YOU can decide the fate of Lave

As an Alliance pilot since early 3301 I was shocked when I knew about the happenings in Lave. I like Lave Radio, they seem to be fine people. Now I should fight them? Didn´t like the idea. I debated if I should get involved in this. It was an interesting moral dilemma. When I joined the Alliance I did it because I don´t believe in any human being better than any other. You see, the problem with big power structures is that they take the capacity of decision too far away from the individual, underestimating his or her intelligence. This is not justifiable in the 33rd century, and this is the reason why I work to liberate systems of the oppression of the federal and imperial state machines.

The Alliance on the other part is just an umbrella for different communities, big or small, who decide to keep the capacity of decision closer to their members. My opinion is that, in the end, coordinated efforts of well organized, if small, groups can help humans grow in the galaxy.

Considering all this, it took me a couple of seconds to decide that, if LRN wants to break from under the Alliance protection they should have to prove their worth. Lave is a very large system which, as we know, is growing bigger day by day due to citizens willing to have their fate in their hands. Workers of Lave have been ruling there for a long time and they seem to be doing it well.

If LRN wished to endanger the peace and prosperity in Lave it had to be over my lasers.

Sorry guys. Was a good fight though o7
Oh dear . . .
So, you're saying that diplomacy with Lave Radio, agreement and help on establishing them as control party, all with Alliance blessing and aid (and subsequent galnet/lore propaganda value), would only be a sign of weakness to the galaxy at large and not an actual demonstration of Alliance values?
That the best choice was an overwhelming show of your military capabilities and resources, even though murder isn't done much up at your end (Haha! This even made my slaves laugh).
I detect Federal values creeping into your rationale, Apos. Maybe the Alliance has been spending too much time there as of late?
You mention crumbling and you're right to do so. I just think you're looking in the wrong direction.
Compliments on your victory in Lave and good luck finding peace with your true nature.

I think you'd be better off attending to your daily slave discipline hour, because imperial words won't be phasing me any day soon.
Workers of Lave have been ruling there for a long time and they seem to be doing it well.

Don't believe the lies told you by the Alliance elite and their 'Workers of Lave' puppets. Tune in to Radio Free Lave to learn what is really happening to the people of Lave under Alliance occupation!
Don't believe the lies told you by the Alliance elite and their 'Workers of Lave' puppets. Tune in to Radio Free Lave to learn what is really happening to the people of Lave under Alliance occupation!

Why is the system growing then? There´s no slavery here, all new citizens come here on their own volition. Facts, my friend, not fake news
Why is the system growing then? There´s no slavery here, all new citizens come here on their own volition.

As I say tune in to the Lave Radio pirate broadcasts to learn the truth about the Alliance 'voluntary' relocation programs. Or come see for yourself. If you can get past the permit locks.
I think you'd be better off attending to your daily slave discipline hour, because imperial words won't be phasing me any day soon.

Thank you.
Discipline isn't required in relationships involving mutual honour, integrity and respect. No force needed at all, in fact.
Don't believe the lies told you by the Alliance elite and their 'Workers of Lave' puppets. Tune in to Radio Free Lave to learn what is really happening to the people of Lave under Alliance occupation!

You guys litterally are a propeganda machine XD, even made your own biased Radio station and are now promoting yourselves. Good luck finding any commander thinking you are objective and not biased ;)
You guys litterally are a propeganda machine XD, even made your own biased Radio station and are now promoting yourselves. Good luck finding any commander thinking you are objective and not biased ;)

As the Alliance ministry of prosperity broadcasts always say, an open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded.

Ask yourself, friend, when was the last time you were permitted to land on Lave?
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Don't Lave me this way

Has anyone heard any opinions at all from the Workers of Lave?

If the faction itself can't be bothered to defend Lave why are the higher echelons of the Alliance so interested in keeping this system under their control? And just exactly why is it that we are not allowed access to Lave 2?

When I joined the Alliance I shrugged off this rumour that there was some sort of connection between the Alliance and the Thargoids. But here we are now with firm evidence of these aliens, and something very secretive happening right on our very doorstep.

I want an explanation as to what's happening in Lave 2
Has anyone heard any opinions at all from the Workers of Lave?

If the faction itself can't be bothered to defend Lave why are the higher echelons of the Alliance so interested in keeping this system under their control? And just exactly why is it that we are not allowed access to Lave 2?

When I joined the Alliance I shrugged off this rumour that there was some sort of connection between the Alliance and the Thargoids. But here we are now with firm evidence of these aliens, and something very secretive happening right on our very doorstep.

I want an explanation as to what's happening in Lave 2

One of the reasons they joined the Alliance was so that they would get defended if attacked. This deal was kept. They also had their own forces fighting in the combat zones, so iI dont see how you can say that they didnt try to defend themselves.... You are ignroing thousands of NPC lives lost... All those digital wives and children, orphaned and widowed... Heartless :p

About Lave 2.....
Ask the people from on Radio :p
We just arrived at Lave 2 after we won the station in the war and the radio people didnt give us the codes to the security doors....
A Corporation attempts to overthrow a DEMOCRATIC government, and the Lavexiters justify this in the name of freedom 'because the Alliance is bad', and when asked for proof they say 'See how the Alliance stopped the system from becoming Independent?'.

You mean when they stopped an Independent Corporation from overthrowing an Alliance DEMOCRACY?!? [sarc] Yeah I saw that, Bloody Fascists! [/sarc]

I couldn't comprehend how someone could somehow see an 'Independent' Corporation as more free, more in service to the people, than a DEMOCRACY. Just, dismiss the legitimacy of the Workers of Lave Liberals with a mere wave of the hand, so I thought I'd check out this Lave Free Radio...


Explains a lot.

(Note: Hard to know how seriously people are taking some of this, PM me if this needs to come down.)
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