Essential Freshwater animal wishlist

The list is updated! :)
Did you forget to add mine? Can't find the Mallard and the King Eider in the Duck Category
Edit: nevermind. Found them outside of the Duck Category.
Some others like the Orinoco Crocodile seem to be missing though
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Did you forget to add mine? Can't find the Mallard and the King Eider in the Duck Category
Edit: nevermind. Found them outside of the Duck Category.
Some others like the Orinoco Crocodile seem to be missing though
Which animals, that you are added in your list afterwards?

In the duck category I count only these animals, whose names end in "duck".
As usual my List is dominated by Species from the Exhibit Animals Meta-Wishlist, being the moderator of that thread. These aren't all Personal Wishes.

1. Hellbender
2. Olm
3. Caiman Lizard (Any Species)
4. Sailfin Dragon (Any Species)
5. Chinese Crocodile Lizard
6. Asian Water Dragon
7. Roti Island Snake-Necked Turtle
8. Pig-Nosed Turtle (prefer as Habitat)
9. Plumed Basilisk
10. Chinese Softshell Turtle
11. Cottonmouth
12. Cane Toad
13. Lake Titicaca Frog
14. Caecilian (Any Species)
15. European Pond Turtle
16. Surinam Toad
17. Tentacled Snake
18. False Water Cobra

19. Alligator Snapping Turtle
20. Chinese Giant Salamander
21. Mata Mata
22. Green Anaconda

I would highly suggest increasing the Limit for this one as well. For now I've placed the more popular ones with more votes here below the cutoff. If the Limit is increased to 25 one day, then I will get to put a few personal choices for Habitat animals lol. :)
1 Nile Crocodile
2 Mallard
3 Green Anaconda
4 Giant salamander
5 Eurasian Otter
6 European Crayfish
7 Giant Softshell Turtle
8 Grey-Crowned Crane
9 Tomistoma
10 Red-eared Slider
11 Great White Pelican
  1. Pere David’s deer
  2. Chinese alligator
  3. Manatee
  4. Shoebill
  5. Pelican
  6. Gray crowned crane
  7. Giant salamander
  8. Saddle billed stork
  9. Arrau turtle
  10. Alligator snapping turtle
  11. Mandarin duck
  12. Wells catfish
  13. Arapaima
  14. Paddle fish
  15. Freshwater stingray
  16. Sturgeon
  17. Alligator gar
  18. Shark catfish
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Exhibit Animals:
  1. Black swan
  2. American flamingo
  3. Indian sarus crane
  4. European white stork
  5. Shoebill
  6. Great white / pink-backed / AND/OR Dalmatian pelican
  7. Goliath heron
  8. Spectacled caiman
  9. Nile crocodile
  10. Alligator snapping turtle
  11. Yellow spotted river turtle
  12. Cottonmouth
  13. Florida manatee
  14. Marsh deer

Walkthrough Aviaries and Exhibit
  1. White-faced whistling-duck
  2. Wood duck
  3. Mandarin duck
  4. Blue-winged teal
  5. Hooded merganser
  6. American ruddy duck
  7. Egyptian plover
  8. Storm's stork
  9. Hamerkop
  10. Scarlet ibis
  11. Roseate spoonbill
Exhibit Animals:
  1. Black swan
  2. American flamingo
  3. Indian sarus crane
  4. European white stork
  5. Shoebill
  6. Dalmatian pelican
  7. Goliath heron
  8. Spectacled caiman
  9. Nile crocodile
  10. Alligator snapping turtle
  11. Yellow spotted river turtle
  12. Cottonmouth
  13. Florida manatee
  14. Marsh deer

Walkthrough Aviaries and Exhibit
  1. White-faced whistling-duck
  2. Wood duck
  3. Mandarin duck
  4. Blue-winged teal
  5. Hooded merganser
  6. American ruddy duck
  7. Egyptian plover
  8. Storm's stork
  9. Hamerkop
  10. Scarlet ibis
  11. Roseate spoonbill
My replacement would be the northern green anaconda.
1. Hellbender
2. Chinese Giant Salamander
3. Alligator Snapping turtle
4. Any Pelican species
5. Any Cormorant
6. Phillipine sailfin lizard
7. Fishing cat
8. Nutria
9. American Mink
10. Muskrat
11. Black Crowned Night Heron (any heron honestly)
12. Saddle Billed Stork
13. Mata-Mata!
14. Some of those freshwater stingrays
15. Jabiru
16. Kingfisher
17. Osprey
18. Koi!!!
1. West Indian Manatee
2. Mandarin Duck
3. Wood Duck
4. White Stork
5. Jabiru Stork
6. Grey-crowned Crane
7. Scarlet Ibis
8. Roseate Spoonbill
9. Goliath Heron
10. Great White Pelican
11. Pere David's Deer
12. Eurasian Otter
13. Nile Crocodile
14. Chinese Giant Salamander
15. European Mink
  1. Great White Pelican
  2. Nile Crocodile
  3. Scarlet Ibis
  4. Shoebill
  5. Bush Dog
  6. Alligator Snapping Turtle
  7. Père David's Deer
  8. Chinese Giant Salamander
  9. Mallard
  10. Grey Crowned Crane
  11. Black Swan
  12. American Flamingo
  13. Cane Toad
  14. Philippine Sailfin Lizard
  15. West Indian Manatee
  16. Cichlid (each and every)
  17. Carp (in general)
  18. Salmon (no matter the species)
19. Painted Stork
20. Golden Jackal
21. Fishing Cat
22. European Pond Turtle
23. Common European Adder
24. Plumed Basilisk
25. Bald Eagle
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