Essential Oceanian animal wishlist

  1. Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroo
  2. Thorny Devil
  3. Rainbow Lorikeet
  4. Short Beaked Echidna
  5. North Island Brown Kiwi
  6. Sulfur Crested Cockatoo
  7. Yellow Footed Rock Wallaby
  8. Laughing Kookaburra
  9. Budgerigar
  10. Frilled Lizard
  11. Black Swan
  12. Greater Bilby
  13. Perentie
  14. Brushtail Possum
  15. Spotted Cuscus
  16. Little Blue Penguin
  17. Tasmanian Devil
  18. Red Lory
  19. Tuatara
  20. Galah
Additional 5:
  1. Black lory
  2. Blue Moon Butterfly
  3. Grey Kangaroo
  4. Quokka
  5. Greater Bird of Paradise
20 species time

16. Common Brushtail Possum - Australia
17. Rakali - Australia, New Guinea
18. Magpie Goose - Australia, New Guinea
19. Kagu - New Caledonia
20. Woma Python [E] - Australia
Think it's time I finally voted for some walkthrough exhibit animals:

21. Sugar Glider [WE] - Australia, New Guinea
22. Ghost Bat [WE] - Australia
23. Rainbow Lorikeet [WE] - Australia
24. Cockatiel [WE] - Australia
25. Australian Zebra Finch [WE] - Australia
Updated with expanded list

1. Tasmanian Devil
2. North Island Brown Kiwi
3. Sulfur-Crested Cockatoo
4. Rainbow Lorikeet
5. Cockatiel
6. Laughing Kookaburra
7. Eastern Barred Bandicoot
8. South Island Takahe
9. Frill-Necked Lizard
10. Goodfellow's Tree-Kangaroo
11. Australian Bushturkey
12. Little Blue Penguin
13. Tiger Quoll
14. Yellow-Footed Rock Wallaby
15. Numbat
16. Short-Beaked Echidna
17. Tuatara
18. Australian White Ibis
19. Brolga
20. Perentie
21. Thorny Devil
22. Zebra Finch
23. Gouldian Finch
24. Sugar Glider
25. Ghost Bat
May as well chuck in a few more:
  1. Giant weta (E).
  2. Green and golden bell frog (E).
  3. Brolga.
  4. Fiji banded iguana (E).
  5. Yellow-footed rock wallaby.
  6. Eastern grey kangaroo.
  7. Cape Barren goose.
  8. Eastern snake-necked turtle (E).
  9. Social huntsman spider (E).
That brings it to 20.
Another five you say?
  1. Kunekune pig.
  2. Little red flying fox (WE).
  3. New Zealand wood pigeon/Kereru (WE).
  4. Red-crowned kakariki (WE).
  5. Otago skink (E).
1. Perentie
2. Sand Goanna
3. Argus Monitor
4. Tuatara
5. Frilled Lizard
6. Thorny Devil
7. Central Bearded Dragon
8. New Caledonian Giant Gecko
9. Inland Taipan
10. Green Tree Python
11. Fly River Turtle
12. Eastern Snake-Necked Turtle
13. Australian Green Tree Frog
14. Lord Howe Island Stick Insect
15. Little Barrier Giant Weta
16. Grey-Headed Flying Fox
17. Ghost Bat
18. Sugar Glider
19. Short-Beaked Echidna
20. Tasmanian Devil
21. Matschie's Tree Kangaroo
22. North Island Brown Kiwi
23. South Island Takahe
24. Kea
25. Cockatoo
It is definitely more diverse than Europe and probably on par with or even more diverse than Central America. I think you should consider increasing it to at least 20. New Guinea alone is a biodiversity hotspot.

1. Tasmanian devil
2. Quokka
3. Short-beaked echidna
4. Common brushtail possum
5. Matschie's tree-kangaroo
6. Eastern quoll
7. Frilled lizard
8. Central bearded dragon
9. Monster mantis
10. Giant prickly stick insect
11. Sugar glider
12. Kowari
13. Cockatoo, any
14. King quail
15. Magpie goose
16. Australian pelican
17. Black swan
18. North Island brown kiwi
19. South Island takahe
20. Little blue penguin

Even with 20 spots I had to leave some iconic species out... I'd say 25 is ideal.

Apologies to perentie, thorny devil, numbat, kea, kookaburra and others. I don't think you'll get many votes for Polynesian and Micronesian animals with such limited spots.

I don't know if you already added my extra five, but here's a reminder:

21. Perentie
22. Thorny devil
23. Numbat
24. Kea
25. Laughing kookaburra
K let's go

1. Tasmanian devil
2. North island brown kiwi
3. Short beaked echidna
4. Matchies tree kangaroo
5. Tuatara
6. Numbat
7. Tiger quoll
8. Perentie
6. Thorny lizard
10. Central bearded dragon
11. Frilled necked lizard
12. Victoria crowned pigeon
13. Reggiana's bird of paradise
14. Sulphur crested cockatoo
15. Laughing kookaburra

So i got 10 more?

16. Yellow footed rock wallaby
17. Kea
18. Sugar glider
19. Inland taipan
20. Kakapo
21. Quokka
22. Greater bilby
23. Budgerigar
24. Rainbow lorikeet
25. Little blue penguin
  1. Short-Beaked Echidna
  2. Tasmanian Devil
  3. Matschie's Tree"-"Kangaroo
  4. North Island Brown Kiwi
  5. Lord Howe Island Stick Insect
  6. Frilled Lizard
  7. Green Tree Python
  8. Thorny Devil
  9. Tuatara
  10. Laughing Kookaburra
  11. Budgerigar
  12. Bogong Moth
13. Victoria Crowned Pigeon
14. Southern Rockhopper Penguin
15. Great"er" Bilby
16. Tiger Quoll
17. Perentie
18. Black Swan
19. Kākāpō
20. Southern Elephant Seal
21. Little Red Flying Fox
22. Crested Gecko
23. Central Bearded Dragon
24. Redback Spider
25. Peregrine Falcon
Last edited:
1. Tasmanian devil.
2. Numbat.
3. North Island brown kiwi.
4. Little blue penguin.
5. Hawaiian monk seal.
6. Nene.
7. Magpie goose.
8. Long-beaked echidna.
9. Tree-kangaroo.
10. Common ringtail possum.
11. Common brushtail possum.
12. Ground cuscus.
13. Woylie/brush-tailed bettong.
14. Rufous rat-kangaroo.
15. Flatback sea turtle (endemic to the region).
16. Olive ridley sea turtle (a genetically distinct population of this species is also endemic).
17. Pig-nosed turtle (E?).
18. Green tree python (E).
19. Frilled lizard (E).
20. Any sea snake or sea krait from the region (E).
21. Wedge-tailed eagle (WE, a truly Australian eagle).
22. Gray falcon (WE, a truly Australian falcon).
23. Feathertail glider (WE).
24. Budgerigar (WE).
25. Rainbow lorikeet (WE).
1. Tasmanian devil.
2. Numbat.
3. North Island brown kiwi.
4. Little blue penguin.
5. Hawaiian monk seal.
6. Nene.
7. Magpie goose.
8. Long-beaked echidna.
9. Tree-kangaroo.
10. Common ringtail possum.
11. Common brushtail possum.
12. Ground cuscus.
13. Woylie/brush-tailed bettong.
14. Rufous rat-kangaroo.
15. Flatback sea turtle (endemic to the region).
16. Olive ridley sea turtle (a genetically distinct population of this species is also endemic).
17. Pig-nosed turtle (E?).
18. Green tree python (E).
19. Frilled lizard (E).
20. Any sea snake or sea krait from the region (E).
21. Wedge-tailed eagle (WE, a truly Australian eagle).
22. Gray falcon (WE, a truly Australian falcon).
23. Feathertail glider (WE).
24. Budgerigar (WE).
25. Rainbow lorikeet (WE).
What makes you think an eagle would be a walkthrough exhibit animal?
1. Little blue penguin
2. Rainbow lorikeet
3. Dusky lory
4. Cockatiel
5. Galah
6. Sulphur-crested cockatoo
7. Budgerigar
8. Australian zebra finch
9. Black swan
10. Magpie goose
11. Cape barren goose
12. Laughing kookaburra
13. North Island brown kiwi
14. Eyelash crested gecko
15. Central bearded dragon
16. Shingleback skink
17. Short-beaked echidna
18. Tasmanian devil
19. Eastern grey kangaroo
20. Matschie's tree-kangaroo
21. Lord Howe Island stick insect
22. Fiji banded iguana
23. Victoria crowned pigeon
24. Kea
25. Tuatara
1. Tasmanian Devil
2. Little Blue Penguin
3. Goodfellow’s Tree Kangaroo
4. North Island Brown Kiwi
5. Brush-Tailed Rock Wallaby
6. Tasmanian Pademelon
7. Quokka
8. Bear Cuscus
9. Bandicoot
10. Numbat
11. Short-Beaked Echidna
12. South Australian Fur Seal
13. Freshwater Crocodile
14. Sand Goanna
15. Tuatara
16. Sarus Crane
17. Australian Bush Turkey
18. Spiny Leaf Insect
19. Green Tree Python
20. Frilled Lizard
21. Thorny Devil
22. Inland Taipan
23. Tiger Snake
24. Fiji Banded Iguana
25. Desert Scorpion
  • tasmanian devil
  • echidna
  • black swan
  • kiwi
  • pelican
  • magpie goose
  • nene goose
  • tree kangaroo
  • palm cockatoo
  • red tailed black cockatoo
  • lorikeet
  • budgies
  • cockatiel
  • cuscus
  • possum
  • quokka
  • falcon
  • coconut crab
  • tuatara
  • any gecko
  • praying mantis
  • kea parrot
  • kookaburra
  • sugar glider
  • brushtail bettong
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