Soooo... alpha is when? ;p

The fact they sell it as an Alpha is worrying.
The Fudge have they been doing past 2,5 yrs.
I'll probably buy it anyway becuz yeah Elite. 🤷‍♂️
January 32nd?
I was going to joke with Feb29,
But as luck would have it 2020 is a leap year

so instead Let’s go with December 25 because I don’t want the devs slacking off from “my” Christmas gaming holiday which of course means they need to be in the office making sure everything is running smoothly.
"Early 2021"

I think that's the intended release date, though this kind of raises some concerns, if the release is really April, even if the "alpha" is in early January, this would be a more appropriate time frame for beta access to test the game.

So does the dev actually mean beta?
I had taken notice of Braben's comments in the talk he gave a while back, that despite COVID & Lockdown the release fo the game was only days late and appeared to be indicating very early January.

Now, I'm not at all sure that situation remains as even the CM's are hedging around when it is being released, now holding the "early 2021" banner high...
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