What’s your most recent rookie mistake?

I was playing on one of my alt accounts today (the one on my sig,) which only has a Type 7 as a trading vessel, and was trying to rank up in a new system. Whilst waiting for my Type 7 to arrive I sat in my FdL merrily accepting trade missions for Rep and Mats ready for when it arrived.

Out of twelve missions accepted only two turned out to be for planetary bases or stations :rolleyes: Meaning I was fed up with myself for being an idiot and had to spend time finding a Type 6 for sale (my Cmdr is short on funds) and outfitting it before getting on with things. The shame stung somewhat.

Can anyone make me feel less of a tool and share their rookie mistakes? You know...the ones you really shouldn’t be making with the experience you’ve got.:)
I was just on an expedition and went 800LY to Colonia to switch a Phantom out for a mining Python to repay a kind FC cmdr with some tritium. I jumped out from Jacques Station and went to grab my coffee in the kitchen, forgetting that my Python does NOT have a supercruise module fitted and was not set to throttle down when arriving at a system. I got back just in time to save myself from exploding. o_O I limped away from the star and snuck back to Jacques to repair literally every module onboard. Yikes!

Sure. I got no shame. You realised you'd taken on missions for small pads only? I've actually turned up to outposts in my T9 wondering why they were denying my docking requests

But the last error was last week. I was part of a Thargoid hunt and we killed the Cyclops. Feeling pleased with myself at a job well done I docked my SLF with my mothership... to find that acid was burning through its hull and had percentage hull left 3%... 2%... 1%... 0
Forgot to buy collector limpets after selling my full cargo hull of platinum.
And also in another account, fully engineered a ship to do mining out in the black and forgot to transfer it to my fleet carrier! It's now a 800 million transfer fee to the fleet carrier!
Recently started playing the game after stopping last June. Lots to remember, but I thought I was getting the hang of it. So I decided to try flying a bit to see what I remembered (and what I didn't). I'm at Jameson and I was in my Corvette. Hit launch, and the ship just drifted there above the pad. I had no controls. Oops... So I hit escape and started reconfiguring my controls as they appeared all screwed up.

I forgot that this is an online game, and hitting escape doesn't stop the game. I suddenly found myself float above the launch pad, in a debris field, and reading a screen about how I'm about to be put in jail in some other system. I guess when the station timer to leave zeros out the station kills you. The only time I have ever lost my Corvette was when I got shot by my home station... Whatta game...
Went AFK while trusting the docking computer, which flew me at full boost right into the innards of a Coriolis station's trenches and blew up my ship.
Forgetting limpets probably shouldn't even count. :p

I also catch myself wondering why I cannot boost, until way too late I realise the cargo scoop is still out.

Hm what else...🤔

Oh yes or how about this: after dropping out of Glide on approach to a planetary base, I wanted to routinely punch the keys to request landing permission, somehow missed the "1" and hit Tab which is my Boost key, and boosted full smack into the ground, losing all shields and about 56% hull. 🤦
forgetting i was in a shieldless ship and boosting face first onto the landing pad as i usually do because i suck at landing... an expensive mistake for the alt i was on
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