Merchandise, food and stock delivery mechanisms

Below are a few things that I'm I'm curious if we'll see in Planet Coaster.

Such as stock & delivery, an example would be the game Tropico, where you have dock workers & teamsters delivering stock through-out the island, both to and from the main shipping terminal. With Planet Coaster, I'd love to see deliveries arriving of burger buns & patties, being trolleyed from either the main park gate (or a worker only entrance) to the shops & stalls, and in return, garbage being exported from the park.

Perhaps some cheaper parks wouldn't have bins for guests to use, so less garbage would be exported, but at the expense of having garbage everywhere... yet at the other side of the spectrum, some parks could have recycling bins for guests, so that guests can recycle drink bottles. And then again, other parks would have paper cups and no wasteful plastic bottles to recycle at all! (just putting it out there... not saying it's a good game play idea [noob] )

I recall the stock order screen from Theme Park, and it was interesting at first but soon became mind-numbingly boring as there was no skill or even luck involved. Just click on the stock that you're low on, and in a few minutes it'll arrive, rinse repeat. Perhaps this could be revisited in Planet Coaster, but tweaked to be more meaningful, involving and more relevant, but most importantly, fun! Yet, also able to be set to automated by hiring a stock controller for the players who don't want to deal with such a system.

In RCT1, 2 & 3 there wasn't any stock take or delivery mechanism of the sorts, with the player left to simply micro-manage the sale price, along with some minor ingredients tweaking of the product in both Theme Park & RCT3. Although tweaking the product ingredients sounds like a fun idea, the casual player wouldn't really identify what the consequences of too much salt or not enough sugar in the food meant. And the expert player didn't have any analytics to work with, meaning that without the ability to gauge if too much salt = more drink sales or not, then there was no actual point in adjusting the salt content. All the micro-management shop mechanisms would go un-used.

I personally think it would be AWESOME if in Planet Coaster, you could increase the salt content in your food, only then to have the game show you that people are thirstier, or complaining that there's too much salt. An obvious example would be, more caffeine = guests running around faster (but at what expense?). I believe Theme Park had this particular feature, and free coffee with caffeine cranked to the max was key to getting guests to run around the entire park.

Further to this, I'd love to be able to click a "Park Analytics" button, showing a graph that proves a link between salty food = more drink sales but less food purchases. See the graphs, analyse the numbers, tweak the food, flavours & ingredients, watch the guests react like lab rats.

I've only touched on some ideas and memories of past games here, but what does everyone else think? What is everyone hoping to see in Planet Coaster when it comes to shops & stalls, merchandise & food, deliveries & stocks?

For me, I want the ability to tweak the special sauce on my burgers if I can clearly see & track the costs of doing so, along with both the benefits (yummy burger!!!) vs the consequences (more vomit...).

I'm not interested by the "management" part (I mean, I am, but not at this point), but your post is full of good ideas.

so ... +1 [up]
Parkitect have a delivery/garbage system already, and I find it interesting. The same goes for Prison Archotect where nothing just magically appear. Things need to be brought from A to B and then be used.

I think it would mean a very interesting twist to the whole genre if PC implements this too, and could possibly be a case in a campaign mission where a park is in bad shape because of focus merely on rides rather than maintaining the flow of goods needed.
Parkitect have a delivery/garbage system already, and I find it interesting. The same goes for Prison Archotect where nothing just magically appear. Things need to be brought from A to B and then be used.

I think it would mean a very interesting twist to the whole genre if PC implements this too, and could possibly be a case in a campaign mission where a park is in bad shape because of focus merely on rides rather than maintaining the flow of goods needed.
I think the management feature would be great as long as it is implemented correctly and doesn't take over the game. It would really be cool if we could actually watch the park staff restock stores or empty trash bins and maybe roll carts around to carry all of the items for the restocking or cleaning. It would just be a cool little detail to add realism.
I quite like the idea of merchandising. I believe I remember Theme Park requiring you to set up a automatic delivery system for your items/food in shops, and there would be warnings when stocks were low or depleted. I think the option to add a recurring delivery option for your shops and stalls would be excellent, and I like the idea of having to work the management side a bit - such as waste and delivery. It's the less pristine side of theme park management, but very much valuable.
I think you've got some cool ideas here... buuuuuut maybe you took it a bit far with adjusting salt content [haha].

I'm on the side of the fence that would love to see deeper "backstage" elements in a game like this relating to the infrastructure and upkeep of theme parks. Stock deliveries, trash disposal, non-guest areas, staff well-being and management, cleaning and maintenance, etc. It sounds super boring but for some reason this stuff keeps me up at night.


Volunteer Moderator
I'm in all the way into this idea! I love the management part of these mechanics if they make it into the game! [yesnod]


Volunteer Moderator
I find it interestering! Maybe a possibility to have it as a toggle so not everyone worries about it?

Good idea. Or something like an assistant or help system that gives you hints on what to do if a certain management aspect of the game needs your attention.
I also love the management part and the making of money from selling tickets or goods to my customers. would love to see a wide selection of food drinks and merchandise to choose to sell in my shops and maybe different levels of quality cheap to luxury items and size small hot dogs to jumbo size with everything on. I do like to know how much money each person has on them and i love the fact if someone spends all the money they have they can just go to the cash machine to get more out.[heart]

Personalised ride gifts..? So if a customer rides on say the Big Drop rollercoaster and they buy a t-shirt from the gift shop the T-shirt says Big drop also maybe the colours of the t shirt can match the colours of the coaster tracks or theme
Parkitect have a delivery/garbage system already, and I find it interesting. The same goes for Prison Archotect where nothing just magically appear. Things need to be brought from A to B and then be used.

I think it would mean a very interesting twist to the whole genre if PC implements this too, and could possibly be a case in a campaign mission where a park is in bad shape because of focus merely on rides rather than maintaining the flow of goods needed.

Yes, it would be very interesting to see more management options like these. With the salt option, I really find the idea funny and maybe a little bit push, but I understand what you mean. It would be cool if some management options have more impact on the game.

I remember in RCT, you can adjust thing in shop, but it never really impact the game. It would be great to be able to have more shops in relation with specific rides, prices and items that we're able to see the sell impact, etc.

+1 for the idea, but desactivable or something else, because if you want to focus on design it will be very hard to manage in the same time
To the original OP I love the ideas. I like being able to tweak things to a certain level so some micro-management is great in my book. I would be concerned though about getting too bogged in the details. As the old saying goes "One man's treat is another man's poison". If it could be done as a gameplay option (turn on if you like managing deliveries, garbage, etc) then I think it would be a great feature set to add to the game.
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