So you want to know about the Formidine Rift? (Part 3)

Did you find this by random search, or was there a clue from the beacon? I'm wondering if there might be more than one settlement.
Did you find this by random search, or was there a clue from the beacon? I'm wondering if there might be more than one settlement.

I had a hunch that it could be around the most interesting looking feature I could see from orbit near the CTD zone.

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I'm just waiting for all my screenshots to upload to Xbox Live so I can pull them off.
ok that's explain the thing.

well ... i don't know if this is what we are looking for but i scanned the datapoint and it doesn't give me anything of interesting.


btw there is a strange sound here... i begin to be scared..

please someone come

edit now

another datalink point gave me the confirmation

it's the formidine path guys

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The following is a repost from the Children of Raxxla thread...

Securing the Truth

The Formidine Rifters and The Children of Raxxla have started an operation to secure the discovered settlements in the Formidine Rift, the Conflux, and the Hawkins Gap areas.

In a joint press conference the organisations stated that these settlements are of historical importance and should not be claimed by a single organisation. The Formidine Rifters and The Children of Raxxla said they will secure the sites and regulate operations so that all factions will have a chance to perform research there.

“It’s thanks to the galactic community that we have discovered these settlements.” A spokeswoman for the organisations said. “The Children of Raxxla will keep their promise. They will protect the sites and keep them open to everyone. We ask the interested parties to cooperate with us on-site so we can uncover the history and purpose of these settlements together. We have the right to know our own history. Our true history.”

Formidine Rifters and Children of Raxxla Public Outreach

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Hm... I'm now in Open but don't see anyone. Interesting to note that you can target the site as "Formidine Rift Beta Site" in the contacts panel.

It also confirms that this is in the Rift, or very near it, which I think is a first. My understanding is this being the general location of the Rift was all just theory prior to this.
I think that's all I can find for now. There must be other sites - this being the Beta mission, and there being more beacons in this area of space. LET THE SEARCH CONTINUE!
Glad it is up and running (and no signs of hostility). o7 for your patience in staying out there.
For some reason the layout reminds me of the obelisks at the ancient ruins site.
Is there anyone at the Conflux/Hawking's Gap co-ordinates? My Distant Stars -ready Asp can cover the distance quickly but my laptop's terrain generation days are over - I've been told that it is now below minimum specs - so I'd have to wait until I can get an extended session on the family desktop before landing anywhere, which is not guaranteed this weekend.
Now a screenshot of the system this is in? Is there an earthlike there?

No Earthlikes... 2 M class stars, 1 star listed as a Red Giant, but it's the smallest of the trinary group, wierd... 1 T class brown dwarf... 2 Icy Bodies (1 landable) and 5 HMC worlds (1 non-landable). Oh and a couple of asteroid belts.
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