Any compensation incoming for non-exploiters?

Hello fellow commanders. The instantly replenishing LTD subsurface deposits mining frenzy is just the cherry on top of the general mining rewards fiasco (compared to other activities).
FDev trying hard to patch it, is a clear testament that its is NOT intended gameplay, and taking advantage of non-intended gameplay for personal benefit is the DEFINITION of exploiting.

So, as a loyal player with over 5500 hrs of non-exploitative gameplay and with hundreds of game extras purchased, I think I am entitled to ask a simple question to the developers:
Is there any compensation incoming to the people who chose to forfeit a tremendous in-game advantage and didn't exploit?
Or even, is there any penalty incoming to the ones who did exploit, and for example, earned themselves in a few days the luxury of buying and sustaining an FC for life?

I would really like to see FDev here not following the real life example that rewards exploiting and penalizes good ethos.
Thanks for your time.
I remember in GTA5 online, some person(s) was running around transfering huge sums to random players. I myself was given something like 119m.

I had already some good progression under my belt. I was never short of cash. Had the largest garage with a stock of cars and a dwelling. I spent some money upgrading the dwelling to the best possible, spent a few quid here and there on bits and bobs but really, in the end, I ran out of stuff I wanted to buy. I think I still had around 30-50m left.

One day I log-on and my money is down to around 5m, where I started. A quick search on the internet informed me that many people had been treated the same way. All my assets remained. Just the extra cash went.

It remains the only experience of gain through exploits/cheating/rule breaking in gaming I have experienced. Obviously I wasn’t punished, I did nothing wrong but I did wonder about the person who gave me the cash, I wondered what happened to them.

This long, tiresome post ends in this conclusion. I can only see, at best, those that who are found to have gained from the exploit will lose credits only, assets will remain but as I found out, that really didn’t have an impact on my game.

Some people (even if punished) will remain in a better position, those that didn’t indulge, well, no one gives you a reward for not littering. I don’t get bonus chips at the casino for not card counting or cheating in some other way. Unfair, maybe but life is.
Or even, is there any penalty incoming to the ones who did exploit, and for example, earned themselves in a few days the luxury of buying and sustaining an FC for life?

I would really like to see FDev here not following the real life example that rewards exploiting and penalizes good ethos.
Thanks for your time.
As someone who not long ago, did surface mining and went from 300 million to 1.8 billion in a few days after 5.5 years of struggling .... I don't consider myself to be an exploiter.
Did Frontier intend LTD mining to be so profitable? No, probably not, but you can't punish players who legitimately made billions of credits playing the game the way the game is allowing them to play. If the game needs tweaking back down, that's Frontier's lack of forethought, not the players opportunistic behaviour.

An exploit is abusing a glitch or game mechanic in a way it's not supposed to be used. That's not always cheating.
If a player mines LTD and sells them at huge prices, that's legitimate gameplay.
If a player mines LTD, then manipulates the game in a way to gain advantage ... for example (and I'm going to make something up here) they found out that if they ejected the cargo, and pushed it into their ship's cargo scoop with an SRV (yeah, don't ask me how to do that, I am literally making up an exploit to make a point) and it gave them back double the cargo ... THAT would be cheating.
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Previous post. There is no such thing as a legitimate exploit. You cheated you should be punished. Op asks a good question.
I doubt anyone will be held to account.
One problem is that at the moment the "exploit" is to return to a sub-surface deposit that you've previously seen, having travelled some distance from it. Lots of people are doing that deliberately ... probably at least some people are just getting confused about which way they're going in the ring and doing it accidentally after flying round in a circle. Filtering out those so that the people who had no idea they were exploiting a bug don't get punished and those who were do might be quite tricky.

There's also the issue that fleet carriers make it incredibly easy to "launder" money - if player A exploits the bug to obtain lots of LTDs, which they sell to player B's carrier at 750k, and then player B sells those LTDs on at 1M to a bunch of haulers in a system buying for 1.6M ... removing the money from player A doesn't help much, and removing it from the haulers will just cause confusion because they had no way to know it was 'dirty' ... unless, of course, player A was their alt.
As someone who not long ago, did surface mining and went from 300 million to 1.8 billion in a few days after 5.5 years of struggling .... I don't consider myself to be an exploiter.
Did Frontier intend LTD mining to be so profitable? No, probably not, but you can't punish players who legitimately made billions of credits playing the game the way the game is allowing them to play. If the game needs tweaking back down, that's Frontier's lack of forethought, not the players opportunistic behaviour.
Not simply subsurface mining, but instantly replenishing deposits subsurface mining. I think I was clear enough. The one is taking advantage of bad but legit game design, and the other is exploiting.
Mining without relogging/deposit respawning and Tritium trading offer opportunities for players to compensate themselves if someone feels they have been left behind unfairly. If these options still sound too exploity for you, I guess you will just have to hope that Frontier nuke the bank accounts of the Tritium traders and non-relogging miners, but I can't see that happening tbh.
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Not simply subsurface mining, but instantly replenishing deposits subsurface mining. I think I was clear enough. The one is taking advantage of bad but legit game design, and the other is exploiting.
I expanded on my post ... maybe it's more relevant to what you were saying?

As someone who not long ago, did surface mining and went from 300 million to 1.8 billion in a few days after 5.5 years of struggling .... I don't consider myself to be an exploiter.
Did Frontier intend LTD mining to be so profitable? No, probably not, but you can't punish players who legitimately made billions of credits playing the game the way the game is allowing them to play. If the game needs tweaking back down, that's Frontier's lack of forethought, not the players opportunistic behaviour.

An exploit is abusing a glitch or game mechanic in a way it's not supposed to be used. That's not always cheating.
If a player mines LTD and sells them at huge prices, that's legitimate gameplay.
If a player mines LTD, then manipulates the game in a way to gain advantage ... for example (and I'm going to make something up here) they found out that if they ejected the cargo, and pushed it into their ship's cargo scoop with an SRV (yeah, don't ask me how to do that, I am literally making up an exploit to make a point) and it gave them back double the cargo ... THAT would be cheating.
I literally don't care.

I have never taken advantage of any exploits because that's the way I play my game and that makes it more fun for me... but some other player making more in game Cr due to something that ought not be to be a thing - not really a factor in my mind.
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