Which in-game species have you seen IRL?

Here's mine:

View attachment 378017
My main takeaway is that I really need to visit some cold climate zoo. So to the europeans here, which zoo would be best for the bottom two categories?
Can i recommend zoo duisburg in germany and zoom zoo gelsenkirchen? Both are an hour from each other and cover:

  • Arctic Fox
  • Arctic Wolf
  • Wolverine
  • Aswell as the largest european oceanian section, dolphins, a large madagascar section, one of the few carribean areas and manatees

Zoom Zoo:
  • Moose
  • North American Beaver
  • Being props the most all around modern zoo i know
Habitat species:
I've seen every single species (but not always the same subspecies), except for one: the pronghorn.
That includes rarities as the Chinese pangolin, proboscis monkey, platypus, quokka and saiga.

Exhibit animals:
I haven't seen the titan beetle, spectacled flying fox, goliath frog, Danube crested newt or Lehmann's poison frog.
I'm not sure about some of the invertebrates.

I've seen some of those species in the wild, but the only one I ONLY saw in the wild and never in captivity is the three-toed sloth.
I'm big fan of myself and how I always forget to save this template and then have to manually create it again and again. It sometimes is helpful to spot errors (I never saw Baird's Tapir). It always pains me putting two Brown Bears in "Never saw" category after seeing so many Brown Bears. Also cool to see Tapir icon updated. Here's the update:
my-image (1).png

"Never saw" still bulky, a lot of homework to be done
Habitat species:
I've seen every single species (but not always the same subspecies), except for one: the pronghorn.
That includes rarities as the Chinese pangolin, proboscis monkey, platypus, quokka and saiga.

Exhibit animals:
I haven't seen the titan beetle, spectacled flying fox, goliath frog, Danube crested newt or Lehmann's poison frog.
I'm not sure about some of the invertebrates.

I've seen some of those species in the wild, but the only one I ONLY saw in the wild and never in captivity is the three-toed sloth.
We need to hear all about it
Updated my tierlist, as always half the african ungulates are probably in the wrong place since I never make any note of which species I actually see and they all look so similar from afar.

The “not kept in Australia” category grows ever larger lol.


It’s possible I saw peccaries when I was a kid given Adelaide Zoo had them back then, but I have no recollection of them so I don’t feel confident putting them in the “seen” category (similar case with American beavers). Now the only peccaries in Australia are at Melbourne Zoo, including some of the old individuals from Adelaide Zoo.

Also I could potentially put wild boar in “seen in the wild” given I’ve seen Australian feral pigs/razorbacks, which can be very boar-like, but as they’re mostly descended from domestic pigs (which are a domestic form of wild boar, but y’know) and don’t look quite like the Central European wild boar we have in game I think it’s better I just leave them out.
As per usual, recommended read if you want some context for some of the rankings:
Let's go once again! I reccomend reading the earlier posts for more context on some species.

  • First pack to ever be released where I have seen none of the animals in it ahahah. Hopefully, I'll be able to see some of them at some point, since some of the zoos in my radar (Wihelma, Plackendale, Zoo Berlin,...) house the kiwi, Tassie and quokka. The penguin is a lil bit harder since they can be found only in one aquarium in the UK and apart of the penguin I don't think they house anything that really interests me, but apparently, more European zoos are meant to get some little blues and it becomes a more realistic species for my perspective. Sadly I doubt I'll ever see the flying fox since going to Oceania will be REALLY hard on this economy.
  • I went to Parc Animalier des Pyrenees back in august and saw Binturongs, Giant otters, and Alpine ibex! Three very cool species. Ironically they brought in a pair of Striped skunks a week after my visit, which would have been a new species ahahah. It's a very nice park, might be back in a couple of years if they bring anything very exciting.
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Notes: I have fewer species than what I expected from an Eurasian Pack, with four of the species I've seen and the other four I've sadly not seen (one being in a subspecies level).
  • I don't tend to get the chance to add many seen in the wild species to the list, but this pack comes with the wild boar and swan! I've seen wild boars a bunch of times, either I've surprised some in one of my many hikes or I've seen them hang around on beaches of the Mediterranean, a species I love. We don't get swans in the biggest part of Spain but some distracted flocks do end up wandering around some of our lagoons and water habitats, I saw a large flock of 10ish animals take off back in April, a really fun experience. I saw some wild swans back in the Netherlands too. I've seen both species in zoos several times as well.
  • The only zoo animals with this pack are the European bison and Hermann's tortoise. Both species I've seen many times, with the bison being one of the most iconic species in my "home" park (Cabárceno). The peccary is also here, a lovely addition to the game.
  • I have also seen takins, and despite the game not specifying which subspecies we got it's a Sichuan takin, and I've only seen Mishmi takins in ZooParc de Beauval. They are going to the not seen category but I want that to change with a trip to Berlin, hopefully soon...
  • No saigas nor sloth bears, sadly. The saiga is gonna be really hard to see but sloth bears I see as more doable, with many of the zoos I have under my radar housing them (Berlin Zoo, Naturzoo Rheine, Zoo Leipzig,...). No wolverine either, the worst part of it being that I visited the Parc Zoologique de Paris last year and it was a no-show... Joining the Malayan tapir to the category of "Visited a zoo that houses them, miserably failed at seeing them". I really hope I get to a zoo with wolverines soon, they are easily one of my favorite carnivorans.
Most of the species what I saw were kept or still in Hungarian zoos. I only were in Vienna zoo outside o my country thats where I saw giant pandas. Funny that I were in a zoo twice where they keep maned wolfs but both the time when I was there they were hiding somewhere. Also the list may will change if I will go to Győr zoo or to the Hortobágy national park: so may black rhino, african wild dog, and may the Przewalski's horse will go to the see in zoo list.
Also how we count semi-wild, like they live wild but in a large fenced area ( in may case: european bison and Przewalski's horse).
I probably wont see platypus or saiga in European zoos. Platypus only San Diego zoo keeps a pair out of Australia. Saigas not easy to keep and currently expect Ukraine Askania-Nova no european zoos or national parks keep them in zoo or in semi-wild conditions. Same goes with pronghorn, brow-throated three-toed sloth and probosick monkey you can't find them in European zoos.

Can't be too bothered to do all of exhibit animals, I can't even remember if I saw them or not. It looks like I seen many of PZ animals already. I went through my zoo pictures and didn't realise I've seen some them of already for like Baird's Tapir and Springbok at San Diego Zoo/Safari Park. I didn't see any of these not seen Oceanian animals due to rare captivity presences outside their regions.

For "other species seen," it was Sumatran/Malayan Tiger, Eurasian/Ussuri/Syrain Brown Bear, some other Capuchin Monkey species, Domestic Water Buffalo and Mishmi Takin.

Now you must tell for each encounter.

Chinese pangolin: Zoo Leipzig (Germany) in 2014, Zoo Prague (Czechia) in 2023
Proboscis monkey: Apenheul (Netherlands) kept this species from 2011 - 2015, where I saw it.
Platypus: Taronga Zoo and Sydney Aquarium in 2008
Quokka: Taronga Zoo in 2008, Wilhelma Zoo (Stuttgart, Germany) in 2023
Saiga: Zoo Cologne/Köln (Germany) in 2005 (no longer kept since 2009)

PZ species I've seen in the wild: Asian elephant, leopard (not amur, but Sri Lankan and Indo-Chinese), sun bear, red fox, red deer, wild boar, baird's tapir, white-faced capuchin, white-handed gibbon, nine-banded armadillo, asian water monitor, mute swan, greater flamingo, indian peafowl (not just feral but actually wild ones in Sri Lanka), three-toed sloth, green iguana, red-eyed tree frog

EDIT: Added Tierlist

  • Brown bear; Saw grizzly (+ kodiak, kamchatka, European brown, Syrian brown) but not Himalayan
  • Wolf; Saw different subspecies (European, Iberian, Mongolian, Northwestern, Hudson Bay) but not Arctic
NOTE: A lot, of not all of the '' Arctic wolves'' in captivity are unspecific wolves that just have white fur. Sometimes they have Hudson Bay-blood (another white subspecies). I know that outside of America, none of the so called Arctic wolves are actually arctic wolves. There could be pure arctic wolves around in the USA or Canada though, I'm not quite sure on that.
  • Tiger; Saw Siberian (and Sumatran, Malayan) not not Bengal.
NOTE: A lot, of not most of the '' Bengals'' in captivity are non-subspecies-specific hybrids. Mostly they are a mix of Bengal and Siberian.
Actual pure-blooded Bengal tigers are very rare outside of India, since they don't get exported. If your home zoo claims to have Bengal tiger, they're probably lying to you.
NOTE: Tiger taxonomy is unclear, some subspecies might not even be subspecies (Bengal and Siberian might be the same subspecies, mainland tiger)

  • Asian black bear; Seen, but not the subspecies from Taiwan (Formosa)
  • Wild water buffalo; Seen domesticated (zoos, lifestock) and feral waterbuffalo (Sri Lanka) but those are a different species from the wild water buffalo. No wild water buffalo are kept in zoos, and are very rare in the wild (you could see them in Nepal)


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Chinese pangolin: Zoo Leipzig (Germany) in 2014, Zoo Prague (Czechia) in 2023
Proboscis monkey: Apenheul (Netherlands) kept this species from 2011 - 2015, where I saw it.
Platypus: Taronga Zoo and Sydney Aquarium in 2008
Quokka: Taronga Zoo in 2008, Wilhelma Zoo (Stuttgart, Germany) in 2023
Saiga: Zoo Cologne/Köln (Germany) in 2005 (no longer kept since 2009)

PZ species I've seen in the wild: Asian elephant, leopard (not amur, but Sri Lankan and Indo-Chinese), sun bear, red fox, red deer, wild boar, baird's tapir, white-faced capuchin, white-handed gibbon, nine-banded armadillo, asian water monitor, mute swan, greater flamingo, indian peafowl (not just feral but actually wild ones in Sri Lanka), three-toed sloth, green iguana, red-eyed tree frog

EDIT: Added Tierlist

  • Brown bear; Saw grizzly (+ kodiak, kamchatka, European brown, Syrian brown) but not Himalayan
  • Wolf; Saw different subspecies (European, Iberian, Mongolian, Northwestern, Hudson Bay) but not Arctic
NOTE: A lot, of not all of the '' Arctic wolves'' in captivity are unspecific wolves that just have white fur. Sometimes they have Hudson Bay-blood (another white subspecies). I know that outside of America, none of the so called Arctic wolves are actually arctic wolves. There could be pure arctic wolves around in the USA or Canada though, I'm not quite sure on that.
  • Tiger; Saw Siberian (and Sumatran, Malayan) not not Bengal.
NOTE: A lot, of not most of the '' Bengals'' in captivity are non-subspecies-specific hybrids. Mostly they are a mix of Bengal and Siberian.
Actual pure-blooded Bengal tigers are very rare outside of India, since they don't get exported. If your home zoo claims to have Bengal tiger, they're probably lying to you.
NOTE: Tiger taxonomy is unclear, some subspecies might not even be subspecies (Bengal and Siberian might be the same subspecies, mainland tiger)

  • Asian black bear; Seen, but not the subspecies from Taiwan (Formosa)
  • Wild water buffalo; Seen domesticated (zoos, lifestock) and feral waterbuffalo (Sri Lanka) but those are a different species from the wild water buffalo. No wild water buffalo are kept in zoos, and are very rare in the wild (you could see them in Nepal)
Wow you are lucky. You are probably one of the very few players that got to see a saiga irl.
Here's mine:

View attachment 378017
My main takeaway is that I really need to visit some cold climate zoo. So to the europeans here, which zoo would be best for the bottom two categories?
Not European, but New England’s got you covered!
Baird’s Tapir and Warthog can be found and Franklin Park Zoo in Boston Massachusetts
Arctic fox can be found at Stone Zoo in Stoneham Massachusetts
Red Crowned Crane can be found at Roger Williams Park Zoo in Providence Rhode Island
Moose and Beaver can be found at the Maine Wildlife Park in Gray Maine
Not in New England, but a little further south, the National Zoo has Przewalski’s Horses
I kind of want to know the story behind that name now
No special meaning, they simply rebranded after rebuilding the entire zoo.
The ruhr zoo (cause its in the ruhr area) was really old and just a mess.
Habitats wernt up to welfare standards, the buildings needed renovations, it was quite ugly, all that jazz, so the zoo decided to completly rebuild and rebrand the zoo, resulting in props the most modern zoo germanys with cohesive theming and not a single bad habitat all throughout.
Its actually quite the interesting story, as the zoo at first funded the renovation of the lion and spotted hyena habitats themselfs, which live in a connected habitat where they can be let into the others habitat for enritchment (ofcourse not at the same time). This first habitat was presented to investors who absolutly loved, it so with a backing of the city, local bank and multiple food concerns they set out to rebuild the zoo in 4 distinct themed areas, africa, alaska, asia and a petting zoo styled after a traditional farm.
Over the next 10 years, one after the other the thematic areas where opend, with the first open year in 2004 only displaying the petting zoo, lions, hyenas and a display for african domestics, alasca opening the next in 2005, africa in 2006 and asia in 2010.
This is an old zoo map from 2005 and its really interesting to compare.

Since then not much has changed from the big picture perspective, with the largest new addition being a penguin habitat in the africa section and otherwise mostly just a general reduction of animals kept in multispecies inclosures with fore example the zoos marabous, egyptian fruit bats and griffon vultures not being there anymore, but there was also a bunch of nice smaller additions, for example dwarf mongooses, prariedogs and lots of stuff in their tropical house. They also opend up a turtle garden with african spurred tortoises and a mix of pet terrapins that they adopted from local shelters.
Biggest dissapointment propaply would be the demolition of the binturong habitat, but is how it is.
But yeah theres a reason that this zoo has kept the title of best german zoo since its completion in 2010 and i really doubt that they will stop winning that title each year anytime soon.

No special meaning, they simply rebranded after rebuilding the entire zoo.
The ruhr zoo (cause its in the ruhr area) was really old and just a mess.
Habitats wernt up to welfare standards, the buildings needed renovations, it was quite ugly, all that jazz, so the zoo decided to completly rebuild and rebrand the zoo, resulting in props the most modern zoo germanys with cohesive theming and not a single bad habitat all throughout.
Its actually quite the interesting story, as the zoo at first funded the renovation of the lion and spotted hyena habitats themselfs, which live in a connected habitat where they can be let into the others habitat for enritchment (ofcourse not at the same time). This first habitat was presented to investors who absolutly loved, it so with a backing of the city, local bank and multiple food concerns they set out to rebuild the zoo in 4 distinct themed areas, africa, alaska, asia and a petting zoo styled after a traditional farm.
Over the next 10 years, one after the other the thematic areas where opend, with the first open year in 2004 only displaying the petting zoo, lions, hyenas and a display for african domestics, alasca opening the next in 2005, africa in 2006 and asia in 2010.
This is an old zoo map from 2005 and its really interesting to compare.
View attachment 378708

Since then not much has changed from the big picture perspective, with the largest new addition being a penguin habitat in the africa section and otherwise mostly just a general reduction of animals kept in multispecies inclosures with fore example the zoos marabous, egyptian fruit bats and griffon vultures not being there anymore, but there was also a bunch of nice smaller additions, for example dwarf mongooses, prariedogs and lots of stuff in their tropical house. They also opend up a turtle garden with african spurred tortoises and a mix of pet terrapins that they adopted from local shelters.
Biggest dissapointment propaply would be the demolition of the binturong habitat, but is how it is.
But yeah theres a reason that this zoo has kept the title of best german zoo since its completion in 2010 and i really doubt that they will stop winning that title each year anytime soon.

View attachment 378709
Oh wow, that zoo looks awesome! If I ever go to Germany, I’ll make sure to stop by
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