What improvements to the core gameplay would you like after 2.4?

It would be cool to see what fixes people want frontier to make after 2.4.

My wish would be for exploring.
That they remove fsd system jumping when outside the bubble and instead make it so we would essentially fly through the galaxy map instead. The ship could give you warnings about objects you are about to hit so you have to evade them. and the FSD quality could be about speed instead of jump range. For me that would be so much more fun than the current system jumping we have now cause it gets a bit stale after a few thousand lightyears.

What would you guys want them to improve and how would you like them to do it?
So basically you want Star Trek style travel? I dig it but realistically I don't think it will happen. The game is set up for FSD the way it loads star system depends on it.

But I will take this opportunity to plug Comets. It's time for them already... they could turn systems that would usually be Passover systems into places worth stopping at.

Unique fighter icons for crewed fighters. So that we can tell an Slf fighter from a player ship at a simple glance would be easy enough to do.
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I´d like to see:

- Scanner-Gameplay - pinpoint locations on planetary maps like geysers, special resources, ground bases... sort of an pre-check for (then not so) random encounters.
- An Orey System Map, again with options to use scanners to pinpoint points of interest, encounters, missions and such things
- Explorer Multicrew role with SRV use included and access to maps and scanners for the crew.
- Propper docking indicators (artificial horizon) when approaching the mail-slot and the landing pad
- Soil sample extraction with the SRV to sell it for profit and rank
- Engineer upgrade progression, so you can start to work on upgrades (still with an RNG) instead of re-rolling each time - and a little control to tell the engineer in which direction he should work
- NPC voice chatter
- NPC quick comms interaction system for a bit of interaction
Oh and two more things... hazardous environments in deep space and new astronomical things like comets, magnetars, blast waves and such things.
I would like to be able to join the military arm of either the Federation or Imperial (empire?) and do missions with their fleet or components thereof. Border patrols, insurrection put-downs, hunting pirates (big one for me), etc., etc.. It would also be nice if the ranks we spent so much time grinding after actually meant something/were useful for something?

Being able to have a storage unit available either on-station or on-planet would be nice where I can store mats and commodities would be nice.

I too like the idea of the Star Trek style travel, but agree it would be difficult to implement. How about the option to arrive at different points within a given star system? That would help.

Some depth/added features to the star systems and planets would be nice. Ruins on planets, old starship stations, etc.. Just some variety would be nice.

I could go on, but these would be a great start. :D

EDIT: Oh, and I'd like to be able to launch two NPC fighters from my Corvette and have my own wing... :rolleyes:
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Some performance optimisations would be nice to see. The biggest delays when travelling are the loading screens, which can largely be cut out through the use of properly buffering. Rather than me charging my FSD, having a 5 second countdown and then finally the game starting to load the new system, why not make it start loading the system the moment I start charging the FSD? Similarly, if I am travelling to a port in supercruise, why has it not already loaded the port into memory by the time I drop out of SC? Just looking at our travel behaviour and making some predictions could allow the game to cut out most of the loading screens. Obviously, this requires a computer with a touch more RAM, but I'm sure many of us have reasonable enough amounts of memory in our machines to do this and would like this option.

A similar set of optimisations could be done when landing at a station and accessing station services. If we have cargo racks, why doesn't it download the market data the moment we land rather than the current method of waiting until we enter the commodity market? Similarly, the passenger lounge could automatically download the required information during landing, so that we can enjoy instant access to the passenger missions rather than having to watch a loading screen every time.

Outside of performance optimisations, I'd love to see more updates to the BGS and the galactic economy. It's all very barebones currently, with all but the most minor changes require direct Dev intervention, rather than weaving a full procedural galaxy-wide story. This could be combined beautifully with persistent NPCs, as they can give motivations and personalities to factions, provide the "why" to the factions' "what" and provide hooks for players to get involved with the story and influence the galaxy.
I would absolutely love to see persistent npc's, with independence and personalities of their own. Their interaction (and our own) would automatically generate missions. For example, if a pirate faction decides that a certain trade company seems ripe for juicy pickings, they may target that target and harass and pirate them till they run out of goods to pirate. The trade company would then put up a BB notice of bounties paid on pirates, or hire escorts for their trade ships. The pirates might then get at you at put out their own bounty on your head to dissuade others opportunistic enough to try and impede their business. Of course, we would need some pretty darned good AI programmers for this because the NPC's have to have such depth that they don't appear repetitive or predictive, and can rival cmdrs in their own actions.

With the above suggestion, NPC interaction is a must. We need to be able to communicate/respond to NPC both in space and in stations. We don't yet need space legs for this. We should be able to move around the station and see graphical representations of said area, and a map of npc's and their locations, and have the ability to communicate with them. The NPC's should have the ability to give missions, snitch on you (I hate this guy), generally chit chat, tell space stories of a planet they once visited that has buried treasure, etc... This would give us a semi-ability to leave our ship without space legs and give us an approximated sense of roaming around the station, and a feel of being included n the ED world.

There aren't enough bodies in the systems. In our own solar systems there are millions of bodies, but in ED there only exists a max of a little only over 100 bodies? Yeah, something's not right there. And in that same vein, what happened to the orrery?

We need cockpit customization. Yes, yes, I know FD wanted to make the HUD as clutter free as possible, but are you sure that's what we want? Give us the choice to make our hud/panels as clutter free or cluttered up as we like it. Give us customization.

The separate screens for the system map and the galaxy map have to go. They need to be holographic representations in the cockpit. In fact, everything should happen in the cockpit because that's the point of view. Opening a new screen to display other information is so 80's. This is not V1 of Elite.

3D doesn't look 3D enough. I play in VR, and while flying high, I don't get the sense that I'm high up. And when close to the ground, I don't get the sense that I'm too close. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I think it has to do with focus. When looking far, near things should be out of focus, and when looking close far things should be out of focus. How do we accomplish this? I almost have no idea. Perhaps eye tracking would help. But there is more to the name not looking 3D enough than focus and blur, but I can't quite put my finger on it...

We that's my 2c so far.
Npc crew to do something other than sip cocktails or occasionally fly my SLF. They could at least sit in chairs and look busy. (give me an extra pip or something)

Planetary exploration: If I had a cooler looking SRV that could carry more cargo. Something like the one from Mass Effect.

No further complaints.
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I´d like to see:

- Scanner-Gameplay - pinpoint locations on planetary maps like geysers, special resources, ground bases... sort of an pre-check for (then not so) random encounters.
- An Orey System Map, again with options to use scanners to pinpoint points of interest, encounters, missions and such things
- Explorer Multicrew role with SRV use included and access to maps and scanners for the crew.
- Propper docking indicators (artificial horizon) when approaching the mail-slot and the landing pad
- Soil sample extraction with the SRV to sell it for profit and rank
- Engineer upgrade progression, so you can start to work on upgrades (still with an RNG) instead of re-rolling each time - and a little control to tell the engineer in which direction he should work
- NPC voice chatter
- NPC quick comms interaction system for a bit of interaction

Well I do not necessary agree with all or your order - but well done for getting the first serious answer in and keeping the thread on track (quick boo to Punish Morbius for his slighlty dusturbing obsession with comets!).

Npc crew to do something other than sip cocktails or occasionally fly my SLF. They could at least sit in chairs and look busy. (give me an extra pip or something)

Planetary exploration: If I had a cooler looking SRV that could carry more cargo. Something like the one from Mass Effect.

No further complaints.

Shock are you asking for something BEYOND the DDF. Down that path lays damnation .... or at least some vey bad things ... or at least some very slly walks.

Actually as long as the pilot cannot give up the helm, I actually think this would be a fairly easy an immersive (careful I talked about immersion breaking with multi-crew and galaxy teleport).
Yes, an orrery map would be awesome, alongside the existing system map.

They should make the blackhole lensing effect affect the stars in the same star system. It looks a bit weird that the blackholes and neutron stars having no lensing on their companion stars in multi-star systems.

They should give explorers a reason to scan asteroid fields, and add some gameplay to them. Right now asteroid fields are invisible and pay nothing in you scan them. (Just as long as they're not too hard to see and result in people hitting the body exclusion zone) At the very least give explorers a little money for scanning them.

They should add some simple NPC pedestrian animations in the space station towers and hallways, to make it seem like an active facility.
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I´d like to see:

- Scanner-Gameplay - pinpoint locations on planetary maps like geysers, special resources, ground bases... sort of an pre-check for (then not so) random encounters.
- An Orey System Map, again with options to use scanners to pinpoint points of interest, encounters, missions and such things

Very much this.

I think the UI leaves a lot to be desired and many things could be much better communicated via an "orrery view".

1) For explorers it just shows where things are in relation to other things. Why are will still scrolling through a list of text looking for the closest targets?
2) For powerplayers it would be the obvious place to illustrate the relation between factions and who is at war with who. Being able to see conflict zones/blockades etc in relation to planets makes the whole thing come alive.
3) For pirates and bounty hunters being able to see the paths of ships through a system would allow them to guess their intentions from their behaviour. It would make you feel like a detective rather than somebody clicking through a list of text.
4) It could be zoomed in to scanner range or zoomed out to see the stars we can jump to or zoomed right down to a planet to analyse it's composition.

I would integrate the galaxy map/system map/planet map seamlessly and find a way to make it came up instantaneously rather than feel like you're entering an entirely different piece of software. Perhaps it could start as a simple wireframe and as details are downloaded they could fizz/glitch in incrementally.
So basically you want Star Trek style travel? I dig it but realistically I don't think it will happen. The game is set up for FSD the way it loads star system depends on it.

It should be technically possible cause they already have the galaxy map, but yeah I have extremely small hopes that it would actually be made cause it´s a lot of work would probably be really hard to make!
An Orrery map would indeed be very useful.
The current map might tell you a planets distance to its star but actually knowing where the planet is in it's orbit would make planning routes so much easier.
I'd like all the bits we have currently to tie up.

I'd like a mission that requires me to wing up with an NPC mining ship, lie in wait while he mines (using silent running). I'd like better, context sensitive NPC chatter ("looks like he's got a wingmate, abort mission"). I'd like to be able to track and follow NPC's, find out where they go and who they meet. I'd like anarchy systems to be dangerous and hi-sec systems to be safe. I'd like NPC's to remember me ("hey Jeriko, isn't that the same ship you thought you saw after we jumped that miner"). I'd like to be able to interrogate data networks for factions I'm allied with (or better ones for powers I'm pledged to) and get intel on an NPC named "Jeriko". I'd like it if some of these data terminals were in planetary bases ONLY accessible via SRV. I'd like the game to signpost things like megaship/asteroid base/installation locations ("Jerico: pirate, known to frequent the space bar installation at Thrutis A 2"). I'd like targetting an enemies sub-systems to be relevant again so, when I track down my quarry I have a reason to disable his ship rather then blow him up (e.g. to give myself time to use the new datalink scanner to get information about his associates) ...

[to be continued]

Oh, and I'd like to be able to organise my bookmarks in a folder structure and to be able to turn bookmarks for any given folder on and off in the galaxy map.

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