
  1. CMDR Tod Quiller

    Make Guardian SLF's great...uhhh, for once?

    The guardian SLF's, those little fighters introduced a while ago to fight the thargoid menace. Hybrid technology that was meant to be effective and swift. Sadly they are now -or never were- useful against Thargoids. Since update 15 arrived, thargoids have...changed their strategy towards us...
  2. Cmdr Daedalus Spyke

    Newcomer / Intro I made an easy guide about attacking Titans!

    My goal here was accurate, comprehensive info and realism. Can I have ice cream now? :D
  3. F

    What if we got something to do with the Thargoids that wasn't just killing them?

    Now yes yes I know this post will most likely be taken over with Starship Trooper-esque "OnLy GoOd BuG iS a DeAd OnE" But here me out... what if the people who are Pro-Xeno got like... literally any form of content for the first time since the game was created? Anti-Xeno people have always been...
  4. C

    Titan Counter Offensive Strategy

    Hello all It's seems that not only do we have new weapons to fight the Titans, the wiz-kids in xenology have also developed sophisticated algorithms to calculate the strength of each Titan individually. Each Titan has a Damage Resistance rating which appears to be directly affected by the...
  5. Logan Terrick

    Farming the Thargoid Spire Sites for Credits - Part 2: Bashing Banshees!

    I've just released part 2 in my series on Farming the Thargoid Spire Sites for Credits, this one is called Bashing Banshees! I hope it's helpful.
  6. Exeider

    Stargoid Intercept

    When Stargoids first showed up, I really thought a bunch of people tried to intercept them and go out and see what they were. But after watching a few Elite dangerous vids lately and asking in a few discords, everyone was like "yeah no one has ever intercepted a stargoid." and I was like "Wait...
  7. CMDR Tod Quiller

    Guardian SLFs Too weak to be used against Thargoids

    I have been trying out the guardian fighters recently after a long time of not using them and unfortunately they have become useless. First of all, too weak to even withstand Thargoid damage (No idea why they are not protectetd against phasing damage if they have guardian shield). Then all...
  8. XenoZera

    AX Commanders, we need your help!

    In light of the recent observations within the AXI community regarding the erratic behavior of Thargoid Interceptors, we're launching a comprehensive data-gathering initiative. Commanders, your expertise in the field is invaluable. We urge you to contribute by submitting video footage of your...
  9. Dylan D

    A Call for Transparency: Open Letter to The Holloway Bioscience Institute

    In Response to: THARGOID WAR UPDATE: AUGUST 3309 Follow-up to: Critical Wregoe Update: Unknown AX Activity Identified; AEGIS Contradicted & Navigating Uncertainty: Reevaluating Our Approach to Xeno Peace in Light of Recent Thargoid Behavior To Aanya Gupta, CEO of Holloway Bioscience...
  10. Dylan D

    Navigating Uncertainty: Reevaluating Our Approach to Xeno Peace in Light of Recent Thargoid Behavior

    Title: Navigating Uncertainty: Reevaluating Our Approach to Xeno Peace in Light of Recent Thargoid Behavior Squadron / Organization: YKE Technologies Date: August 17th, 3309 Author: CEO Dylan D An audio / video format is currently being produced, and will be placed here. Abstract: Despite our...
  11. F

    Restore/Repair Thargoid Interceptors to their old lighting (Images)

    Hi there all o/ (Images below) So I've been mulling over this for a while and it's finally gotten to the point where it annoys me enough to talk about it. While some people enjoy the Odyssey engine lighting because it makes things feel 'more realistic', a lot of things were ruined by the change...
  12. F

    Restore/Repair Thargoid Interceptors to their old lighting (POLL)

    Hi there all o/ (Poll with images at the bottom) So I've been mulling over this for a while and it's finally gotten to the point where it annoys me enough to talk about it. While some people enjoy the Odyssey engine lighting because it makes things feel 'more realistic', a lot of things were...
  13. L

    Rebalance the Glaive

    The Glaive is the first Hunter class Thargoid to have released in elite. It's since gotten a lot of negative feedback and I'm here to suggest how it can be rebalanced to be more fun and fair to fight. 1-Make it not have aimbot regardless of heat The glaive is able to hit you regardless of...
  14. rootsrat

    First look: THE SCYTHE!!! (New Thargoid ship)

    A first look at the NEW THARGOID The Scythe! It's a new Hunter-class ship with a purpose different to anything we've seen before. What do we know about it so far? The Scythe is a new hunter-class vessel arriving in Update 16. It has a very different purpose and behaviour within the ranks of...
  15. F

    Tech Broker unlockable and purchasable modules, why?

    It's been years since tech broker been added, and since then all the new fancy toys added in tech broker have been 'purchasable' modules, that you pay certain amount of materials for ONE, instead of paying materials to unlock it for future purchase. I was not really complaining about this...
  16. Anand Paul

    Speed killing a orthrus

  17. S

    which interceptors have the caustic missiles?

    which interceptors have the caustic missiles? - I know hydra does. - Hydra yes -medusa ? -basilisk ? -cyclops have never seen it used if it has one. -Orthrus no
  18. Groovy Groydis

    Golden Desires: A Thargoid Love Affair

    Commander Groovy Groydis stood proudly at the helm of his resplendent vessel, the Gold Member. Its golden exterior shimmered in the starlight, a reflection of the commander's heart ablaze with passion. He was a man of rugged charm, his eyes filled with the fire of adventure. Today, his journey...
  19. Dash

    Thargoid Combat Zone support

    In counter-strike systems, we are asked to engage in combat zones, which could be outside planetary bases, or in orbit. Unlike Alert systems, there is no way to rearm or repair when fighting in these arenas. If you do leave to repair, the instance is reset and progress is lost, unless you've...
  20. Anand Paul

    The Thargoid Cutter (Carapace kit)

  21. Anand Paul

    Thargoid Hunter OST

  22. C

    How to tell when you’re going to get hyperdicted

    I’ve noticed that whenever I’m about to get hyperdicted by a Thargoid, there’s almost no camera shake and the jump just feels ‘smooth’, whereas a regular jump has lots of camera shake and feels ‘rough’
  23. St0rmFury

    Good lord, I had no idea thargoid scouts were this big!

    First off, credits here: Sidewinder & scout size comparison. Now on to the juicy part of my post: There's a human in the image above, can you spot him? Ah... there's the cheeky...
  24. Anand Paul

    Thargoid Maelstrom turns blue when angry ?

    at 12:00 mark it gets hyper
  25. Cmdr Daedalus Spyke

    Pogger Pogs

    Anyone else remember Pogs? I could really use a slammer here.
  26. Anand Paul

    AX Combat with Caustic sinks and mod shards

    o7 Enjoy
  27. Untilting

    What do the Thargoids call themselves?

    I read on a wiki that the term "Thargoid" comes from an early blurry photo of an alien ship with "THARG" written on it - is this canon? They were presumably fans of the "2000 AD" comics back then, although have undoubtedly moved on to "Homes and Gardens" by now. Do we have any idea what they...
  28. Shayan al Nasarwa

    Welcome to "Oya Island"

    Welcome to "Oya Island" System: Cephei Sector ZZ-Y b3 Code-Name: "Oya Island" Distance to Mealstrom Oya: 14,94 ly Cephei Sector ZZ-Y b3 - occupied by the Thargoids - was recaptured by brave commanders of the SNPX in the cycle of 20-26.04.3309, thus forming a...
  29. C

    Lore / Gameplay Improvements

    The lore of elite dangerous is nothing short of great and interesting, but player seem to get bored because there is no further story elements that are being pushed. For example : Thargoid Communication signals. Missions about running cold to thargoid territory to capture Behaveior Studies...
  30. Cmdr Isson Kiporto

    For you, what is the new thargoid variant ?

    After the revelation that a new Thargoid "thing" was coming into the game, what do you think its role could be? Personally, link to its size compared to interceptors, I would think more of a kind of fighter, accompanying something bigger. And you what do you think ?
  31. Anand Paul

    Guide / Tutorial Caustic sinks unlocking guide

  32. T

    Want to see the ugliest fight ever?

    I can do that. It was my standard hull tank DBS but with anti-Thargoid weapons on it. It went... shall we say, nearly well. Boy, that thing minces normal hull armour. Did it though! Another dead bug 💪 Source:
  33. Anand Paul

    Caustic sinks unlocking guide

  34. Anand Paul

    The Nemesis Project Lore - D2 and Aden Tanner Audio Logs

  35. C

    Maybe we are missing something obvious with the Thargoid war.

    If we organized a community effort to all go to a singular Maelstrom and begin a week-long campaign of destroying all of the caustic generators, would the cloud dissipate? If you kill enough Orthrus in a system, it changes the state of that system. Does it stand to reason that the same would...
  36. St0rmFury

    Thargoids developed new strategy to counter AX pilots.

    Source: By turning themselves into fidget spinners.
  37. M

    Some general combat requests

    Okay, so I realized that these features have been out for years, but I do have some things I really want: Alliance and Independent Faction Capital Ships: We have not gotten any for the Alliance, and with Thargoids, I would like to see some in CZs. Preferably from Lakon and Faulcon DeLacy...
  38. Neilski

    First AX combat

    I finally took the plunge and dipped my toe into the AX arena (having killed lots of NPCs in my flying career thus far). Predictably enough my first outing ended with a rebuy, but I had some interesting things happen along the way, and I think I learned a little. I wanted to start slowly...
  39. Anand Paul

    Grinding thargoids with mod shards

  40. XenosAurion

    Fdev, I have an idea to communicate with Thargoids (reposted)

    First off, I apologize, this is a repost. I put this in PC but someone suggested I bring it here instead. I have an idea! Certified tinfoil! So, the Thargoids got their name from first contact when we saw an alien ship with the word "THARG" on it's hull. We haven't seen communication like that...
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