What's your take on New Elite Ranks?

Absolutely NO to new ranks. Not just because of the contradiction of decades old established lore, but because by the time you get to the current maximum in game, you've already drained almost every drop of fun from it. Making players do the same old content for hundreds more hours just feels like a punishment now, rather than a pleasure. And currently the game literally will punish you for engaging in the current "end game"; I've got a fleet carrier, if I don't grind to pay its rent, it gets scrapped and I lose part of the fortune I invested.

Raising the Rank levels also pushes you backwards comparitively to where you once felt you were too. It is devaluing the invested time you already put in, and asking you to repeat it again. I actually have come to resent the game now, after buying a fleet carrier; I feel equally disconnected at the idea that the gameplay loops I once thought I was done with will now have the clock reset on them.

And it reveals the huge gamble FDev have taken; I can see the spreadsheet logic behind it... space sim fans have had no content for years, likely will not be getting any until Odyssey is firmly settled in, so at least extend the rank grind until then... But what if Odyssey bombs too? Quite apart from the shonky state it's in during Alpha, I personally just can't see the appeal of a sub-par FPS whose only purpose is to grind a sub-par FPS to unlock engineering for weapons to keep playing a sub-par FPS. Where's the integration into the wider game universe? People have been patient during the content draught because of invested hope; I can't see the player base remaining so when the only new content will be for things they don't want, and their actual core game is devaluing everything they already did achieve.

Unfortunately we're now trapped in the Forum Dadverse where every single game element has to be 1984 grind loops repackaged; Do this simple thing over and over again to push rank. But what we really want is something new to play with. FDev seem to be betting that they can solve the Elite Feet itch with a basic FPS. I suspect it's not going to be as popular as they think. Not including ship interiors will be a huge mis-step. (To be fair maybe the engine as is can't make them work, but still) Elite +1 etc just reinforces the idea the Devs have no idea how to do anything new and exciting.
Cannot say I am actually fussed either way.

Trade and Exploration really do need a rebalance, as progress is remarkably simple in both. So maybe these guys can have it.

Combat is quite a slog to get to Elite. So I can see the argument for nothing beyond Elite for Combat.

Me I would show Elite in external view of the player to all non-eleite players, but have Elite(Harmless) ... Elite(Elite) in the commander view, and external view of other Elite players. Seems to fit in with law, and the way societies like the Pilot Federation work in the real world.

Not overly fussed any way though.

So all of options 1-7.

A bit behind with episodes of Lave Radio so this may have already been addressed by Frontier (is it to do with ranks for xeno botany etc?) but I find my self experiencing the rare thing for me, being totally in agreement with Mr Shan. No. Leave the ranks alone. As Mr Shan said, 30 years of lore. I commemorated reaching triple elite with a tattoo (stupid donkey some of you might say) so you can guess how important it was for me. Shan's idea of adding new factions that you need to be triple elite to join is a great one. More than one all with different agendas and criteria for ranking, that would be cool.
I echo many of the sentiments others have. The trick is Elite is the ultimate goal of the game, it says so right in the title and it was the case in the original game. Trick is we've all achieved that and now find other things. Mostly. I actually still don't have Combat Elite because I'm unwilling to grind for it, just shoot things when I feel like having fun shooting things. I admit I might actually be there if I hadn't jumped onto the NPC fighter crew bandwagon and never getting off though.

I could maybe vaguely see Elite+ as sort of an honorary achievement. Not indicating you're more Elite, just more of one of those recognitions of long service sort of deals. Named ranks above Elite (i.e. Ultra-Elite, Archangel, whatever) just wouldn't be the way to go about it though, and diminishes the importance and awe of being Elite. Elite+, Elite++, etc. I feel is already seriously pushing it.

Regardless, Elite should always be the penultimate rank in all fields.
During Episode 336 we discussed the idea of a new rank grind where Shan was incredibly against the idea, but Ben was more “meh” about the whole thing, so we thought we’d get your opinion, do you want:

  1. Ranks above Elite (i.e. Elite+ or Archangel)
  2. The existing ranks to be spread out more? (i.e. Very Deadly etc)
  3. A prestige mechanic
  4. Recognition for a greater variety of game achievements (i.e. Mining, AX, Passenger, etc)
  5. No changes to the current ranks
  6. Change what you like about Trade and Exploration Ranks, but leave Combat alone
  7. A new “Post Elite Rank” grind (i.e. The Banking Consortium has noticed your trade rank and we’d like you do do some jobs for us, etc)
Adding more ranks won't change the mile-wide inch deep issue. Would you rather have a Pirate rank that says you're an elite pirate, or a game-play loop that allowed you to go out and engage in some elite piracy. Grinding out ranks =/= achievement in any real sense. Rep-gating more lucrative missions or equipment might be interesting.
Combat and Exploration are fine. Trade Elite is a joke. It can literally be reached in a day and needs adjusted.

Also, I'd be fine with removing CQC rank. No one plays CQC. CQC experience doesn't help much, that's the main reason. Everyone is engineered in the normal game, and even if you flew through 500 green glowing power-ups it wouldn't help you against a broken meta-Lance.
I think a severe punishment for gankers is necessary. Others no need to change. 500cr bounty gained for murdering others is a joke and is an encouragement of crime. FD always says balancing please balances this first
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