What can we expect for the next major DLC ( If there is another one)

People constantly ask for road maps like they just ignore what Frontier said. They don't do road maps.

They should. Roadmaps help rise customer trust and satisfaction a lot.

But, hey, they've already show how naïve they think we are when implementing their JWE's guest, haven't they?
The obvious (or at least, most logical) would be following in the Pteranodon example by providing us with some Aquatic Dinosaurs (and yes, I know that these marine reptiles aren't actually Dinosaurs in the traditional sense). Most Dino DLC packs have three Dinos in them, so if the Aquatic release came with the Mosasaur, then (I'd like to think) a flying DLC with three more aerial creatures, and a marine DLC with three more aquatic creatures wouldn't be too much to ask.
  • Pteranodon (with an RtJP Update)
    1. Dimorphodon (with an Avian DLC Pack)
    2. Tapejara (with an Avian DLC Pack)
    3. Scaphognathus (with an Avian DLC Pack)
  • Mosasaur (with an Aquatic JW Update)
    1. Megladon (with an Aquatic DLC Pack)
    2. Giant Orthocone (with an Aquatic DLC Pack)
    3. Plesiosaur (with an Aquatic DLC Pack); this one is rumoured to be in JW3 too.
  • Cenozoic Update?
Wouldn't mind a couple more hybrids either; the Indominus Rex, Indoraptor, Spinoraptor, Stegceratops and that other one (Anklodoplicus?) is great and all, but five hybrids is a little limited when you think of the other possibilities. Taking ideas from the JW mobile game;
  • Carnoraptor (like this one needs explaining)
  • Pentaceratops & Pachycephalosaurus Hybrid (resembling the Pachyceratops)
  • Stygimoloch (or) Dracorex & Allosaurus Hybrid (resembling the Pachygalosaurus) - maybe with a smaller head?
  • Camarasaurus & Parasaurolophus (resembling the Parasaura)
They should. Roadmaps help rise customer trust and satisfaction a lot.

But, hey, they've already show how naïve they think we are when implementing their JWE's guest, haven't they?

So you want a road map full of things that they might not able to deliver on?

The guests in the game are fine. They do their job, that is to get eaten by dinosaurs.
Please God no more hybrids unless we get a DLC in which Wu deals with Biosyn by siccing them unto Dogson.
Ordinarily, I’d have voted all of them out, including the Indo Rex & Raptor.

However, the powers that be, both in film and game have opted to make something of them, and so I’d like to continue with the trend a little.

I don’t want the devs to go nuts, but five carnivores and five herbivores and I’d be happy.
I believe the next major DLC would have to coincide with the 5th anniversary of Jurassic World’s cinematic release and will be similar to Return to Jurassic Park, but based on Jurassic World.

The story for this DLC could be set shortly after the 2015 Incident and set on a new map based on the movie's location, Isla Nublar Lagoon. The pack would feature new creatures such as Mosasaurus, Dimorphodon and Microceratus, as well as remodelled versions of animals currently in the game such as Baryonyx, Pachycephalosaurus and Parasaurolophus.
Please God no more hybrids unless we get a DLC in which Wu deals with Biosyn by siccing them unto Dogson.
I've liked the idea and would love the option to have a few more of them in my parks.

The obvious (or at least, most logical) would be following in the Pteranodon example by providing us with some Aquatic Dinosaurs (and yes, I know that these marine reptiles aren't actually Dinosaurs in the traditional sense). Most Dino DLC packs have three Dinos in them, so if the Aquatic release came with the Mosasaur, then (I'd like to think) a flying DLC with three more aerial creatures, and a marine DLC with three more aquatic creatures wouldn't be too much to ask.
  • Pteranodon (with an RtJP Update)
    1. Dimorphodon (with an Avian DLC Pack)
    2. Tapejara (with an Avian DLC Pack)
    3. Scaphognathus (with an Avian DLC Pack)
  • Mosasaur (with an Aquatic JW Update)
    1. Megladon (with an Aquatic DLC Pack)
    2. Giant Orthocone (with an Aquatic DLC Pack)
    3. Plesiosaur (with an Aquatic DLC Pack); this one is rumoured to be in JW3 too.
  • Cenozoic Update?
Wouldn't mind a couple more hybrids either; the Indominus Rex, Indoraptor, Spinoraptor, Stegceratops and that other one (Anklodoplicus?) is great and all, but five hybrids is a little limited when you think of the other possibilities. Taking ideas from the JW mobile game;
  • Carnoraptor (like this one needs explaining)
  • Pentaceratops & Pachycephalosaurus Hybrid (resembling the Pachyceratops)
  • Stygimoloch (or) Dracorex & Allosaurus Hybrid (resembling the Pachygalosaurus) - maybe with a smaller head?
  • Camarasaurus & Parasaurolophus (resembling the Parasaura)
For hybrids, I'd also love to have the two unnamed ones that appeared on screens in JW
  • Pteranodon (with an RtJP Update)
    1. Dimorphodon (with an Avian DLC Pack)
    2. Tapejara (with an Avian DLC Pack)
    3. Scaphognathus (with an Avian DLC Pack)
  • Mosasaur (with an Aquatic JW Update)
    1. Megladon (with an Aquatic DLC Pack)
    2. Giant Orthocone (with an Aquatic DLC Pack)
    3. Plesiosaur (with an Aquatic DLC Pack); this one is rumoured to be in JW3 too.
  • Cenozoic Update?
Meh... personally I could care less about more pterosaurs... they're not "real" animals, just glorified decorations... would probably be the case with marine animals as well. On a side note, C. megalodon and Cameroceros (the "Giant Orthocone"... you play the Jurassic World phone game, don't you?) are not part of the Mesozoic era... similar, but actual Mesozoic options include Cretoxyrhina and Parapuzosia (the "Giant Ammonite").

Also... why Scaphognathus? They'd be better off going with something more mainstream like Rhamphorhynchus or something more exotic like Djungaripterus...

Wouldn't mind a couple more hybrids either; the Indominus Rex, Indoraptor, Spinoraptor, Stegceratops and that other one (Anklodoplicus?) is great and all, but five hybrids is a little limited when you think of the other possibilities. Taking ideas from the JW mobile game;
  • Carnoraptor (like this one needs explaining)
  • Pentaceratops & Pachycephalosaurus Hybrid (resembling the Pachyceratops)
  • Stygimoloch (or) Dracorex & Allosaurus Hybrid (resembling the Pachygalosaurus) - maybe with a smaller head?
  • Camarasaurus & Parasaurolophus (resembling the Parasaura)
Would love a few more hybrids myself... my personal picks for a Hybrid Dinosaur Pack would be:
  • Carnoraptor - Velociraptor + Carnotaurus
  • Giganocephalus - Giganotosaurus + Euoplocephalus (Could be omnivorous; eats from low plant feeders and meat feeders)
  • Stegodeus - Stegosaurus + Ankylodocus
And while we're at it, how about a proper looking Ankylodocus? Or do we have to wait for fan mods to make it looks good?
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The obvious (or at least, most logical) would be following in the Pteranodon example by providing us with some Aquatic Dinosaurs (and yes, I know that these marine reptiles aren't actually Dinosaurs in the traditional sense). Most Dino DLC packs have three Dinos in them, so if the Aquatic release came with the Mosasaur, then (I'd like to think) a flying DLC with three more aerial creatures, and a marine DLC with three more aquatic creatures wouldn't be too much to ask.
  • Pteranodon (with an RtJP Update)
    1. Dimorphodon (with an Avian DLC Pack)
    2. Tapejara (with an Avian DLC Pack)
    3. Scaphognathus (with an Avian DLC Pack)
  • Mosasaur (with an Aquatic JW Update)
    1. Megladon (with an Aquatic DLC Pack)
    2. Giant Orthocone (with an Aquatic DLC Pack)
    3. Plesiosaur (with an Aquatic DLC Pack); this one is rumoured to be in JW3 too.
  • Cenozoic Update?
Wouldn't mind a couple more hybrids either; the Indominus Rex, Indoraptor, Spinoraptor, Stegceratops and that other one (Anklodoplicus?) is great and all, but five hybrids is a little limited when you think of the other possibilities. Taking ideas from the JW mobile game;
  • Carnoraptor (like this one needs explaining)
  • Pentaceratops & Pachycephalosaurus Hybrid (resembling the Pachyceratops)
  • Stygimoloch (or) Dracorex & Allosaurus Hybrid (resembling the Pachygalosaurus) - maybe with a smaller head?
  • Camarasaurus & Parasaurolophus (resembling the Parasaura)
Maybe we can get another hybrid pack with 2 new herbivore hybrids and 1 more carnivore hybrid to even them out.they should only contain hybrids though so people who don’t like hybrids don’t have to get it cause of some new non hybrids Dino’s also introduced in it like dr wu.
Hybrids in the franchise are generally introduced by some kind of special means besides just mixing two or more species together. In the game, the Secrets of Dr. Wu DLC has that kind of special strategy by using lore as the element. And since his focused DLC has already taken up possibilities I could think of to continue any future hybrids, I don't think more hybrid species would be possible for this game.
They should. Roadmaps help rise customer trust and satisfaction a lot.

But, hey, they've already show how naïve they think we are when implementing their JWE's guest, haven't they?
Well, they said (verbally) they don't really post roadmaps to the public because:

(This was posted on the Xbox subreddit back in 2018 before the game launched.)​
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Well, they said (verbally) they don't really post roadmaps to the public because:
View attachment 157371

(This was posted on the Xbox subreddit back in 2018 before the game launched.)​

'Transparent', my ... anyway, all the false expectations built around hype I'd say are definitively worse, but I'm not managing them, so I suppose it's just much easier to say 'X is impossible, can't be done' and several months later just implement X.

Worse about this statement, is that if they are looking at 'community feedback', JWE2 will be likely announced soon:cautious:
Worse about this statement, is that if they are looking at 'community feedback', JWE2 will be likely announced soon:cautious:
They can't do every single thing everybody here asks for, no matter how often something might be brought up. Nobody in the world is or can be like that. The concept is not as simple or straightforward as what you think at all. It all depends on other certain circumstances together for anything to happen at all than just community communication of a particular subject alone for every single thing posted here to become possible.

FYI, I'm very positive the new big IP game is Sony Pictures based.
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Hybrids in the franchise are generally introduced by some kind of special means besides just mixing two or more species together. In the game, the Secrets of Dr. Wu DLC has that kind of special strategy by using lore as the element. And since his focused DLC has already taken up possibilities I could think of to continue any future hybrids, I don't think more hybrid species would be possible for this game.
That sounds like a pretty dumb reason to not add more hybrids... furthermore the Dr. Wu DLC ended on a bit of a cliffhanger, so who's to say we won't get a continuation?
That sounds like a pretty dumb reason to not add more hybrids... furthermore the Dr. Wu DLC ended on a bit of a cliffhanger, so who's to say we won't get a continuation?
DLCs aren't often seen as being expanded (updated) in that sense. And no DLC that I know of in the world really needs another to functionally work.
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For hybrids, I'd also love to have the two unnamed ones that appeared on screens in JW
If I’m not mistaken, there were three of them; one looked like a Therizinosaur, then there was something that resembled a Pachcephalasaur and another screen that featured something like a Stegosaur (wasn’t the Stegceratops).

In any case, it would certainly be an idea to include those.

On a side note, C. megalodon and Cameroceros (the "Giant Orthocone"... you play the Jurassic World phone game, don't you?) are not part of the Mesozoic era... similar, but actual Mesozoic options include Cretoxyrhina and Parapuzosia (the "Giant Ammonite").
I used to play it, kinda gave it up around Feb/March time. Found it a bit too repetitive for my liking, and I wasn’t too fond of some of the new features.

Also... why Scaphognathus? They'd be better off going with something more mainstream like Rhamphorhynchus or something more exotic like Djungaripterus...
No particular reason I chose the Scaphognathus. More than happy to have something else in its place!

Hybrids in the franchise are generally introduced by some kind of special means besides just mixing two or more species together. In the game, the Secrets of Dr. Wu DLC has that kind of special strategy by using lore as the element. And since his focused DLC has already taken up possibilities I could think of to continue any future hybrids, I don't think more hybrid species would be possible for this game.
Nonsense. New Hybrids could easily be added, doesn’t ever need to be part of a storyline, just a Dino Pack.
DLCs aren't often seen as being expanded (updated) in that sense. And no DLC that I know of in the world really needs another to functionally work.
Who said a continuation of Dr. Wu would require Dr. Wu to function? Being a continuation of the plot doesn't mean it would be an expansion of an expansion, just a furthering of the story... and in any case, needing a specific kind of DLC to justify more hybrids is still a pretty dumb reason not to add more hybrids...

I used to play it, kinda gave it up around Feb/March time. Found it a bit too repetitive for my liking, and I wasn’t too fond of some of the new features.
Yep... stopped playing it myself a long time ago... it inevitably got to a point where progressing basically requires you to spend money and the prices they are asking for are absurd! And yeah, it's super repetitive... so not only is it stupid expensive, but what you get wouldn't be worth it for a fraction of the price...
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I've personally always felt Jurassic World missed the great opportunity to legitimaize the old Kenner toy line "Chaos Effect" where we actually got our first taste of dinosaur hybrids. Would have loved to see some of those mixed up alien looking dinos brought to life.
For 2020 my hope would be for another 2x DLCs like we had in 2019:

Aquatic 'Entertainment' DLC:
Set on a new part of Pena which is at sea-level and includes a new dock building and is headed up by Isaac or Cabot, the first part of the story could be using a new, small carnivorous wetland dino (Vallibonavenatrix) to ensure huge profits in a small space. One of the missions should be to max out the population of this together with a larger new spinosaurid like Ichthyovenator or Irritator and have them co-habit which means you can have a massively profitable Spino enclosure due to authenticity. Completing that mission and getting a 4x star rating unlocks the Aquarium & Mosasaur dig site and helps you use the water space on the map to achieve the 5 star rating.

The second part of the story should be on a bigger map and should lead to a boat tour attraction and the free stuff should be something around improved water flow with the terrain tools, e.g. the ability to add waterfalls and slightly deeper water environments. If a swimming animation could be added for the spinosaurids then the story could be centred around making a boat tour where they are visible but still not a threat to guests due to a newly researchable containment mechanism. Without combining the new mechanism (some sort of frequency emitting buoy placeable in water?) with the boat tour the spinosaurids should be able to attack the boats in deep water where other dinos can only attack in shallow water. I'm probably going too far with this, but another cool thing could be a rescue 'ranger' boat which has the same medicate, tranq and flare ability as the jeeps. The dock building mentioned earlier could also have a function where we can buy/sell dinos and park goods through it a bit like the helipad in the RTJP DLC to tie in with the profit/entertainment story.

I think this would be the perfect DLC to also add bridges and maybe some more aquatic/coastal plants as part of the free stuff.

Rehab & Control 'Security' DLC:
Headed up by Lambert & Owen Grady, this would be set on a new part of Matanceros and can be where we get the breeding a pack hunting mechanics. Pack hunting should be for small carnivores and possibly one or two larger carnivores (e.g. Raptors and Allosaurus). This should include the B@BR Allosaurus remodel and add Amargasaurus as well as a sauropod defence mechanism. New building is obviously the raptor training facility and could add some enrichment items allowing baby carnivores to be trained to hunt something specific e.g. first a pig or cow then as the hunting improves they can pack hunt to take down small dinos, then large dinos and even successfully take down a large carnivore/sauropod together. Owen's bike could be added to the ranger station too and can be used to 'tag' the dino you want the trained carnivores to hunt down.

In the second part of the story, this could be about rehabilitating and releasing baby/juvenile carnivores which are rescued from other parts of the world. Once the rehabilitated dinos are back to full health, fully trained to hunt all of their preferred prey species and grow to adult size they can then be released into the wild aka a true 'site B' which is populated with all of it's natural prey (no goats/pigs/cows or feeders allowed!). Of course, the herbivorous prey can breed so you need to introduce their natural predators to control the population. There could be a human threat in this DLC where poachers try to sabotage your reserve in order to steal the highly prized trained assets. As a final mission to conclude the story a pack of wild and enraged B@BR Allosaurus should need to be taken down by using a fully trained raptor squad to ensure balance in the reserve is maintained.

Free stuff in this DLC should be more terrain tools e.g. a rougher dirt texture, dry grass and a wider variety of natural decorations e.g. dead dino skeletons, rocks of different colours and logs for the reserve. Obviously another carnivorous dino species like Concavenator, Crylophosaurus or Segisaurus could be added with this DLC.
Free stuff in this DLC should be more terrain tools e.g. a rougher dirt texture, dry grass and a wider variety of natural decorations e.g. dead dino skeletons, rocks of different colours and logs for the reserve.
Throw in some destroyed jeeps and stuff, and I’d certainly be on top of this. We could use a few more rocks and other forms of decoration. Islands and enclosures are a bit bland.
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