PS4 looks abandoned

Since couple of weeks I feel alone in the game. No one of my squad or my ex squad is playing anymore. At least not until Odyssey release on PS4. I visited normally more populated systems as Deciat but still no players there. No even gankers. I was so bored that I even went to Jameson memorial to find some gankers to interdict me just for the fun of it but still nothing. So, I decided also to stop playing until Odyssey but was wondering if we all abandon the game in waiting of odyssey would the devs decided that there is no point to launch it on PS4?


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It's probably quieter than it's ever been.

However, I visited Deciat last week found gankers 😉 (and regular CMDRs), Shinrarta Dezhra was also busy, the mining CG was that busy it kept crashing my PS5, Ngalinn was also busy with people grinding Imperial ranks.

Finally last month I started a brand new character. The nursery systems were very busy.


Plus lots of people play solo/PG only.
Since couple of weeks I feel alone in the game. No one of my squad or my ex squad is playing anymore. At least not until Odyssey release on PS4. I visited normally more populated systems as Deciat but still no players there. No even gankers. I was so bored that I even went to Jameson memorial to find some gankers to interdict me just for the fun of it but still nothing. So, I decided also to stop playing until Odyssey but was wondering if we all abandon the game in waiting of odyssey would the devs decided that there is no point to launch it on PS4?
I passed through Shinrata at 10:30ish but usual crowd doesn't roll out of bed there till after lunch.
I stopped playing after three years recently due to how broken everything is, and how (imo) crap Odyssey looks. The only thing that kept me going all that time was the hope that crossplay would be added at some point so that I can play with members of my player group on PC and Xbox, but Frontier confirmed recently that they have no plans on adding it, so I have no plans on giving them any more money or playing.
OA recently ran a poll on single player vs multiplayer and, overwhelmingly, solo came out on top.

I myself play in Open...but alone, and generally avoid other commanders because Elite (in my opinion) doesn't offer any substantial multiplayer features save shooting each other. Which is fine, but not my usual MO for playing.

I imagine a large quantity of console players (of which I am one, on PS4) also play in Solo or generally avoid high traffic areas. I don't do CG's as they offer nothing of real value and, if anything, tend to actually cost me more in terms of required flight time or engineering mats. I've not played in over a month now...just got bored...but I understand the EDO launch has negatively impacted console stability, too.

That - if true - will very quickly reduce console player numbers. Our options - and accessibility to those options - makes it extraordinarily easy to put down a title and just play something else. Add in NMS regular updates (for those of us who play it) and Mass Effect just dropping (again)...

Again, if true that EDO has negatively impacted even Horizons on PS4 (Like I said, I haven't played in a month or more) then I wouldn't expect anything less than a quick exodus from Elite. The big question, of course, is if it is temporary. FDev is doubling down on launching EDO this year to console. I sincerely doubt it will be ready, which will only further harm the console market - and PC, too, as they'll have been waiting with little to no new content for that launch - and likely do irreparable damage to this iteration of the title.
Taking a new ship round the engineers I encountered 2 commanders, though didn't actually see either of them.
Whilst I'm trading I would tend to act alone. Where I might seek multiplayer would be doing AX combat or an attack on a ground installation.
I recently started an explorers guild that is growing. We have a handful of PS4 players at the moment. You're most welcome to fly with us if you're into exploration.

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I was so bored that I even went to Jameson memorial to find some gankers to interdict me just for the fun of it but still nothing. So, I decided also to stop playing until Odyssey but was wondering if we all abandon the game in waiting of odyssey would the devs decided that there is no point to launch it on PS4?
Someone who misses getting ganked? I think that's a first for the forums :)
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