The End?

No, it took me over six months to go from Sidey to Conda, with some of my best memories being made in my Adder and later the "expensive" (at least it felt that way at the time) DBX and Keelback. I still prefer some of these ships to this day!

Speaking of, I remember getting all excited about buying my first large ship - the Type 7. This was after a couple of months playing. Others told me not to bother with it but to get a Python instead. I got my Type-7 and loved it, and it remains a favorite even now (especially for exploration and station evacuation). When I finally got the Python, I sold it a couple days later and never looked back, LOL.

Yeah I love the type 7 too. What ship has a better canopy? Makes you feel like you're still in a ship but without chunky bars. That and the cobra 4 are for any function that doesn't need combat capability.

The DBX is impressive for its size, but given its scooping performance I simply don't like it. The price for hype is strong with that one.


Even the Thargoids got bored!

I reckon.
They were supposed to be invading hoonam space.

But I guess being restricted to CZs and USSes, along with being blamed for damaged stations that actually got taken down by server tics finally got to them.
They left the game with pouty lips.... or whatever those flappy thing on their faces are called.....
Might as well add my two cents....

As of right now I don't see myself abandoning the game, not as long as it is still being actively developed - even if that development is now less active and more, er, coasting until the 2020 mega-update. The game is playable and I find it fun. As I wrote in a different thread, the reason why I love ED (and to a lesser extent, Eve) is because it has the type of sci-fi setting I love most: dark, moody and not populated by goofy aliens (like in so many other games, especially NMS) but by characters out of a film noir. I love that gritty dystopian feel that Frontier has imbued into their game. While the gameplay can get repetitive fast, I find it has that good single player game feeling that keeps me coming back for more because I feel like I am in control of my day-to-day goals and in-game activities.

Now, to be fair, I think a big reason why I don't tire of Elite is because while I consider myself a dedicated player (i.e., I have 2+ weeks of game time on my current character alone - that's ~300+ hours) I don't consider myself a hardcore player (i.e., someone who feels the need to play every day and needs to quickly master everything the game has to offer). Having a more relaxed attitude towards Elite - or any other game, for that matter - helps keep the magic going. For example, now that the hot days of summer are here, my gametime plummets precipitously for Elite and every other game. I have found that it is due to breaks like this that my favorite games remain popular with me as those breaks keep the games feeling fresh when I do return (especially if new content was released during my break - sadly, it appears that won't be the case with Elite as the next patch is in September).

So, no, I don't see "the end" approaching any time soon when it comes to Elite: Dangerous.

Having said that, I do hope that Frontier closely reads this thread because it is an excellent summation of the many reasons why their hardcore fans are tiring of Frontier's magnum opus. If I was a hardcore player, I probably would have also abandoned Elite some time ago. Heck, during those early turbulent years, I did abandon Elite because I could not stomach the endless bugs and broken mechanics. And while the mechanics have improved, the bugs/glitches I routinely encounter are frankly inexcusable for a game that has been in active development for 4+ years now. Honestly, I have recently returned (yet again :)) to dabbling with my Eve Online alpha clone because I am tired of tripping over Elite's bugs that seem to rear their ugly heads even in a quick and routine 30-minute gameplay session. So, yeah, despite Old Duck dismissing the bugs, for me that would be a big reason why I might have reached "the end" if I was a hardcore player. Taking Frontier at their word that Elite: Dangerous is a profitable hit, it is time to move to a monthly patching process like most other MMO-type games as these quarterly patches are not sufficient for a game as complex as Elite. It is also long past due for Frontier to maintain a beta server for constant player feedback before rolling out patches/gameplay additions (yes, I am cribbing CCP's excellent work here).

Of course, others have made many other excellent points for their "the end" conclusions. I particularly agree with the critique about GalNet articles rarely having any gameplay impact. Like much of Elite's unaccountably half-baked content, the Galnet stuff is a real head-scratcher. On one hand, I applaud Frontier for having in-game news as it has always struck me as a huge oversight when complex, player-driven games lack the type of regular news reporting the real world enjoys (Eve can be faulted for this - here, CCP could learn from Frontier!). And I also applaud Frontier for the GalNet news reader they added to our ships - its the next best thing to in-game radio stations! Well done! But I just don't understand why the weekly GalNet stories have almost zero impact on in-game events. It is bizarre! Because few of those stories actually impact the game galaxy, reading GalNet often seems like reading the outline for a forthcoming Elite novel and little else. Why go to the trouble of writing this stuff, and investing the effort to create a news reader!, when the vast majority of articles have no impact on our gameplay?! This is one of those tremendously frustrating aspects of Elite that make me want to walk away from the game, too. It is stuff like that that makes Elite: Dangerous seem like the space sim equivalent of "hell being the impossibility of reason."

Well, as others have said, I am keeping my fingers crossed that the 2020 mega-update is the unofficial relaunch of the game, a reboot that will address many of the long-standing complaints of the playerbase. Elite: Dangerous has the potential to be one of the greatest space games of all time - it is already my favorite space game of all time - but right now it seems stuck in a morass of (perplexingly) half-baked gameplay ideas and buggy code seemingly held together by ducktape. ED deserves better. It hasn't proven enough for me to declare "Fin!" just yet, but I do understand why others are cashing in their chips. As I said before, Elite is my favorite space game of all time...but it is also the most frustrating game I have ever played because of the development issues myself and others have raised in this thread.
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All very natural, OP. I'm probably hitting this limit, too, just not quite there yet. I'm able to not play Elite for several days, which wouldn't be possible a year ago. I even played through Metro 2033, a great change.

Now my mining Anaconda is hanging in an icy ring, full of VO and I haven't mastered the will to take them back yet.

BTW, Nuclear Throne is something COMPLETELY different. It gives me the un-Elite fix I need at times.
Im finding Kerbal most amusing atm. But my gaming days are nearing an end. I just dont find the time nor the inclination thesedays. I prefer to read a book or listen to music. This is not ED's fault, its just gaming in general and computers. I'm feeling analogue more and more. The digital world is not fullfilling.
Let's put aside bugs and shadows and elephant butt leather for a moment and focus just on the game itself. I fired up Elite Dangerous after a few months on hiatus, did some things, and then exited with the thought, "I think I really am done with the game..." It just doesn't 'scratch the itch' like it used to. This is not a critique, as the same thing happened to me with other "open ended" games like Skyrim, Spider-Man, and even MMOs like DCUO and ESO. I just never thought it would happen with Elite.

I hang out here in the forums because I have a lot of nostalgia and good memories from my early days of playing Elite, and I have hope that perhaps new gameplay, missions, stories, etc. will someday be added to draw me back. Still, I'm kinda disappointed that the ride is over.

Like I said, this is not a critique or slam against Elite. I have plenty of those, but that's not the purpose of this thread. I'm not done because of bugs or even graphics, but rather that I just don't derive the joy of doing the things ED has to offer like I once did. I got over 2 years out of the game, which include some of the best memories in my gaming history, so I'm not 'rage quitting', just walking away into the sunset on a distance moon. Surely I'm not the only one to go through this. If you have a similar story, I'd love to hear it. Misery loves company, after all!

And no, you can't haz my stuff. If space legs and base building truly are coming to the game someday, I'll be back!
Yep, kinda in the same boat, however, I am using this time to go through and unlock the power play modules, i.e. log in once a week to check the status, then in week 3/4 do the merits to unlock it, buy the modules I want and store them, defect to the next power, then repeat by the time the next update drops, I should have them all
But my gaming days are nearing an end. I just dont find the time nor the inclination thesedays. I prefer to read a book or listen to music. This is not ED's fault, its just gaming in general and computers. I'm feeling analogue more and more. The digital world is not fullfilling.
My affinity towards gaming is like the tide, it comes in during winter (which are long and harsh where I live) and goes out in the summer. Giving it some reflection, I'm sure this at least partially influences my sentiments in the OP. For example, Subnautica is my "ED replacement" right now, but am I playing Subnautica at the moment? Nope. My summer games of choice tend to be the short, fast, and hectic PvP games like Overwatch. When I want to relax in the summer, I'd rather sit outside or take a stroll in the woods, not sit in supercruise for minutes at a time or wait for geological POIs to take forever to resolve in the FSS...

So yeah, seasons and weather may have something to do with it. If I lived in a place like Greece along the sea, I might not even be a gamer! If I was, I would probably be using the Nintento Switch while looking out over the Med, LOL.
My affinity towards gaming is like the tide, it comes in during winter (which are long and harsh where I live) and goes out in the summer. Giving it some reflection, I'm sure this at least partially influences my sentiments in the OP. For example, Subnautica is my "ED replacement" right now, but am I playing Subnautica at the moment? Nope. My summer games of choice tend to be the short, fast, and hectic PvP games like Overwatch. When I want to relax in the summer, I'd rather sit outside or take a stroll in the woods, not sit in supercruise for minutes at a time or wait for geological POIs to take forever to resolve in the FSS...

So yeah, seasons and weather may have something to do with it. If I lived in a place like Greece along the sea, I might not even be a gamer! If I was, I would probably be using the Nintento Switch while looking out over the Med, LOL.

Ironically, Summer is when I'm playing more, as for this is the time when kids and wife spend a lot of time at my parents-in-law, so I have long evening hours to have my gaming fix. Life before family was different, I also spent a lot of time traveling, but now I'm traveling in front of the PC in games like Elite.

Also, I'm living in a city, even though there is a lot of greenery around, it's still a city. I wish we'll be able to move to the countryside at one point though.
I do the same but its harder to come back to every time and i play for a shorter period cause nothing really changes much which is disappointing since ED was going with games as a service route but don't deliver the necessary content as one.
If I was a hardcore player, I probably would have also abandoned Elite some time ago. Heck, during those early turbulent years, I did abandon Elite because I could not stomach the endless bugs and broken mechanics. And while the mechanics have improved, the bugs/glitches I routinely encounter are frankly inexcusable for a game that has been in active development for 4+ years now. Honestly, I have recently returned (yet again :)) to dabbling with my Eve Online alpha clone because I am tired of tripping over Elite's bugs that seem to rear their ugly heads even in a quick and routine 30-minute gameplay session. So, yeah, despite Old Duck dismissing the bugs, for me that would be a big reason why I might have reached "the end" if I was a hardcore player.
As most people know, bugs are a huge part of my dissatisfaction with the game. The shadows on base PS4 are so atrociously terrible that it just ruins the visuals, and that's a game-killer for a game that offers visuals as a reward. So for example, I have no interest in visiting the Inara bases or generation ships or other things that I would go to "look" at, because they now look rubbish on my platform. If they looked good, then I think I could stretch a few more weeks of enjoyment out of the game.


I wrote the OP after visiting a Thargoid 'base' that I happened upon IN THE DARK. Remove shadows cast by the main sun (like a station in eclipse or the dark side of a planet), and ED looks pretty damn good on my PS4. This Thargoid base looked darn impressive and spooky at night, all wrapped in a green fog. The last Thargoid base I saw was in sunlight, and it was a flashing mess of dancing disco shadows. Screw that! But a Thargoid base at night, that was cool.

Yet when I was done driving around for a little bit, I was like - "Okay, now what?" Sure, I could gather all the secret ingredients to open the door and look at some alien planetarium show, but I've already seen that show via YouTube. There's no real gameplay there, it's just a very quick Vegas show that once you see it, that's it. Now at least with the various bases and generation ships there are stories to be uncovered, and I prefer doing this myself rather than watch someone on YouTube do it, but now we're back to the terrible shadows that ruin the visual part of the presentation.

Sure, I could buy an XB1X or even a gaming PC so that these generation ships look decent again, and then I could go on a multi-week journey to all the known ones and uncover their secrets, but then what? That's a mighty lot of $$ to spend on new equipment to extend my gameplay by maybe a month or two maximum...

So long story short, bugs did indeed cause me to hit "The End" quicker than I otherwise would have, and if Frontier ever gets of their Remlock suited butts and fix these bugs, I'll be back for awhile longer, but all it really would do is add one more chapter (perhaps the epilogue) to a book that I feel I've mostly finished. That's why I decided not to make the OP about the bugs but the "book".
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Im finding Kerbal most amusing atm. But my gaming days are nearing an end. I just dont find the time nor the inclination thesedays. I prefer to read a book or listen to music. This is not ED's fault, its just gaming in general and computers. I'm feeling analogue more and more. The digital world is not fullfilling.

Your post got me thinking that the Digital Age is sort of like Plato's Allegory of the Cave, but for the modern age. The people in chains staring at the shadows on the wall could very well be us staring at our smart phones, computers and TV's.
Let's put aside bugs and shadows and elephant butt leather for a moment and focus just on the game itself. I fired up Elite Dangerous after a few months on hiatus, did some things, and then exited with the thought, "I think I really am done with the game..." It just doesn't 'scratch the itch' like it used to. This is not a critique, as the same thing happened to me with other "open ended" games like Skyrim, Spider-Man, and even MMOs like DCUO and ESO. I just never thought it would happen with Elite.

I hang out here in the forums because I have a lot of nostalgia and good memories from my early days of playing Elite, and I have hope that perhaps new gameplay, missions, stories, etc. will someday be added to draw me back. Still, I'm kinda disappointed that the ride is over.

Like I said, this is not a critique or slam against Elite. I have plenty of those, but that's not the purpose of this thread. I'm not done because of bugs or even graphics, but rather that I just don't derive the joy of doing the things ED has to offer like I once did. I got over 2 years out of the game, which include some of the best memories in my gaming history, so I'm not 'rage quitting', just walking away into the sunset on a distance moon. Surely I'm not the only one to go through this. If you have a similar story, I'd love to hear it. Misery loves company, after all!

And no, you can't haz my stuff. If space legs and base building truly are coming to the game someday, I'll be back!
I've seen gaming evolve from the pong and Atari 2600 to modern. Most modern games are soo similar--cookie cutter. It's getting boring in general.

ED is starting to feel like Pitfall. At first, Pitfall was fun, new, addictive, then feeling changed to goal setting like lets beat my last score, compete with friends, then it became repetitive and while Pittfall 2 added some new elements, it really didn't feel all that "new." It felt like more of the same. It'll always have a special place, but it just lost its appeal.

I'm seeing similar path with ED. The entire appeal of space games for me is DISCOVERY and ADVENTURE. To find something NEVER SEEN BEFORE. After 2 years, ED has very little "new" to see. The wow factor is fading. I just hope Fleet Carriers aren't just limited use bigger ships to engineer. It's sad that the old Freespace 2 with mods are more fun at the moment for me. I even started playing IL-2 1946 as a change of pace. Fly Safe Commander o7.
Im finding Kerbal most amusing atm. But my gaming days are nearing an end. I just dont find the time nor the inclination thesedays. I prefer to read a book or listen to music. This is not ED's fault, its just gaming in general and computers. I'm feeling analogue more and more. The digital world is not fullfilling.
Gods, I envy you. When I think of what I could've been doing with all my free time if I hadn't wasted it all on games. 😕

Roll on the end of my gaming days too.


Gods, I envy you. When I think of what I could've been doing with all my free time if I hadn't wasted it all on games. 😕

Roll on the end of my gaming days too.

I've had all the same thoughts, many times. I find it Interesting that people seem to be getting bored with gaming in general, I guess I'm not the only one that feels that way from time to time. I don't really feel bad about consuming some digital entertainment, or that I've wasted time and that is because most people watch TV, spend time on Social Media or other websites, plus all the time spent on their phone, when I do very little to none of these. I only play games. 95% of my screen time (outside of my job) is spent playing games. I have a Smart phone that I barely use, I don't watch TV, I barely watch movies anymore. I'm either listening to music, writing music, or sometimes I read a book, like a Biography on Bob Dylan for example, or another good non-fiction book, or a good fantasy novel by Terry Brooks. Outside of those things I spend about 1- 2 hours a night playing games before I go to bed.

I think in general, as a world society, we are unfulfilled by digital media and that is fine. Digital media was never meant as a replacement for social interactions or human connections, sadly some people seem to think it does. It's really about how you balance your life, that is the most important thing.
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Gods, I envy you. When I think of what I could've been doing with all my free time if I hadn't wasted it all on games. 😕

Roll on the end of my gaming days too.

It's a matter of finding the right balance imho.
I realy like gaming but I like other things too so I choose what I want to do this day or tomorow.
One day it'll be gaming, the other driving my car or going to the circuit with it, etc.
Last week my brother and I bought us each a second car which we're both gonna tune up for circuit racing, installing the new mods and testing them is pure fun.
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