How much did they all cost?

Recently I've been around Colonia, I've been flying round the bubble. I popped over to Dav's hope and waded my way through the inevitable swarm of Fleet Carriers.

In fact, almost every system of note has an armada of Fleet Carriers. The things are everywhere. I can't even guess how many there are in the game.

So it got me wondering, at minimum cr6 bn a go, most quite a lot more with all the extra modules it got me wondering...

In sheer credits, how much is the total cost of Fleet Carriers in the game? Would anyone care to have a guess?
I use the Colonia system as a home base, the place is littered with them. At least once a week, I stroll put for a (roughly) 10,000ly loop. I go out, I jump, scan, map, land, collect and generally explore. I have not found a system further than 500ly from Colonia with an FC in it. I know if I was looking for one because I needed an emergency stop, I could probably do it. I also know with the amount of systems available, when you get into deep(ish) space, your chance to encounter another player is rapidly reduced but I thought by now I might have stumbled into one at least. I have in that time (since FC's were released) found 2 previously undiscovered Black Holes, at least 10 Neutron Stars, a dozen ELW's and so many WW's I've lost count yet I've not stumbled upon one FC. I find this weird.
I flew out to Asterope (Thargoid NHSS aplenty) yesterday...

62 Fleet carriers in that system alone!

A similar number in Colonia a couple of days ago too...
Thanks to diamond mining, everybody who wants a carrier gets one. There are probably thousands of them in the game.
It'll be interesting to see how many people get bored with them. And once bored with them, hopefully they will decommission them. But then, once you're sitting on billions of credits and no interest in fleet carriers, what do you do? Having a fleet carrier rebooted my interest in the game, but I realized that if it hadn't, I'd probably not be playing right now.
It'll be interesting to see how many people get bored with them. And once bored with them, hopefully they will decommission them. But then, once you're sitting on billions of credits and no interest in fleet carriers, what do you do? Having a fleet carrier rebooted my interest in the game, but I realized that if it hadn't, I'd probably not be playing right now.
If you have billions of credits and a fleet carrier, why decommission it? Just put a decade worth of upkeep in the wallet and leave it sitting somewhere.
The INARA list shows more than 11.000 by now.

Given thats just Inara the actual number could be quite a bit higher. That's a whole lot of credits dropped by the community.

I agree with the view that credits are easy. For myself I keep around a couple of billion for rebuy's and top up every now and then. It's engineering materials that can take a bit longer.

Now people have had a little time to get settled with them and I gather parking places are something of an issue, but would carrier owners think it's worth owning one?

I don't have one and I'm not sure I can be bothered to do the grind to get one
Is that all or just the players that registered their carrier with Inara?

If you are verified with INARA it automatically pulls your in game data, but you can control what it displays. I never registered the fact I bought a FC , it just "appeared" in my profile as an asset.
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Recently I've been around Colonia, I've been flying round the bubble. I popped over to Dav's hope and waded my way through the inevitable swarm of Fleet Carriers.

In fact, almost every system of note has an armada of Fleet Carriers. The things are everywhere. I can't even guess how many there are in the game.

So it got me wondering, at minimum cr6 bn a go, most quite a lot more with all the extra modules it got me wondering...

In sheer credits, how much is the total cost of Fleet Carriers in the game? Would anyone care to have a guess?

I would guess roughly 100 Trillion credits worth of FC so far, 100,000,000,000,000 cr.
If you are verified with INARA it automatically pulls your in game data, but you can control what it displays. I never registed the fact I bought a FC , it just "appeared" in my profile as an asset.
It seems to be part of the commander dataset from FDev.
Recently I've been around Colonia, I've been flying round the bubble. I popped over to Dav's hope and waded my way through the inevitable swarm of Fleet Carriers.

In fact, almost every system of note has an armada of Fleet Carriers. The things are everywhere. I can't even guess how many there are in the game.
Right now things are a little out of whack as there are only a few things that are profitable for carrier owners and they are immensely so and there's the newness of it all.

Once things settle down and with some tweaks from FDev, I'd expect the carriers to spread out a bit more.

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