Can't log in to game, button says "Purchase"

Yep there are a few threads with this now i get the below message

here has been an error processing your request

Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons.

Error log record number: 996579908278
Multiple reports of this. Purchase or install game.

There has been an error processing your request

Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons.

Error log record number: 1045540278894
Yes i have the same on Steam... redeem codes... linking accounts...blah blah... cant even log into the Frontier web site... Error.
Same here.....GRRRRRRR

Same same. Couldn't log into the Issues websites to report bugs yesterday. Can't log into the game itself today. Something up with FD authentication servers?
I finally got in but only to find half my stuff is missing and doing anything takes ages. I'm relaxed though, because its not just me with issues:cool:
:cautious: I am not amused. I get up after only 4 hours of sleep to get back to my "grind my teeth" session, and I'm being told I need to buy the game again? I have no intention of grinding game licenses now. Please fix.
Agreed - I am so irate. In a continual loop of Steam Login -> enter code from email -> please purchase/redeem game. Really? Really. Really? I bought and authenitcated the game last year. SOLVE IT.
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