I was thinking of heading out to Colonia, and I was going to take a bunch of passengers with me to get some funds on arrival. I soon released all of the people wanting to go out there want to return. This is puzzling, surely there should be thousands of people wanting to seek their fortune outside the bubble? Could there not at least be community goals to ship people out there? I wanted to stay there a while, so a return journey would not be on the cards for sometime, and I could certainly do without having to keep secretive passengers onboard whilst out there. To some extent, the same goes for Maia and Sothis. There should also be more inter system passenger missions. One more thing, I picked up a mission for 21 million to three destinations, one of which was Maia. This is a bit much, given the missions to beauty spots about 5000 lyrs away were paying little more than 6 million a trip. I really enjoyed the passenger missions for a multitude of reasons, they got me to see loads of cool new stuff in the bubble, they got me a load of credits, they added an extra dimension to the small list of things you can do in this game, and I am grateful for it. However, there remains some really bizarre "features", that imho need ironing out.