Random guest appearance generator

I know they are working on diversifying the crowd... I imagine they will put in some sort of random generator so that you no longer will see 10 or 20 of the same exact person waiting in line or riding a ride the way you do in the videos... What do you guys think?
As the game gets closer and closer to release date, I could probably bet money that the crowds will become much more diversified in looks, shapes, and sizes. Itll still be within reasonable amounts, but I get what you mean. Having a group of 5 people, but theyre all the same person would be a bit awkward.
Which bob is the real Bob?
I'm pretty sure this is implied as confirmed for the game. First, there is a previous video that shows how they can take the same general character model and customize the clothing, facial features, hair, skin tone, etc. (Can't find the video, but here is a pic that gives the idea - https://scontent.ftpa1-1.fna.fbcdn....632_347199065404230_6671298398467129187_o.png) That video already showed ton's of combinations we haven't seen in any in-game videos yet. Second, we know that there is going to be custom generated people in the game (at the very least) through the VIP tickets. I'm guessing that the guest variation system is still being worked on and isn't implemented in the builds we've seen so far.

In the next live stream (especially leading up to alpha), I'd love to see them discuss some of the things to expect in future builds of the game that they are working on but are not finished. Just like when John Laws talked about the reflections not being done in the first live stream. Info like that will let people know, "hey, don't be worried about this - we're working on it and it's going to be great."
I like that the latest live stream showed a rather diverse crowd. Ok, there were a few clones, but when you're showing off a Pre-Alpha that's bound to happen!
My question is, would there have to be a limit on random generated characters before a clone inevitably pops up?
Even though there are the VIP characters still to be put into the game, do you think that there would be scope for players to create their own crowd members and include them? (E.G. Like in RCT3)
Based on the interview they just released a couple days ago you can clearly see they already have this in progress and I'm loving what I'm seeing.
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