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Been building a new Krait MKII today. It's going to be a bit more combat oriented than my other one, with more shields (and less jump range!). I found a few old modules in my storage that I can scavenge to make the process faster. For example I have a Grade 5 overcharged multicannon in storage, but it's a legacy upgrade and there's no experimental. But it'll save me time because I can start with Grade 4 complete when it converts. Stuff like that.

I chose pink because it's so manly and combat-ish, doncha know.

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Ah! so you ride to hounds in the traditional hunting pink.
About 45 jumps left to go before i reach a maintenance bay.Power plant has dropped below 70,despite not using neutron stars, so i shall be looking into doing something to it if i am able.I don't recall it getting that far down before,it's usually my hull that needs attention.Is Prof Palin the only one who engineers power plants? I'm not sure i want to go back to the bubble.

Etienne Dorn out in Colonia somewhere does power plant engineering, just don't ask what he does with the inhabitants of the 25 occupied escape pods he wants.
Been building a new Krait MKII today. It's going to be a bit more combat oriented than my other one, with more shields (and less jump range!). I found a few old modules in my storage that I can scavenge to make the process faster. For example I have a Grade 5 overcharged multicannon in storage, but it's a legacy upgrade and there's no experimental. But it'll save me time because I can start with Grade 4 complete when it converts. Stuff like that.

I chose pink because it's so manly and combat-ish, doncha know.

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Pink has not always been a "girly" color. If you go back to the times of knights like Ivanhoe, the bad dudes wore black, but even those guys were scared from their senses when they met one dressed in pink. The blue=boy red=girl thing is a social construct that isn't very old.
I feel obliged to point out that Ivanhoe was the victorian equivalent of the boy wizard, just as Will Scarlet was the Justin Blubber of his day.However, Mallory does describe one encounter between the White Knight and 'les Dames Sourcelles' whereby his armour is laved with coloureds, and as a result he has to buy a new suit.
Pink has not always been a "girly" color. If you go back to the times of knights like Ivanhoe, the bad dudes wore black, but even those guys were scared from their senses when they met one dressed in pink. The blue=boy red=girl thing is a social construct that isn't very old.

In show jumping competitions until the last two or three decades the riders typically wore blue if they were female and red if they were male then national or team colours started to take over, the ban on hunting was possibly also a factor as those were the traditional colours worn by fox hunters.
In show jumping competitions until the last two or three decades the riders typically wore blue if they were female and red if they were male then national or team colours started to take over, the ban on hunting was possibly also a factor as those were the traditional colours worn by fox hunters.

It is a very long time since I used to hang out with some of the "horsey set" down south but I am sure that the male riders were only allowed to wear red either if they were officials of the hunt or were invited to by the committee / master / whatever. I never rode with a hunt (was never at all happy in a saddle) just was friends with some who were into that.
My next CMDR:
I use X52 and a set of pedals to put my feet on. The pedals are no longer connected. I like the stick yaw better, even though it's blasphemy.

I thought I'd not like twist on the 1600, as I thought it might incur wrist problems but its actually quite nice. I don't care to use pedals for this. I do use a nice set for driving sims but that's rather more necessary. Even the animations for yaw twist match in ED on the pilot....if you use your feet/pedals do the animations then show that as well?
I thought I'd not like twist on the 1600, as I thought it might incur wrist problems but its actually quite nice. I don't care to use pedals for this. I do use a nice set for driving sims but that's rather more necessary. Even the animations for yaw twist match in ED on the pilot....if you use your feet/pedals do the animations then show that as well?
Um. I think it still shows stick twist.
Not 100% on this but I do remember seeing threads complaining about it. (or something similar) :unsure:
With plenty of great RL time with my kiddos thrown in, I've completed my survey of blue bodies. It was a great trip, featuring some rare bio's, my first Neutron star sightings, and plenty of fascinating multi-star systems. Now I'm headed back to civilization to work on my Krait II, which I plan to take on the A11X expo, and perhaps Stellar Unknown in August. First, though, I'm going to check out Ghost of Jupiter for the GMP. It's a relatively short hop back to the bubble from there.

Deleted member 38366

Right now working on getting Guardian SLFs just for kicks.

However, I forgot what a horrid and stupor Grind the Guardian Structures were. Intentionally designed to make them as inaccessible as possible for the SRV.
Apart from plenty of Guardian Pattern Epsilon Data, I'm good though.
Never visiting those "Species extinct due to reducing their entire life to minigames" places ever again though, that teached me to hate the SRV and anything Guardian with unparalleled passion :p
@Simon Templar

The AspX is a good alternative to the Keelback mining wise. It's not much more expensive when equipped and have a similar great view from the cockpit. If you avoid the docking computer and supercruise, it has decent space. I started core mining in an AspX, and that quickly got me going. If you mine opals, each ton of opal is worth 1.6 million CR, when sold to the right station (check at EDDB).

Something like this will get you on the way for 8.7 million CR, and with a little luck it will easily pay itself on the first trip:

Edit: This build is "as cheap as possible", but you can upgrade after a few mining trips.

Watch some videos, if you haven't done so already, as core mining is complicated when you begin. I can highly recommend these:



2nd Edit: It might actually be fun to build myself one like above and see how much I can earn on the first trip. BRB... ;)

3rd Edit: If you dare to, you can swap the fuel scoop with another Collector Limpet Controller. That will speed things up, because you spend a lot of time waiting for the limpets to collect the goodies.
That's really very kind, thank you so much, lots of food for thought. I have T6 and Keelback sister ships currently, (lightweight trader/explorer and armed trader with smaller haulage capacity, basically) and around 10m in cash so will ponder whether to mine the Keelback or try the Asp-X idea. Thank you, Commander!

After a long time away, I am back, but have had to start again - game entirely froze on my old account - so I'm no longer a gazillionaire, gadding about in an engineered T10, I now have a T6, just starting out on engineering, but at least the game runs. I'm finding the back to basics feel of having to save for small modules kind of liberating. I have gone Sidewinder-Hauler-Adder-T6 but think I will now stick with my little red T6 'Orpheus' entirely until I have some engineers unlocked. Felicity just invited me so it's T6, mats and light trading for me. Good to be back, although my faith in the game's stability has been shaken - 'adjudication errors' don't half undermine one's immersion. Still, I am back for now.


Due to a long weekend spent painting (and cursing at what passes for "gloss" paint these days), I quite missed your welcome return post on Friday!

Good to have you back, commander - may your ventures in the black be fun and profitable :)

Mining, you make a good point, though - love to get into that new mining system. Python or T9 I guess?

Thank you for the welcome. It's as though I were never away!


I'll just put in a word for the Krait MkII as a great miner:

  1. Excellent vision from the cockpit
  2. Responsive and highly manoeuverable (especially with some modified thrusters)
  3. Large cargo capacity, even with full mining rig
  4. Ability to carry weapons as well as mining equipment, to fend off any unwanted attention
  5. Looks very cool in screenshots. (But so does the Python!)
That's really very kind, thank you so much, lots of food for thought. I have T6 and Keelback sister ships currently, (lightweight trader/explorer and armed trader with smaller haulage capacity, basically) and around 10m in cash so will ponder whether to mine the Keelback or try the Asp-X idea. Thank you, Commander!

I recently did a bunch of mining in a Keelback on my alt account. While I personally don’t love the ship, it did the job just fine. After 2 runs I was able to afford a Krait Phantom, which I like better. So I’d say you’re good to go!
Finally made it back to civ and sold all the data (bar one) for a tidy sum,swapped to a stripped sidewinder and went out looking to go out in a brief flicker of glory, but it proved to be more difficult than thought.Headed for the nearest mining hotspot with a ton of helium to attract the pirats, and sure enough,dropping in, there they are with their begging bowls and sob stories...'spare us a ton, six wives and 180 grandchilders to feed...'
They seemed quite surprised to see my commander alter course and boost towards them, but quite prepared to play.
I thought the end would be mercifully swift,but it was not to be, for the skies were suddenly full of authority ships and the heavens rained fire upon the malefactors.
Ha ha ! A.I. got trolled.
My combat experience is limited to a few inept passes on the duelling fields and going boom a few times, .
Aware that the simple matter of destruction had now become more complicated, set off once more to complete the task in hand,and at the third such encounter, prevailed.
Pleased to announce Remlok still works,the data is void and reputations remain unsullied.
Due to a long weekend spent painting (and cursing at what passes for "gloss" paint these days), I quite missed your welcome return post on Friday!

Good to have you back, commander - may your ventures in the black be fun and profitable :)


Thank you! We have just finished extending our kitchen and bedroom, it is being plastered the week after next. Then I have various rooms to paint myself, so I feel your pain in advance! We have switched to eggshell paint for woodwork, I use the external stuff on internal woodwork, seems to offset the deficiencies of some other paints and gives a finish we like. Apologies to others for perhaps the most off-topic post of the thread.

Thank you for the welcome - it is good to be back, and amazing how much easier it is to make money on a second run through. I'm also finding that I have less desire to race to the 'next' ship, this time around, which is helping.

I'll just put in a word for the Krait MkII as a great miner:

  1. Excellent vision from the cockpit
  2. Responsive and highly manoeuverable (especially with some modified thrusters)
  3. Large cargo capacity, even with full mining rig
  4. Ability to carry weapons as well as mining equipment, to fend off any unwanted attention
  5. Looks very cool in screenshots. (But so does the Python!)

I assume a Krait Phantom would have similar advantages? I had a MkII in my last play of the game, so favouring different ships this time, and have never flown a Phantom. I'm a little way off that, but I will need/want a mining ship pretty soon - I didn't mine at all when last I played - so am scanning for post-Keelback options.

Went to sell some minerals in the Corvette. Kept one diamond in the cargo as pirate bait. That worked pretty well. When interdicted you end up in a nice clean fight with 1-3 targets, and unless it's security ships you can kill all the ships around you. Then I noticed the compromised nav beacon. Those are always fun...

Unless you have a diamond in the cargo. Then they become pretty hostile. 🙃
I assume a Krait Phantom would have similar advantages? I had a MkII in my last play of the game, so favouring different ships this time, and have never flown a Phantom. I'm a little way off that, but I will need/want a mining ship pretty soon - I didn't mine at all when last I played - so am scanning for post-Keelback options.

I think I prefer the MKII for mining because fighter bay. I like to fight back. But the Phantom is a good ship too.
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