What will you use your carrier for?

Now you're just being disingenuous. It's long since been understood that exploration is more quantity over quality gameplay, and only recently has Fdev even started trying to swing it back towards quality. As such the vast majority of explorer builds are low mass focused, some builds going to extremes.

Nah. That's just the mistaken impression of people who don't ever actually explore. The people who are doing low mass builds are like witchspace drag racers. They are doing it just because they can.
I have no idea what you`#re talking about. You're already indoctrinated with the power creep I deem. I was out there in the good old days. It was boring for the most part, but I got a couple of pretty screenshots from it.
Good luck combing the desert with a little hairbrush, maybe you find the odd grain in a quintillion that is special.
And why do you think it remains empty? because no one is out there, thus no reason to spend dev time putting things out there.

There are supposed secret cool things to find already in the game, but since most people don't go to these places, those mysteries remain not only unsolved but attempted because of the schlep of going to and from the bubbles.

If a person or group of people where able to caravan out to a spot, bring up the carrier, they could stay there a while, a good LONG while, and eventually stumble onto those mysteries. More over, it will encourage the player base to press out into the galaxy And perhaps with gameplay improvements, even start establishing infrastructure.. The player base is bunched up in the bubble or colonia and immediate surrounding areas. WHY? because there is supporting infrastructure.

Hell proof of the point, Colonia was for the most part a interesting story about Jocque misjumping his station until Fdev started putting infrastructure out there to encourage players to go out there, and they did, which encouraged more dev time to develop the area, now it has it's own shipyards, stations, economy, even engineers. Now granted it's not the same as the bubble, but then again it's not meant to be.
Now you're just being disingenuous. It's long since been understood that exploration is more quantity over quality gameplay, and only recently has Fdev even started trying to swing it back towards quality. As such the vast majority of explorer builds are low mass focused, some builds going to extremes.
That's a choice, not a requirement. I load my Type-7 explorer with limpets, food cartridges (a man's got to eat), water (to hydrate those food cartridges), coffee (which also needs water), and geological survey equipment since I don't believe in infinite probes. Now I do fly shieldless, but that's because I like an extra challenge / thrill when landing. I also have some mining lasers and other weapons for "science".

My jump range is usually about 50 LY with all this extra silly stuff, but that's plenty for me! So no, I'm not being disingenuous. The fact that dozens of griefers followed DW2 in battle-ready warships proves your hypothesis incorrect.

As for having a variety of different ships in different configurations when exploring deep space, it sounds fun and first, but I'm not sure what the practical purpose would be. I suppose it would be nice to have an Eagle for canyon racing, along with the ability to repair your primary exploration ship, but what will you need a combat ship for? As for mining, will that work without a mining fleet carrier? You load your Type-9 with tons of void opals only to be prohibited to switching to your Eagle due to lack of cargo space... In which case I might be more tempted to take a mining carrier, assuming such a carrier allows me to unload my cargo bay.

Speaking of, it's kinda weird that all carriers have the same jump range. I would have expected a large jump range with an exploration carrier, but less with some of the others.
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And the big one that no body is talking about, Colonization gameplay. Fleet carriers open up the possibility of potential colonization of star systems and thus allow players to expand the bubble or create their own bubble like Colonia but in a direct, player run way.

How? Permanently park a bunch of carriers in a system and pretend they are stations?
Nah. That's just the mistaken impression of people who don't ever actually explore. The people who are doing low mass builds are like witchspace drag racers. They are doing it just because they can.
Im sorry but that is a patently untrue statement, I've been on plenty of exploration runs, the most recent I've done was DW2, the vast majority of the communities of which were encouraging low mass builds to get the most range, now granted they weren't suggesting extreme builds like the Jumpaconda, but most of the time it was smaller reactors, smaller thrusters, dirty drive tuning, stripped down on pretty much anything, no weapons, no utilities, G5 Range FSD with Mass Managers, Deep plating for hull (Since it doesnt increase mass for some reason, so it's basically fairy dust.) etc. Now for the long range stuff, most people kept their shields, especially if they were planning to land on High G planets.
I'd probably prefer a small fleet carrier for 1 large and 2 medium ships. That's about as much as I'd want to haul around. Lesser purchase and fuel cost too. Wishful thinking perhaps..

The pads are not for the number of ships you bring, but for the number of people that can board simultaneously. For a personal carrier a single large pad would do the trick just fine.
DW2 is like a galactic rally race. It still isn't exploration. For actual exploration it doesn't really matter what your jump range is. In fact, it's better to do something a bit off kilter from the metagame hivemind builds because then you might accidentally stumble on some neat stuff that other people will jump past and never see because your route will contain more of the points along the way.
That's a choice, not a requirement. I load my Type-7 explorer with limpets, food cartridges (a man's got to eat), water (to hydrate those food cartridges), coffee (which also needs water), and geological survey equipment since I don't believe in infinite probes. Now I do fly shieldless, but that's because I like an extra challenge / thrill when landing. I also have some mining lasers and other weapons for "science".

My jump range is usually about 50 LY with all this extra silly stuff, but that's plenty for me! So no, I'm not being disingenuous. The fact that dozens of griefers followed DW2 in battle-ready warships proves your hypothesis incorrect.

As for having a variety of different ships in different configurations when exploring deep space, it sounds fun and first, but I'm not sure what the practical purpose would be. I suppose it would be nice to have an Eagle for canyon racing, along with the ability to repair your primary exploration ship, but what will you need a combat ship for? As for mining, will that work without a mining fleet carrier? You load your Type-9 with tons of void opals only to be prohibited to switching to your Eagle due to lack of cargo space... In which case I might be more tempted to take a mining carrier, assuming such a carrier allows me to unload my cargo bay.

Speaking of, it's kinda weird that all carriers have the same jump range. I would have expected a large jump range with an exploration carrier, but less with some of the others.
It may be a choice, but it's a choice most explorers make.

Actually the griefers prove my point not detract from it, those griefers were able to launch from the stations along the way because they had the infrastructure to support their gameplay. (Granted, I don't like griefing either..), Gameplay that would of very difficult to do had those stations not been there. The same thing can be said for FCs

And I would actually like to see "science" gameplay, with associated modules, regardless of whether you own a FC or not. But what a FC would provide is an operations base from which to properly SURVEY regions. Which is something most explorers don't really do, they engage in the more route based point to point type exploration and only a few groups (Of which I've joined and have alot of fun doing.) where we go to an area, and just survey the whole nebula cluster/section/region/etc, taking it slow and a savor the experience.

The practical purpose is that you will be able to switch roles much easier when out in deep space, that you wouldn't otherwise be able to do since you have no station to land at to switch. Because they said mining was one of the roles of the carrier, to keep mining viable in deep space there would have to be some kind of ability to store material, otherwise it would break mining. But admittedly that's just a guess.

I agree with your last statement on ranges, having a hard limit on range does kind of flatten the performance curve when it comes to role specificity. When a geared for combat can go exactly the same distance as a FC built for exploration, it does come across as off putting.
DW2 is like a galactic rally race. It still isn't exploration. For actual exploration it doesn't really matter what your jump range is. In fact, it's better to do something a bit off kilter from the metagame hivemind builds because then you might accidentally stumble on some neat stuff that other people will jump past and never see because your route will contain more of the points along the way.
I agree, all I was pointing out was what MOST explorers do, I very much WOULD like a slower more methodical approach to exploration. And it would be great if Fdev had more "Easter Eggs" to find while doing it. But again, to get Fdev to do that, requires that we steer explorer game play back toward the quality over quantity side of things, and I think FCs will help do that. Allowing players to plop down a carrier in a spot and do a proper survey of the surrounding systems with the FC being the center from which they measure from.
Now you're just being disingenuous. It's long since been understood that exploration is more quantity over quality gameplay, and only recently has Fdev even started trying to swing it back towards quality. As such the vast majority of explorer builds are low mass focused, some builds going to extremes.

That's kind of like looking at a fish and concluding that it swims in water because it can't ride a bicycle.

Speaking as somebody with an 80Ly Annie, I built it to reach places I can't get to in any other ship.
Don't really care if that's 100Ly from Sol or 50,000Ly.
It's long since been understood that exploration is more quantity over quality gameplay

Absolute rubbish. Personally i think somebody in Fd had some kind of personal issue with explorers cause they sure killed the old exploration game. The only conselation being that now they have rolled back their advertising promises and dropped a 500ly moblie safety net, you simply cant claim any kind of acheivment any more.
Plan: One for each of my alts (I have a few!) And then I park them all in orbit around planets in a non colonised system and petition fdev to rename the system Central Klargia

FC stacking during DW3 meetups! It will definitely make a nice twist for DW3.

Doing some very fringe system exploring sounds awesome!
The carrier will allow consolidation of players personal ships in one place. If the next update is FPS and overt war with Thargoids then having a personal carrier may significantly improve gameplay. If you lose your ship or life where do you respawn - nearest station or the carrier? Spawning at Carrier would significantly improve things in more remote places.

If the carrier costs a billion I figure at current rate of available game time it will be twenty years till I afford it.
Im sorry but that is a patently untrue statement, I've been on plenty of exploration runs, the most recent I've done was DW2, the vast majority of the communities of which were encouraging low mass builds to get the most range, now granted they weren't suggesting extreme builds like the Jumpaconda, but most of the time it was smaller reactors, smaller thrusters, dirty drive tuning, stripped down on pretty much anything, no weapons, no utilities, G5 Range FSD with Mass Managers, Deep plating for hull (Since it doesnt increase mass for some reason, so it's basically fairy dust.) etc. Now for the long range stuff, most people kept their shields, especially if they were planning to land on High G planets.
Okay, but you just described a perfectly ordinary trading build, except with fuel scoops, AMFUs, gFSD boosters and such instead of cargo bays. Because for any activity that involves interstellar travel instead of staying in one place, more jump range is always better. Now it's true that a large fraction of the DW2 pilots were in Anacondas, KraitPs, AspXs, and the like, since those are ships that can get excellent jump range without making too many compromises. That's not min-max'ing, that's just picking a reasonable ship for the job.

And even for exploring outside the mass-expedition context, you only need a stripped-down build if you're hopping around the outer fringes. There's more to exploration than that. Check out the map of visited systems -- there's a loooot of black pixels there that don't need any special jump range to reach, just nobody's gone there yet 'cause space is big. But you know this, you've been on plenty of exploration runs.
1. Park it right in front of the mail slot of Jamesons. It’s indestructible, right?

2. Park it on a planet and do stunt jumps over it in my SRV.

3. Ram stars in it. It’s indestructible, right?

4. Only ever carry one Sidewinder on it to show off how decadent I am.

5. Park it on a planet then throw stones at it all day long when I realise that the weeks it took me to get the money have been wasted because I don’t need it and you’re not going to be able to sell them and you cant self destruct them because it’s indestructible, right?
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