Weeks busy representing HeadHunters the best Dan can \m/!
From footsoldier and acomplished Bounty Hunter and somewhat scavenger and fauna explorer, anything goes in Pyro, despite the lawless system, there's a beauty in the savagery of the...
Im just burnt out playing but trying to keep my interest in the game while i wait for updates.
So i have been playing with AI to make custom images and audio in anticipation for the next update and thought if i could do something like this in...
he adopted the tactical retreat method of bravely running away.and hiding...............
i actually find it quite funny when unintended quirks like this happen
it gives the game character...
(not many atheists in a fox hole fear is a killer and...
And this just begs the question "how do we define a dinosaur?" After all, it definitely has dinosaur DNA in it... it's just that the DNA is horribly spliced and mismatched...
I just uploaded it if you are still interested: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3422937542
This is how I complete the inclined sides using the mesh barrier:
Three possible reasons spring to mind:
1. If you are in Horizons 4.0, not Odyssey (ie, like me, without space legs) - you'll have to buy it with ARX
2. They might be out of stock. It's rare, but it happens. Try relogging or visiting again later...
Yeah I would love to see more like it! Honestly I’m surprised they haven’t tried to market more on TikTok (issues in the US aside) I really think a good marketing scheme could make PZ reinvigorated
I knew I had a shameful gaming backlog problem when one of the never-played games in it got remastered 😅
Currently I’m splitting my gaming time between Cyberpunk 2077 VR & Skyrim VR; Phantom Liberty was excellent and DLSS4 has made the game...
Ah, we're back to LARPing as Japanese robots. C'mon guys, if you're going to make stuff like that there had better be a giant robot to climb into to go with it. 🙃
So who's your favorite Pink Ranger?
There is a thread that his been running since somewhere about the time the game first launched that has been endlessly rehashing all the arguments about punishing or bribing people to play in a particular mode rather than the one they want. Your...
As I have trouble imagining a critter that is energetic enough to be a threat that could exist on the near vacuum worlds we can land on I think this might have to wait until after we get planets with a more substantial atmosphere.
And the buggy content keeps flowing...
Clearly they're going to ride this 'built on current tech' rationale to death.
And then explain that the content doesn't work because it's the old tech. And that this dysfunction is perfectly normal...