Jurassic World Evolution 2 - Update 1.6.4

Francesca Falcini

Senior Community Manager
Hello Park Managers!
Update 1.6.4 is now available for all platforms of Jurassic World Evolution 2. Please see the changes below:
  • Fixed the Allosaurus in the California Photography challenge level not being counted towards the mission condition
  • Fixed the Iguanodon getting stuck when attempting to kick a vehicle
  • Fixed no more flying or marine reptiles in Germany Challenge level. (in the Medium/Hard/Jurassic difficulties)
  • Fixed helicopters falling down to the ground when loading a save
  • Various stability fixes
Dominion Malta Expansion
  • Allowed Ziplines to be placed across natural lagoon in San Marie Bay
Unless he is not on PC/PS5/Series X in which case, he will need to use the JW setting.

The team might be working on this situation as I submitted a ticket already but I am having issues re stocking the feeders on the San Marie Bay map (I even have a video). But I see it is due to the area limiters taking a chunk of the map out of the equation. This might not have been very visualized but it might have had to do that it was tested with the fish feeders and not so much with the shark feeder:
Source: https://youtu.be/AjzVwnQP-qA

Jens Erik

Senior Community Manager
The team might be working on this situation as I submitted a ticket already but I am having issues re stocking the feeders on the San Marie Bay map (I even have a video). But I see it is due to the area limiters taking a chunk of the map out of the equation. This might not have been very visualized but it might have had to do that it was tested with the fish feeders and not so much with the shark feeder:
Thank you for sharing and for capturing video as well. I'm looking through the video and it looks like you're still able to restock the Shark Feeders? Or am I missing something?
Thank you for sharing and for capturing video as well. I'm looking through the video and it looks like you're still able to restock the Shark Feeders? Or am I missing something?
Correct, but because the feeders fall out of bounds (the white lines in the video) the Ranger Jeep has trouble reaching them when I am controlling them and when left to their own devices the Jeeps won't even restock the feeders. I already contacted support and they thanked me for bringing this to their attention.
Hello Park Managers!
Update 1.6.4 is now available for all platforms of Jurassic World Evolution 2. Please see the changes below:
  • Fixed the Allosaurus in the California Photography challenge level not being counted towards the mission condition
  • Fixed the Iguanodon getting stuck when attempting to kick a vehicle
  • Fixed no more flying or marine reptiles in Germany Challenge level. (in the Medium/Hard/Jurassic difficulties)
  • Fixed helicopters falling down to the ground when loading a save
  • Various stability fixes
Dominion Malta Expansion
  • Allowed Ziplines to be placed across natural lagoon in San Marie Bay
Hey Jen’s just for you to know the game still keeps on crashing and the dinosaurs still keeps on frozen and looks blurry in the game
Hello Park Managers!
Update 1.6.4 is now available for all platforms of Jurassic World Evolution 2. Please see the changes below:
  • Fixed the Allosaurus in the California Photography challenge level not being counted towards the mission condition
  • Fixed the Iguanodon getting stuck when attempting to kick a vehicle
  • Fixed no more flying or marine reptiles in Germany Challenge level. (in the Medium/Hard/Jurassic difficulties)
  • Fixed helicopters falling down to the ground when loading a save
  • Various stability fixes
Dominion Malta Expansion
  • Allowed Ziplines to be placed across natural lagoon in San Marie Bay
I’m having trouble with the Jurassic world dominion Malta pack I drive the ranger team vehicle and then all at once as I’m driving it, it launches into the air I don’t understand why.
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