following year if not sooner.
A little bit more sharing on the fighter. I have tried all 3 types of weapon on various fighters, the hit rate (npc piloting the SLF) of lazors seems the best, MC being the middle tier and the worst is Plasma Repeater (except when you fly the SLF yourself).

So at the begining, use gimbal lazor fighters until your pilot get above dangerous, then they start hitting things with fixed lazors. I switched to fixed MC when my girl is deadly. Don't think of Plasma Repeater until your guy get to elite. Even my girl miss alot with Plasma. :cautious: But she can pin point fast small ship like eagle when I give her fixed beams. So I'm switching to fixed beam GU-97 now.

Ship kits are purchased using Arx from the company store which you can access directly or through the main menu or station menu.
The kits are, like the skins/paint jobs, specific to particular ships and what you can get for each ship varies.
At various times of the year there will be limited edition paint jobs and other stuff available if you do miss these most of them will be back the following year if not sooner.
I think there's even one or two ships that don't have any kits... the Viper IV I'm flying at the moment hasn't got one for instance.
A little bit more sharing on the fighter. I have tried all 3 types of weapon on various fighters, the hit rate (npc piloting the SLF) of lazors seems the best, MC being the middle tier and the worst is Plasma Repeater (except when you fly the SLF yourself).

So at the begining, use gimbal lazor fighters until your pilot get above dangerous, then they start hitting things with fixed lazors. I switched to fixed MC when my girl is deadly. Don't think of Plasma Repeater until your guy get to elite. Even my girl miss alot with Plasma. :cautious: But she can pin point fast small ship like eagle when I give her fixed beams. So I'm switching to fixed beam GU-97 now.
Just a couple of hours in and I already have her up to Novice.
We are currently messing around in High RES, with report crimes against me turned on.

She needs a bit of hand holding, but getting better each attack
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