Why Haven't you got a Fleet Carrier?

I noticed that many FC owners are focused mostly on maintaining their carrier rather than enjoying things this game has to offer
This is purely and simply not true.

I've had a carrier since they were released. There hasn't been a single day where I've had to worry about its upkeep costs.

I moved my entire fleet out to Colonia recently and just doing boring old BGS work (no mining or bulk trading) for the local factions is netting me >200M credits per week. The carrier upkeep is around 20M per week.

I set an arbitrary amount (40B in my case) for my CMDR account. Each Monday I transfer anything over that amount into my FC account. Currently my carrier can survive without any additional payments for almost 7 years.

I like flying spaceships and I can't fly a FC so nope.
I don't like mining either so nope.
I wouldn't know what to do with it so nope.
It's not worth 5+ billion to me so nope.
I play ED for the fun, maintaing a mobile trading station isn't so nope.

I don't see me buy a FC ever, not untill there will be a smaller more manageable version for exploring without the forced mining for fuel.
My only reason for having a fleet carrier is as a mobile deep space exploration platform. It currently sits in orbit around binary ELWs in my own personal "bubble", a region of mostly unexplored space thousands of LY away that I've slowly been claiming as my own. I don't need a fleet carrier back in the Bubble proper, as there is always an open fleet carrier seconds away from the activities that I'm involved in, and there are many ferry services to places like Witch Head nebula that I can hitch a free ride on.

Since my fleet carrier is more of a base station rather than a train or bus, I'm not bothered with tritium like many folks are. I fly the "old fashion" way between my carrier and the Bubble using my exploration ship, and I have two separate fleets - one built specifically for my exploration carrier, the other built specifically for operations in the Bubble, so I rarely have any need to transport ships between the two.

So you might say that right now, while the Bubble is hot and CGs are happening on a weekly basis, I don't have a carrier, at least not at my disposal. I do, however, have a lovely "retirement home" waiting for me out in the black, and with all the services currently suspended, I can afford to keep it out there for at least a few years. Seeing that I prefer flying humble starter ships like Eagles and Cobras, what else am I going to spend my credits on?
Credits really aren't an issue and if the problem is worrying about upkeep, well I barely notice 23 million a week (3-4 missions if I go to the right place).

If it's just that you can't think of what to do with one, then yes, please don't get one because you'll likely hate it and there's enough rotting in the carrier purchase systems. It seems that it really isn't something you buy and then work out what to do with it.
Five billion credits plus upkeep, no thank you.

From Conda/Cutter/Corvette straight to Fleet Carrier. Why not add something in-between? A frigate for a nice, even billion credits. Where is my frigate, fdev? Give it to me, now.

I mined 500 tons of 'roids to unlock Selene Jean. It'll be sometime before I do any more.
Mostly I play in the same manner I did with the original; armed trader.
I don't see the point of an FC in the Bubble, if/when I get more into exploring perhaps or as long range trader (though the only long range trading location seems to be Colonia so far).
I'm not rich enough.
I hate mining & don't spend enough time in game to earn enough for one any other way.
Not too fussed, though - Ill get there given enough time and if I can think of a use.
I can easily afford one & play enough that maintenance wouldn't be an issue either. The main use I would have for one is as a rearming base of operations during a war, and another player in the same squadron as me does have one & I occasionally use theirs for that purpose.

However the most useful purpose I see for having a carrier is to advertise one's interest in a system and generally that's the opposite of what I want so I haven't bought my own.

Also my squad-mate has given theirs a really cool name & all I can think of is to call mine 'Riverside' if I got one so there's that embarrassing climbdown too ;)

Generally I carry on as if Carriers don't exist though, I just don't use them.
Hi Folks :)

I see a plethora of Fleet Carriers in the game map, I was just wondering how many players don't have one yet, and why.
Just a random thought. 🤷‍♂️

Jack :)

I could easily afford one, but I don't have one, because I am not interested in them. I personally think that a player should not have ships of this size in this game, especially since you can't even actually fly them. I think it does not fit in the Elite universe.
Seeing so many of these abominations in certain systems represented in the system map, even in solo, makes me shiver with aversion. It is so gamey.
It is one of the reasons I can not bring myself to return to the game.
Even though I do not have one myself it is like constantly seeing something very ugly and revolting in your peripheral vision.
For me it taints the game, comparable to getting the player names of the first discoverers of planets shoved in your face in the star map.
It is just one more thing that puts me off the game. It ads up.
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I could easily afford one, but I don't have one, because I am not interested in them. I personally think that a player should not have ships of this size in this game. I think it does not fit in the Elite universe.
Seeing so many of these abominations in certain systems represented in the system map makes me shiver with aversion.
It is one of the reasons I can not bring myself to return to the game.
Even though I do not have one myself it is like constantly seeing something very ugly and revolting in your peripheral vision.
For me it taints the game, comparable to getting the player names of the first discoverers of planets shoved in your face in the star map.
It is just one more thing that puts me off the game. It ads up.
Despite owning one myself, I actually agree with you. I'd be just as happy to own a very small base either on a planet surface or asteroid, basically the CMDR's version of a private hangar where I could keep a couple of extra ships out in the black. If this were to ever come to the game, I'd be tempted to sell my fleet carrier. Heck, I don't even fly "the big three" because they feel way too big for a solo CMDR.
Would like to get one but I refuse for one simple reason.


Upkeep is utter bull and should not be part of the game. I don't care how low they make the upkeep as long as it exists on FC's I will not get one because I would rather not have to deal with the fact that I could lose the biggest investment in the game because I want to take time off to play with my friends who play other games.

FDev needs to rethink the upkeep and here's my suggestions:
1) remove upkeep from the carriers
2) if you need to make it a credit sink then only have upkeep on the services only.

do that and I may think a FC is worth the initial buy in cost.
Can't figure out what I'd use it for. Can't stand/sit on the bridge and fly it. Can't own it. Can't have NPCs fly my ships to create my own little fleet. And I'm especially not interested in the 'upkeep' model.
Hi Folks :)

I see a plethora of Fleet Carriers in the game map, I was just wondering how many players don't have one yet, and why.
Just a random thought. 🤷‍♂️

Jack :)
I originally thought they would have a usefulness, but since their release and the mandate of upkeep and such. My thoughts of their usefulness have become moot.

That was my biggest disappointment.

Like a clown, I spent about 3 hours flying around different FC vendors, trying to find somewhere that sold the "Hammerhead" FC.

Not particularly keen on FDev adopting the "freemium game" business model in a retail product.

The variations have unique sounds, that is about it. The hammerhead sounds the worse imo. I jump these carriers quite a lot, stick to Drake class & Fortune class personally.
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