Newcomer / Intro What are you up to?

My last couple of sessions have involved using the Andromeda for the purpose which she was built for. Hunting down and destroying pirates. It's quite satisfying to see them pop in seconds when I unleash the fury on them. Soon they shall be running in fear whenever the Andromeda pops up on their scanners.
Usually they think you're the law and they've been pulled over for speeding. Irritated yet obsequious. It's no fun being an NPC, long hours, boring conversations about the size of your undernourished family, a top 100% salesman on commission, and cannon fodder for the taxi driver. If your'e lucky you get to hook up with a station announcer every once in a while, for a bit of one on nul. Otherwise, sitting in a crew room counting 000's.
Well,this is weird.

A perfectly normal rocky world with a dozen geo signals, one of which i'm zeroed in on, when suddenly i'm told i need a permit to land.!?
I know there are permit locked systems, but a permit locked planet?
Holy moly! Is this it? The fabled land of Raxxlaaa?
Triton a moon in the solar system is permit locked.
Can you land on it? This one is in the core.
How do you get the permit? Who would trek all the way out here to stick a no parking label on it? And why?
The body is 7th from primary, 2nd moon of a ringed gas giant.It is very dark.
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Well, it certainly is interesting to own something so massive. I was able to buy my carrier, and get it mostly set up. I transferred some of my ships to it, no issues.

Right now I've got it stationed in Secoya, because I can buy Tritium there. I need to fill up my stores if I'm going out into the black!

But I won't head out right away. I want to goof around with things first, and get a feel for how I want to approach the trip.

So, "Codger's Place" will hang out in Secoya for a bit, probably.


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