
  1. TheTerrorDragon

    Guardians Comeback

    Even if the lore says that the Guardians have retreated or even died out. It would be kind of cool if a new structure emerged in the fight against the Thargoids. As if a small group of Guardians had found a way to escape death. And now they come back with a super weapon that they hid back then...
  2. CMDR Tod Quiller

    Guardian nanite torpedo, perhaps a new use.

    The new weapon has proved effective against the biggest thargoid threat ever, the Titans. However, considering it disrupts thargoid biotechnology to molecular level, why does it only affect the titan and not all the other Thargoid ships like interceptors and hunters? It'd be highly effective if...
  3. CMDR Tod Quiller

    Guardian Nanite torpedo, the great torpedo capable of...nothing, really.

    Been testing the new Guardiant Nanite torpedo, after all these years finally a guardian missile like weapon and it deals...Zero damage, Zero damage per second, Zero breach damage and surprisingly Zero power draw (How does it even work without any kind of power?). This weapon doesn't even deserve...
  4. Raz Griffin

    The Guardians - Do you think it's solved?

    Hello commanders, I've been researching the Guardian lore lately and as part of my research i wanted to ask the community about this. Please tell me why aren't you trying to crack the mysteries surrounding the Guardian civilization and lore. Here's a few standard answers (the Forum doesn't...
  5. G-Dubya

    Elite Lore

    Cmdr's. Where can I go to read about elite lore? I am looking to brush up my game knowledge and require input; specifically the thargoids, the guardians and the guardian AI. More information the better. o7
  6. mMONTAGEe

    Nova Science Team

    Գիտությունը տանում է դեպի ավելի պայծառ ապագա - Science Leads to brighter future [հայերեն] Nova Science Team-ը ներկայացնում է կայսերական փայլուն գիտնականների և խիզախ հետախույզների խումբ, որոնք համախմբվել են Նովայի տեխնոկրատական գիտական ասամբլեայի ղեկավարության ներքո, որը կառավարվում էր Nova...
  7. Zulu Romeo

    Azimuth Saga: appeal for Thargoid, Guardian and Classified Experimental Equipment to bring final peace to Salvation's operations

    I can't sit back any more. The Proteus Wave weapon devised by Salvation and constructed via Azimuth Biotech using Guardian technology threatens mass genocide of billions of innocent sentient lifeforms, and threatens to destabilise the fragile relations with the Thargoids, already at boiling...
  8. Dylan D

    Minor Request: Guardian Insignia as New Ship Decal

    I've gotten quite obsessed with the history of the Guardians, and what they could have been if they made it to our time. As an avid explorer of their regions, I would like to adorn their insignia on my ship. I assume there are plenty others who wouldn't mind throwing a couple ARX towards it. I...
  9. Protolore

    It is time for us to find The Constructs.

    The leaders on all sides have been lying to us, the heads of massive corporations are using us to increase profit margins, and shadow organizations are manipulating us to their own ends. No more! Commanders, pilots, every citizen that is sick and tired of being sick and tired, it is time to rise...
  10. Karl_C_Agathhon

    Blood and sweat. Elite Dangerous.

    Good day! I would like to raise the topic of the respawn of materials and data provided by the Guardians, as well as materials on the surface of the planet. Today we have a system for extracting the above game objects through the client's relog. Maybe it's time to change that? For example...
  11. bluecrash

    Operation Thunderbolt part one of fifty

    Using weapons outside of Guardian IA electronic control to destroy the Singularity-Exile-Guardian-Sleeper (at every Guardian Beacon) Testing experimental payloads on Ancient Guardian Devices The Singularity Guardians(Sleepers, Those That Walk in Eternity) look like they have beards and wings...
  12. AnnaKalessa

    Trapezium Sector DR-U c3-7 strange hissing signal (some kind of bug or not?)

    Jumping into the Trapezium Sector DR-U c3-7 star system, we heard a hissing incoming transmission signal near the star itself. No visible signal sources found. In the star system, there is an ammonia world with ammonia-carbon forms of life. Our steps are to intercept the signal again and try to...
  13. denispage


    Nice job from Novelist Drew Wagar. Thanks. Source: My God... This game has so much potential. Wake up Frontier. Wake up...
  14. Mrrshal

    Mystery's continuation: New message from ''Salvation''

    Question for the Devs: Why logs are not saved in to the Codex? Please fix that. This is important part of exploration game play. upd. 15.06.2021 - Today on livestream Zac said that he passed this problem to devs! Thank you Zac! (Will update post periodically) ( SOLVED NOW ) Refresh page if you...
  15. G

    Thargoid Evidence In the Delphi System

    I was exploring around and came upon a distress signal which turned out to be a Farragut Battlegroup that has been decimated by Thargoids. They had that green stuff all over them. Thought I'd post this and let others know.
  16. X8785

    This thread is for those with an exceptional view of Elite! Share something weird! Conjecture that breaks from the norm is encouraged!

    HI Cmdrs, This thread is for those who want to discuss the strange and wacky oddities of Elite! Please refrain from negative posting as we know conjecture is best! If you want to disprove or argue what's being said in here I just ask you to please consider the title of the post. Below are some...
  17. Fosdyke

    Saada's legacy a short story- The silent stones - Act I

    Time to embark ! And reach for the stars! Touching down! Starting to explore! Let's find something! Something detected? Oh boy!! Eileen's escape! All hell breaks loose! A worried father!
  18. Fosdyke

    Saada's legacy a short story in the Elite Dangerous Universe

    Hiya Commanders, let me introduce some materials about a short story coming in the Elite Dangerous Universe really soon. The story is based on fictional characters and in game ones. Hope you will enjoy that little teaser :) o7 Take care. Promotional poster Artworks Eileen Saada -...
  19. Wes_7569

    Guardian upgrades and ship

    enough of their technology is left behind, studied and adapted for humans to outfit it onto their ships and make attack fighters. I think more than enough time has passed for their technology to have engineers able to upgrade them and to make Guardian ships. At least medium siz
  20. deathmagnet

    Comet, Thargoid, Guardian or something else entirely? What did I witness?

    So. I was out doing Ram Tah missions and I thought I saw something. Played back what the sensors recorded and it definitely caught something. Not on radar but visually, something was there. Source:
  21. Daniel Klimchuk

    If Guardians were alive, would they be for or against humans?

    Greetings Commanders! ;) After going to one of the Guardian Structures for blueprints, a thought came into my mind: If Guardians were alive, would they be hostile towards us like Thargoids, or could we possibly become allies and fight the Thargoids together? What do you think?
  22. RELSPI

    The Guardians Are Dumb And Probably Weren't Very Attractive

    What do we know about the Guardians? We know they built dumb structures covered in triangles. Who else does that? That's right - people who build playing card houses out of cards that have been cut in half. And that's stupid and crazy. There's more. Guardians are so dumb they picked a fight with...
  23. Daniel Klimchuk

    Engineering or Guardian Technology?

    Greetings Commanders! I just fully A-rated my Conda and, as the title suggests, I am wondering what I should go into first - engineering or Guardian technology? I don't mind some grinding. Which should I do first? Which requires more time? Which is most effective? Sorry if this was posted...
  24. Retropolitan

    Well, I'm pretty sure this one's new. Right?

    I haven't found any reference to a Guardian Structure in the many, many Wregoes. It's foggy. And spooky. Tell me it's mine.
  25. A

    Request for Thargoid/Guardian materials to be tradable at material traders.

    Since there’s currently very little use for these materials beyond unlocking tech broker modules and restocking specialty weapons, I think it would be very good to be able to exchange them for more useful materials. If possible (within the game’s programming, I mean), you could make exchanges...
  26. Yamiks

    [Video] 5 Guardian places to visit
  27. Roen Soul

    Request for Ram Tah to Visit Professor Palin

    Request To Professor Palin, Ram Tah, Liz Ryder Historical research of Thargoids and Guardians is pointing out the fact that there is plausible hybrid technology used in previous wars against alien species. The Black OP's and INRA were testing these hybrid systems in the Rift as a fact just to...
  28. J

    Quick question

    Hi folks Heading back to the bubble after a few months out and I have a question New Guardian structures for the ship blueprints. Is it possible to land a conda at them or should i hit the bubble and get my AspX before heading to them? I do know about the beacons and have a couple of...
  29. MasterHastur

    Anti-Xeno Technology

    Speaking on behalf of the Xeno Hunting community.... "Intial testing of the AX Weaponry yielded varied results against the Thargoids. Though successful, preliminary tests show that as they observed our combat eventually they would overcome the weapons. Further development is necessary for the...
  30. S

    Increase Range of Ancient Relic Receptacle

    PLEASE increase the acceptance range of the Ancient Relic receptacle. I don't fin it the least bit enjoyable to try and blindly bulls-eye the AR receptacle backwards at the guardian sites. I'm trying at one of the new guardian sites from a guardian pylon, and gave up after 30 minutes of trying...
  31. CMDRGURU951

    I found 12 Structures and 3 Beacons in 6 days and I want you to know how I did it. o7

    Good Luck Out There CMDR's. Safe Travels, Dangerous Roads.
  32. Yamiks

    [video] How to unlock Guardian SLFs, Weapons & Modules

  33. G

    Yet another Guardian Beacon

    Found it [money] IC 2391 sector MX-T b3-6
  34. Crimshadow

    Another Guardian Beacon

    Located at Synuefe QA-E B45-4 planet 3 Points to the Structure at Synuefe PF-E b45-5 B 2, Long: 3.35, Lat: 9.58 sorry for image size
  35. E

    [B]Nobody asked for it but we keep getting it.[/B]

    why is it that we keep getting more guardian/thargoids that nobody for the exception of a select few actually like; the whole personal narrative that they keep saying is just a pretty word for GRIND. i think that frontier made a poll asking the players what they would like to see in the...
  36. M

    Guardian Beacon Hunt

    Hi y'all. The EDA Kunti League, an Australian/ New Zealand based faction has organized a fleet to go looking for the new Beacons being added. We're starting Wed evening, Sydney time. If anyone else is out there, we'd like to coordinate. If you're interested in coming along, we have a Discord.
  37. U


    The Rangers The Rangers If you are looking for a player group to help or support we are an active group that joined ELITE DANGEROUS before the game was launched. The main voice server is...
  38. Zoran Voloshin

    Thargoid and Guardian gamplay Short video highlighting my experience during Thargoid and Guardian gameplay.
  39. Yamiks

    [video] Guardian VS Meta-alloy VS normal & engineered MODULES
  40. Babaa Yaga

    Do All Guardian Site Have Sentinels?

    I just finished my first visit to a Guardian site to farm materials for the FSD booster. My question is this, do all of the Guardian sites have sentinels or just a select few? Thanks for the assist commanders ...o7!!
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