Essential Exhibit Animals Meta-Wishlist 3: And Possibly Final

1st things 1st:
@random goat's thread of essential animals
@Spiderhawk's thread of essential aviary species
@yoav_r's thread of aquatics

Ok, here we go. The 3rd (possibly final, depending on what goes on in 2022 and 2023). Same as the last, y'all will be making y'alls lists of beautiful, amazing, cool, and weird animals.

Now, we for sure have 4 DLC left, plus possibly a free exhibit animal for the 3rd anniversary(?).

So, this'll be a bit different:
  1. Lists of 5-15 will be accepted. For more detail on additional votes, see post.
  2. In addition to the extra votes, you can revote if an animal on your list makes it into the game. For more detail, see post.
  3. I will attempt to divide things again by type (snakes, lizards, etc.), but, if certain choices are taxonomically closely related and share a common name, I will put those together (if y'all put the species name, it'll really help). For more detail, see post.
  4. No more than 1 animal for each species type group that will be displayed in the same row. For more detail, see post.
  5. No birds (visit Spiderhawk's thread), no aquatics (visit Yoav_r's thread).
  6. Exhibit mammals are now accepted. For more detail, see post.
  7. Go wild!
Chameleon (Panther [39]); (Veiled/Yemen [27]); (Jackson's [9]); (Parson's [5]); (Common [2]); (Malagasy Giant [1]); (Natal Midlands Dwarf [1]); (Rhinoceros [1]); (Pygmy, Any [1]); (Any [15])101
Cobra (King [59]); (Indian/Spectacled [16]); (Monocled [4]); (Egyptian [3]); (Indochinese Spitting [1]); (Mozambique Spitting [1]); (Red Spitting [1]); (Spitting, Any [2]); (Any [7])94
Gecko (Leopard [20]); (Tokay [17]); (Madagascar Day [10]); (Crested/Eyelash [5]); (Electric Blue/Turquoise Dwarf [4]); (New Caledonian Giant [4]); (African Fat-Tailed [2]); (Carrot-Tail Viper [1]); (Giant Leaf-Tail [1]); (Japanese Cave [1]); (Kuhl's Flying [1]); (Mossy Leaf-Tailed [1]); (Phantastic Leaf-Tailed [1]); (Day, Any [1]); (Any [6])75
Python (Reticulated [17]); (Ball/Royal [13]); (Burmese [6]); (Green Tree [6]); (Carpet [3]); (African Rock [1]); (Boelen's/Black [1]); (D'Albertis/Northern White-Lipped [1]); (Any [1])49
Frilled/Frill-Necked Lizard44
Giant Salamander (Chinese [19]); (Hellbender [12]); (Japanese [6]); (South China [1]); (Any [6])44
Snapping Turtle (Alligator [30]); (Common [4]); (Mexican/Yucatán [1]); (South American [1]); (Any [5])41
Thorny Devil33
Emerald Tree Boa30
Basilisk (Plumed/Green [22]); (Common [1]); (Any [5])28
Mantis (Orchid [12]); (Giant Asian [3]); (Devil's Flower [1]); (European [1]); (Giant Rainforest [1]); (Monster [1]); (Any [6])25
Naked Mole-Rat23
Stick Insect/Walking Stick (Lord Howe Island [10]); (Giant Asian [3]); (Giant Prickly [1]); (Golden-Eyed [1]); (Goliath [1]); (Metallic [1]); (Titan [1]); (Any [3])21
Mata Mata/Matamata20
Mamba (Black [14]); (Eastern Green [2]); (Green, Any [3])19
Rhinoceros Beetle (Hercules [14]); (Japanese [1]); (Any [4])19
Coconut Crab17
Green Anaconda17
Bearded Dragon (Central [5]); (Western [1]); (Any [10])16
Softshell Turtle (Chinese [8]); (Spiny [4]); (Florida [2]); (African/Nile [1]); (Any [1])16
Caiman Lizard (Northern [8]); (Any [6])14
Chinese Crocodile Lizard13
Egyptian/Kleinmann's Tortoise13
Pit Viper (Eyelash [8]); (Mangshan [4]); (Sunda White-Lipped [1])13
Ant (Hairy-Headed Leafcutter [1]); (Texas Bullet [1]); (Leafcutter, Any [9]); (Any [1])12
Box Turtle (Common/Eastern [4]); (Florida [2]); (Ornate [1]); (Three-Toed [1]); (Any [4])12
Gaboon Viper12
Pancake Tortoise12
Dyeing Poison Dart Frog (Blue [10]); (Any [1])11
Elephant Shrew (Black-And-Rufous [4]); (Round-Eared [1]); (Any [6])11
Fly River/Pig-Nosed Turtle10
Rat Snake/Ratsnake (Red/Cornsnake [6]); (Beauty [2]); (European/Leopard [1]); (Rhinoceros [1])10
Sailfin Lizard/Dragon (Philippine [5]); (Moluccan/Common [1]); (Sulawesi Black [1]); (Weber's [1]); (Any [2])10
Tenrec (Lesser Hedgehog [4]); (Greater Hedgehog [1]); (Lowland Streaked [1]); (Tailless [1]); (Streaked, Any [1]); (Any [2])10
Giant Millipede (African [5]); (Seychelles [1]); (Any [3])9
Kingsnake (Milksnake [3]); (California [2]); (Common/Eastern [1]); (Scarlet [1]); (Any [2])9
Moth (Atlas [2]); (Luna [2]); (Black Witch [1]); (Madagascan Sunset [1]); (Pacific Green Sphinx [1]); (Venezuelan Poodle [1]); (Any [1])9
South American Horned/Pacman Frog (Argentine/Ornate [3]); (Surinam [1]); (Any [5])9
Coral Snake (Eastern [1]); (Malayan [1]); (Any [6])8
Snake-Necked Turtle (Roti Island [4]); (Eastern/Common [3]); (Any [1])8
Toad (Cane [3]); (Brown Tree/Asian Yellow-Spotted Climbing [1]); (Common [1]); (Starry Night [1]); (Western/Boreal [1]); (Any [1])8
Wētā (Little Barrier Giant [2]); (Giant, Any [5]); (Any [1])8
Alligator Lizard (Mexican [6]); (Any [1])7
Girdled Lizard (Giant [4]); (Karoo [1]); (Mozambique [1]); (Any [1])7
Sugar Glider7
Fire-Bellied Toad (Oriental [4]); (Any [2])6
Hedgehog (African Pygmy/Four-Toed [1]); (Desert [1]); (West European [1]); (Any [3])6
Horned Lizard/Horny Toad/Horntoad (Texas [3]); (Regal [1]); (Any [2])6
Indian Flying Fox6
Inland Taipan6
Mudskipper (Atlantic [3]); (Any [3])6
Sheltopusik/European Legless Lizard/European Glass Lizard6
Slider (Red-Eared [4]); (Yellow-Bellied [2])6
Vampire Bat (Common [3]); (Any [3])6
Bee (Western/European Honey [1]), (Honey, Any [3]), (Bumble, Any [1])5
Copperhead/Eastern Copperhead5
Cottonmouth/Water Moccasin (Florida [1]); (Any [4])5
European Pond Turtle5
Garter Snake (San Francisco [3]); (Any [2])5
Hamster (Golden [3]); (European [1]); (Russian Dwarf [1])5
Hermit Crab (Caribbean [1]); (Land, Any [1]); (Any [3])5
Mouse Lemur (Grey [3]); (Any [2])5
Slug (Banana [2]); (Leopard [2]); (Any [1])5
Tarsier (Spectral/Eastern [2]); (Philippine [1]); (Any [2])5
Tomato Frog (Madagascar [1]); (Any [4])5
Agama (Common [1]); (Rock, Any [1]); (Any [2])4
Australian Green Tree Frog4
Bushmaster (South American [1]); (Any [3])4
Central Asian/Horsfield's/Russian Tortoise4
Chuckwalla (Common [1]); (Any [3])4
Flying Squirrel (Northern [1]); (Red And White Giant [1]); (Siberian [1]); (Spotted Giant [1])4
Gooty Sapphire Ornamental/Peacock Tarantula4
Greek/Spur-Thighed Tortoise4
Jerboa (Greater Egyptian [1]); (Lesser Egyptian [1]); (Any [2])4
Marmoset (Pygmy, Any [3]); (Any [1])4
Radiated Tortoise4
Silky Anteater4
Suriname Toad (Any [4])4
Tegu (Argentine Black-And-White [2]); (Red [1]); (Any [1])4
Termite (Mound-Building, Any [2]); (Any [2])4
Treeshrew (Northern [3]); (Any [1])4
Asian Vine/Whip Snake (Burmese/Günther's [1]); (Green [1]); (Any [1])3
Birdwing Butterfly (Chimaera [1]); (Queen Alexandra's [1]); (Any [1])3
Colugo/Flying Lemur (Philippine [1]); (Any [2])3
Flying/Gliding Frog (Blue-Webbed [1]); (Chinese [1]); (Wallace's [1])3
Honduran White Bat3
Madagascan Big-Headed Turtle3
Pink Fairy Armadillo3
Red-Footed Tortoise3
Rodrigues Flying Fox3
Shrew (Etruscan [3])3
Solenodon (Hispaniolan [2]); (Any [1])3
Solomon Islands/Prehensile-Tailed Skink3
Tentacled/Tentacle Snake3
Two-Toed Sloth (Hoffmann's [1]); (Linnaeus's [1]); (Any [1])3
Wood Frog (Alaskan/North American [1]); (Siberian [1]); (Any [1])3
Alpine Newt2
American Burying Beetle2
Anole (Blue [1]); (Any [1])2
Asian/Chinese Water Dragon2
Black Widow Spider (Any [2])2
Blue Crested/Indo-Chinese Forest Lizard2
Borneo Earless Monitor/Earless Monitor Lizard2
Bushbaby (Senegal [2])2
Crocodile Skink (Red-Eyed [1]); (Any [1])2
Desert Tortoise (Any [2])2
Dragonfly (Crimson Marsh Glider [1]); (Any [1])2
Ghost Bat2
Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox2
Glass Frog (Emerald [1]); (La Palma [1])2
Grand Cayman Blue Iguana2
Guinea Pig (Domestic [1]); (Any [1])2
Hairy/Rough-Scaled Bush Viper2
Hammer-Headed Bat2
Hissing Cockroach (Madagascar [2])2
Kaiser's Spotted/Luristan Newt2
Lancehead (Golden [1]); (Any [1])2
Lemming (Norway [1]); (Steppe [1])2
Mountain Chicken2
Musk Turtle (Common/Eastern [1]); (Any [1])2
Orb-Weaver Spider (Australian Garden [1]); (Golden Silk, Any [1])2
Rhinoceros Iguana2
Short-Necked Turtle (Red-Bellied/Pink-Bellied [2])2
Short-Tailed Bat (Seba's [2])2
Slow Loris (Pygmy [1]); (Any [1])2
Vietnamese Mossy Frog2
Wall Lizard (Iberian [1]); (Milos [1])2
Aesculapian Snake1
African Lungfish (West [1])1
African Mud Turtle (West [1])1
Amazon Milk Frog1
Antilles Pinktoe Tarantula1
Australian Funnel-Web Spider (Any [1])1
Beaded Lizard (Any [1])1
Blue Death Feigning/Desert Ironclad Beetle1
Blue Land Crab1
Bog Turtle1
Bombardier Beetle (Any [1])1
Caecilian (Any [1])1
Calabar Python/Boa1
California/Orange-Bellied Newt1
Camel Spider (Egyptian Giant [1])1
Chinese/Yellow-Margined Box Turtle1
Christmas Island Red Crab1
Cobalt Blue Tarantula1
Collared Lizard (Any [1])1
Common European Adder1
Corroboree Frog1
Degu (Common [1])1
Desert Rain Frog1
Desman (Pyrenean [1])1
Dormouse (Woodland [1])1
Elongated Tortoise1
Emperor/Mandarin Newt1
False Water Cobra1
Fiji Banded Iguana1
Fiji Crested Iguana1
Firefly (Common Eastern/Big Dipper [1])1
Flat Lizard (Any [1])1
Flat-Tailed/Flat-Backed Spider Tortoise1
Free-Tailed Bat (Mexican/Brazilian [1])1
Giant Leaf Frog1
Glass Lizard (Eastern [1])1
Golden Mole (Any [1])1
Grass Snake1
Great Anglehead Lizard1
Green Lizard (European [1])1
Hawk-Moth (Oleander [1])1
Hopping Mouse (Spinifex [1])1
Horseshoe Crab (Atlantic/American [1])1
Indigo Snake (Any [1])1
Jumping Spider (Peacock [1])1
King Baboon Spider1
Lake Titicaca/Titicaca Water Frog1
Large Flying Fox1
Leopard Tortoise1
Little Red Flying Fox1
Malachite Butterfly1
Mangrove Snake1
Map Turtle (False [1])1
Mole (Star-Nosed [1])1
Northern/Great Crested Newt1
Nose-Horned Viper1
Ocellated Lizard1
Olimpia's Ground Beetle1
Orange Baboon Tarantula1
Owl Butterfly (Any [1])1
Padloper (Any [1])1
Painted Terrapin/Batagur1
Panamanian Golden Frog1
Pika (Ili [1])1
Rat (Brown/Norway [1])1
Rough-Skinned/Roughskin Newt1
Rubber Boa1
Sand Goanna1
Shingleback Skink/Lizard1
Sidewinder Rattlesnake1
Siren (Greater [1])1
Slow Worm (Any [1])1
Spiny Mouse (Cairo/Egyptian [1])1
Spiny Newt (Chinhai [1])1
Spiny Turtle1
Star Tortoise (Indian [1])1
Strawberry Poison Frog1
Tamarin (Any [1])1
Three-Banded Armadillo (Any [1])1
Tree Monitor (Blue-Spotted/Blue [1])1
Tremblay's Salamander1
Velvet Ant (Any [1])1
Velvet Worm (Barbados Brown [1])1
Vole (European Water [1])1
Weevil (Giraffe [1])1
Wolf Spider (Arctic [1])1
Woodrat (Bushy-Tailed [1])1
Yellow-Banded Poison Dart Frog1
Yellow-Lipped/Banded Sea Krait1
Naked Mole-Rat23
Elephant Shrew (Black-And-Rufous [4]); (Round-Eared [1]); (Any [6])11
Tenrec (Lesser Hedgehog [4]); (Greater Hedgehog [1]); (Lowland Streaked [1]); (Tailless [1]); (Streaked, Any [1]); (Any [2])10
Sugar Glider7
Hedgehog (African Pygmy/Four-Toed [1]); (Desert [1]); (West European [1]); (Any [3])6
Indian Flying Fox6
Vampire Bat (Common [3]); (Any [3])6
Hamster (Golden [3]); (European [1]); (Russian Dwarf [1])5
Mouse Lemur (Grey [3]); (Any [2])5
Tarsier (Spectral/Eastern [2]); (Philippine [1]); (Any [2])5
Flying Squirrel (Northern [1]); (Red And White Giant [1]); (Siberian [1]); (Spotted Giant [1])4
Jerboa (Greater Egyptian [1]); (Lesser Egyptian [1]); (Any [2])4
Marmoset (Pygmy, Any [3]); (Any [1])4
Silky Anteater4
Treeshrew (Northern [3]); (Any [1])4
Colugo/Flying Lemur (Philippine [1]); (Any [2])3
Honduran White Bat3
Pink Fairy Armadillo3
Rodrigues Flying Fox3
Shrew (Etruscan [3])3
Solenodon (Hispaniolan [2]); (Any [1])3
Two-Toed Sloth (Hoffmann's [1]); (Linnaeus's [1]); (Any [1])3
Bushbaby (Senegal [2])2
Ghost Bat2
Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox2
Guinea Pig (Domestic [1]); (Any [1])2
Hammer-Headed Bat2
Lemming (Norway [1]); (Steppe [1])2
Short-Tailed Bat (Seba's [2])2
Slow Loris (Pygmy [1]); (Any [1])2
Degu (Common [1])1
Desman (Pyrenean [1])1
Dormouse (Woodland [1])1
Free-Tailed Bat (Mexican/Brazilian [1])1
Golden Mole (Any [1])1
Hopping Mouse (Spinifex [1])1
Large Flying Fox1
Little Red Flying Fox1
Mole (Star-Nosed [1])1
Pika (Ili [1])1
Rat (Brown/Norway [1])1
Spiny Mouse (Cairo/Egyptian [1])1
Tamarin (Any [1])1
Three-Banded Armadillo (Any [1])1
Vole (European Water [1])1
Woodrat (Bushy-Tailed [1])1
King Cobra59
Frilled/Frill-Necked Lizard44
Panther Chameleon39
Thorny Devil33
Alligator Snapping Turtle30
Emerald Tree Boa30
Veiled/Yemen Chameleon27
Naked Mole-Rat23
Plumed/Green Basilisk22

Announcement: Now you can revote if your animal has made it to the game in a previous pack. Rules will be identical to the Habitat Animals Wishlist by @random goat. For more detail on the rules of re-submitting votes, please visit their thread. Also don't forget to submit your 5 Extra Votes, after we increased our Limit to 15 in 18/10/22!
Brown-Throated Sloth (habitat votes)81
Monarch (+ Butterfly, Any [2])8
Hermann's Tortoise (Eastern [1] + Western [1] + Any [5])7
Menelaus Blue Morpho (Blue Morpho, Any [1] + Morpho, Any [1])2
Saharan Horned Viper (+ Viper, Any [1])2
Spectacled Flying Fox (Flying Fox, Any [2])2
Old World Swallowtail (Swallowtail, Any [1])1
Cloudless Sulphur0
Danube Crested Newt0
Egyptian Fruit Bat0
European Peacock0
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The old list still had a lot of "life" in it still, imo, if we do get only 4-5 DLCs left, I would say there was no need for new.

But never to be one to run from a wish list:

1. Common Chameleon
2. Alpine Newt
3. Frilled Neck Lizard
4. Chinese Crocodile Lizard
5. Panther Chameleon
Only five? That's so difficult!

1) Panther chameleon (Furcifer pardalis)
2) King cobra (Ophiophagus hannah)
3) Frilled lizard (Chlamydosaurus kingii)
4) Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum)
5) Hermann’s tortoise (Testudo hermanni)

I choose one from each continent. Unfortunately I had no space for the blue poison dart frog :(
Damn, just five?? It was hard enough with the previous ten... And I thought I could just copy my list from the other thread, as last DLCs didn't change anything from it. Ok, I guess invertebrates are out, it was hopeless to reach a decent riversity of them with just 1 exhibit animal per pack :rolleyes::cry:

1. Hermann’s tortoise

2. Tokay gecko (or any other gecko)
3. Panther chameleon (or any other chameleon)

4. King cobra (or any other Asian cobra)

5. Axolotl
Trying to narrow down almost all of the reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates I want into just five species is very difficult. I have voted tactically (I don't, for instance, think we will get either snakes or spiders with DLC) and with that in mind these are my five choices:

1. Common chameleon (Chamaeleo chamaeleon)
2. Turquoise dwarf gecko (Lygodactylus williamsi)
3. Central Asian tortoise (Testudo horsfieldii)
4. Kaiser's spotted newt (Neurergus kaiseri)
5. Olimpia's ground beetle (Carabus olympiae)
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Good idea to keep it to 5
I’d say if they announce anything to advance into 2023 then do another
I plan to revive my aviary list soon
1. Coconut Crab
2. Jackson’s chameleon
3. Axolotl
4. King Cobra
5. Leopard gecko
Currently no crabs, chameleons, cobras or geckos. We have no newts but Axolotls are too cool to not include IMO.
Currently no crabs, chameleons, cobras or geckos. We have no newts but Axolotls are too cool to not include IMO.
If we ever get a newt, I would have to vouch for the emperor newt of China. Beautiful species with a growing captive presence.
Wow, you leave for a couple of hours, you come back and there is an avalanche of lists. I hope to have it updated tomorrow, but it depends on how I feel (got the COVID booster and I had a migraine since yesterday. Yay)
Still no small mammals, right?

Well, either way, here is my list, shortened to 5!
1. Panama Golden Frog
2. Chinese Giant Salamander
3. Gooty Sapphire Ornamental Tarantula
4. Panther Chameleon
5. Madagascar Big-Headed Turtle
1. Axolotl (are they too aquatic? If so, replace with tokay gecko)
2. Jackson's Chameleon
3. Flat Rock Lizard
4. Land Hermit Crab
5. Box Turtle (any)
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