Do Fdev understand the value (both in game and real world) of 'Player Housing' i.e. Ship Interiors?

This is my home:


Thankfully it comes with interiors!

How many ARX for that skin?
What about thousands of players that are exploring the Galaxy, instead of staying at Fort O'Brien? There is no need for selfishness. Ship Interiors will give a place to call home for everyone not just few.
My character is currently on her way back to the Bubble, after two years out exploring. And I fully intend to go out exploring once again, after I spend a little time getting that final push for the rank for an iCutter. During all that time, that ship wasn't my home. It was where I happened to be working at the time.

There is no need for selfishness. Being able to land on full atmospheric worlds would bring a wider variety of environments which everyone could enjoy. If you really want to have interiors for your ship, you're much better off trying to sell people on the advantages of having access other people's ship interiors. The option of exploring a crashed Anaconda for clues about why it crashed, useful salvage, or critical information is far more interesting IMO.
In Player houses: You store things, you craft thing, you decorate it.
Where do you store things right now in the game? In your ships menu - can't access them in odyssey, so they are not on the station. You take them with you on your ship. -First point we cleared for Ship to clarify as a players house.
Crafting - is bound to different stations - not much you can do there. But all material for it are in your ship. You can craft munition and do some repairs - which you could set up your crafting station for inside your ship, and just take some time off battle to craft it instead of going back to the station. Can also do some EVA repairs while in space, instead of going back to station. - another point cleared for Ship to clarify as player housing.
Decorations - already have it inside your cockpit. So last point cleared.

So what are this 90% you are talking about?

You store cargo on your ship: this is not storage in player housing, this is your inventory. This storage is inextricably linked to your character. If you switch ships, the cargo comes with you. If you try to travel to another location via Apex and then get back into a ship, it gets deleted. This cargo is not in a bank, it is not stored in player housing; it is your inventory.

As I explained in my previous post, the closest thing we have in the game to player house storage is ship storage (in a garage, like GTA) or module storage (ie. storing your gear, like most MMOs). This is linked to a space station, not to your ship. It would make no sense at all for this storage to be in your ship, because the whole point of it being in storage is the idea that it doesn't fit inside your ship at the time.

You are right though, you can craft ammo in your ship. But in most MMOs, you can craft things in your inventory. You can heal yourself (repairs). This isn't proof that your ship is your player house: this is proof that while you are in space, your ship is your avatar. You can't craft or upgrade "weapons" and "armour" (modules) on the go, the kinds of crafting you would expect to find in a player house: you have to dock at a station in order to do this.

You're right though, you can put bobbleheads on your dashboard. But even decorating isn't as common or major a feature of player housing as you would think. You can't decorate in GTA, for example. On the flipside, you can add cockpit decorations in Star Wars Squadrons, and I don't think anyone would consider the cockpit of your A-Wing to be "player housing" in that game, it's vehicle customisation at best. So this isn't really the QED slam dunk you seem to think it is.

You're also completely ignoring the fact that MOST of the reason that games add player housing is to soak up player currency. Very few games offer player housing for free, and they certainly don't offer you all of the player housing for free automatically. Player housing is something that you unlock, that you quest for, that you spend credits/gold on, or that you spend real money on through in-game currency transactions. From a gameplay standpoint, this is not some minor insignificant feature: it's a big deal. Providing credit sinks in MMOs is really important because the longer people play, the easier it is to earn money, and you end up with exactly the situation we have in Elite where players have so much money and nothing to do with it. This is a huge selling point for why player housing is worth the effort of developing, and your argument is just missing this hugely compelling chunk. As I've pointed out, everything you've suggested could be achieved with apartments (or fleet carriers), for significantly less development effort by Frontier.

Again, I want to see ship interiors. But pitching them as player housing is a bad argument, because they are a) not the only way of achieving this in Elite, b) certainly not the easiest way to achieve this in Elite, in terms of development time and all the physics engine complications of moving around inside ships, and c) I would argue not even the best or most logical/sensible way of doing player housing in Elite. I want to see ship interiors in Elite, I really do, but trying to pitch it as a player housing solution is just not a compelling argument, because there are easier/better alternatives. Sorry, bud.
That's where you are wrong. I said nothing about cargo, so you don't need to preach about obvious things. Neither did i said anything about Stored Ship modules - obvously they are to big to be stored in the ship duh that just game immersion. But the rest is stored in your ship - the crafting materials for crafting. No matter what ship you take they are always with you - that's what define Player Storage in MMOs.

Games you can't craft armor and weapons in your inventory: WoW, SWTOR, Black Desert, FFXIV, Guild Wars 2. I am actually puzzled where you got the idea of crafting items like that in MMO's.

Decorations are a major theme of almost all mmo's that i meantioned. It's one of the main point of Player Housing. While Crafting and Storage are secondary.

Free Player Housing MMO's: SWTOR; Black Desert, Guild Wars 2. In FFXIV you have to buy your House(They were also limited) - but than you also buy your ships, so not much difference.

As for Soaking Player currency - ED need this more than ever. Need to spend all those billions on something, right? It's not like Odyssey brough anything expensive to spend on.And that's where your Appartment idea falls short. Why would you decorate an appartment coming out of a long journey in deep space that never visit for week or months? There is no incencitive to do it. Ship is alway with you. There are many ships for you to decorate. Each can have it's own style and each you can visit daily depending on your activities.

Like seriously, why would you buy a house you will never visit, when you can do the same in the ship that you always in?

I think you're having some reading comprehension issues, buddy. I never said anything about crafting armour and weapons in your inventory: in fact, I explicitly said that these were things you can't craft in your inventory. I was talking more in terms of basic things like ammo, which is similar to the synthesis mechanic we have in Elite Dangerous. You can craft ammo, oxygen, SRV fuel, etc "in your inventory" (on your ship), but you cannot do things like engineer modules or upgrade weapons and suits (things I can do the equivalent of in my player housing on ESO). I was actually conceding a point to you (we can craft some stuff already on our ships), but you seem to not have understood that.

Also, SWTOR does not have free player housing. SWTOR gives you the Coruscant / Dromund Kaas apartment for free, but you only get the entrance unlocked. Any additional rooms/spaces you have to unlock either for credits or cartel coins, and those unlock fees are not cheap. The pricing is similar for all of the other player housing in the game. Also, it has been a long time since I played Black Desert online, but I don't think that player housing was "free" either: you still needed to buy houses/farms/etc, it was just more inherently part of the game - although that may have changed since they switched developers, I'm not sure. Point is, soaking up player currency (or charging real world currency) is usually one of the big selling points that convinces a developer to add that aspect to the game. Pointing out the few exceptions doesn't change that, and we're in agreement that it's a mechanic that Elite Dangerous could benefit from.

As for how apartments would achieve that? Well, I'm not the one with a thread trying to pitch my idea, but just off the top of my head, I already drew the comparison to Fleet Carriers. A lot of what Fleet Carriers do lines up with what player housing often tries to do. It's a garage where you can store all of your vehicles. It gives you access to the market, repair and outfitting, Universal Cartographics, etc outside of the main nodes for that in the game. These are things that you would want to have on player housing, but that would be impossible to have with ship interiors. They're also redundant for an apartment on a space station, because those functions are (usually) already at that station anyway, so we're on equal footing thus far.

The other big feature of a Fleet Carrier though is cargo space, and this is the one that I already alluded to. This would be the selling point for apartments, IMO. At the moment, unless you have a Fleet Carrier, you cannot put anything anywhere that is not your cargo hold. Managed to salvage some HN Shock Mounts from a crash site, and want to hold onto them for unlocking the Guardian FSD Booster later on? Tough luck, you're going to have to either sell them, or have them taking up space in your cargo hold. Want to trade in some rare goods, but with more than the 27 Lavian Brandy that you're allowed to have in one go? Tough luck, because if the quantity in your cargo hold is above a particular threshold, the market won't spawn any more for you to buy. Have cargo in your ship, but you want to go collect a different ship via Apex before you sell it? Tough luck, because as soon as you sit in one of your other ships, it's going to delete whatever else was in your cargo hold. All of these issues are currently solved by having a Fleet Carrier with internal cargo space that you can dump things in - but because Fleet Carriers are so powerful, they're hidden behind a hefty price tag and hefty upkeep fees, which put them out of reach of casual players. They're also like trying to tap in a dowel with a sledgehammer: there's not a smaller alternative for people who don't want/need all of the functionality.

Why would people want to decorate an apartment? I'm not necessarily saying that they would, but I'm sure people would love to be able to buy or rent warehouse space on a space station. Most players have a "home base" already where their ships are stashed, so they're already anchored to a particular home location anyway. Adding in the option to buy or rent some cargo storage at that location feels like a really good foundation to build player housing on top of. It wouldn't take much to add one of the mission terminals from the concourse into your apartment, giving you access to all the Odyssey features you want. It wouldn't take much to add a terminal that lets you access the ship mission terminal, or the Inter Astra menu that lets you swap between ships, meaning that you could quickly transition between your ships via the doorway of your apartment. Adding a workbench for you to tinker with your Odyssey gear (access that section of the Pioneer UI) would be pretty easy to do. FDev has already extensively modelled apartments and dorm rooms as part of the existing settlement mechanics, so a lot of the building blocks are already in the game, and by being on a station - instead of inside a moving box that is hurtling through space, which comes with an astronomical amount of technical challenges attached - there's no complications in terms of your character moving around, and there are no multicrew limitations on how many people you can gather inside your apartment: you could hypothetically fit as many people as a hangar would normally fit. There's plenty of other bits that would be a more natural fit from a "hub" than from inside your ship as well. You could have your suits out on display. You could have one of the big Inter Astra holo-tables that cycles through holograms of whatever ships you have docked there. You could have a console by the door that lets you book an Apex Taxi, and then step out of the door directly into the hangar/elevator where the taxi is waiting. And in terms of it being a credits sink for players? You've got the upfront cost of purchase, the potential for a credit cost to unlock various features, and - like Fleet Carriers - maybe even a (hopefully small) upkeep cost as well. And if one apartment isn't enough, you can fly off and go buy one elsewhere. You can have homes in all the places you frequent, stashes of Lavian Brandy and what-not all over the cosmos, and so on. All the usual player housing stuff.

All of that functionality would make for a really robust player house IMO, but that functionality only makes sense because it's a hub, not on your ship. Once again: I would love to see ship interiors, and it would be rad AF if we could decorate them. But if we're talking "player housing" as a game mechanic? There's so much more to player housing than just a space to display things in. There's so much more functionality that could be unlocked by giving players a "base" rather than just a ship interior, because it just physically, logistically, and thematically could not fit inside the kind of ships we have.
In Player houses: You store things, you craft thing, you decorate it.
Where do you store things right now in the game? In your ships menu - can't access them in odyssey, so they are not on the station. You take them with you on your ship. -First point we cleared for Ship to clarify as a players house.
Crafting - is bound to different stations - not much you can do there. But all material for it are in your ship. You can craft munition and do some repairs - which you could set up your crafting station for inside your ship, and just take some time off battle to craft it instead of going back to the station. Can also do some EVA repairs while in space, instead of going back to station. - another point cleared for Ship to clarify as player housing.
Decorations - already have it inside your cockpit. So last point cleared.

So what are this 90% you are talking about?
We're in a high-tech galaxy of trillions of people, where a literal tonne of consumer goods can be purchased for a few seconds work, and people think we should be crafting stuff.
ED players never disappoint.
I would argue that "your home is where your stuff is". You spend a large percentage of your time at work. When you are at home, you spend a large percentage of that time unconscious. In Elite, most of my stuff is not with me on the one ship I'm flying around in: most of my wealth is back on the station(s) where all my other ships are parked.

But we're not talking about some sentimental "your home is where your heart is" scenario, we're talking about player housing, which is a game mechanic. Even if your ship is your home, it is not a good candidate for player housing. Wanting ship interiors as a cosmetic space is fine, but like I explained, most of the functionality for player housing just doesn't make sense for ship interiors, given how the rest of the game works.

Don't get me wrong, I want ship interiors. But ship interiors as player housing just doesn't work. You can't achieve 90% of what player houses are for. It only achieves the sentimental/cosmetic aspect of the equation, and that's a lot of work for FDev to put in on something that's going to have little quantifiable gameplay value. Ship interiors should be added for other reasons, not this one.
I actually have to really agree with you on this, I want ship interiors as much as the next person, in some way though I would like a way to see our ships be livable like the Anaconda, we see what looks like an observation deck or a lounge area on the lower a video that I've seen someone actually made a blender model of a Sidewinder and Viper MkIII and it showed a living quarter. However, this doesn't mean I don't see your third point, like I said, I completely agree with you there and the rest of what you said.
I kind of wished you said something constructive, now you showed you self as another troll to add to the Ignore list.
Fair enough. Here’s something constructive:

You said:
While you are just living in Star Citizen world with infinate supply of money and time.
This whole idea of a paid DLC, the sole purpose of which is to add a doll house to the game which players can then decorate by spending even more money, is about as Star “We need you to spend $1000 before you can buy the expensive stuff” Citizen as you can get. I don’t think even Electronic Arts has stooped to that type of predatory monetization…. but I could be wrong. Do you really think Frontier would recoup the time and effort it took to create interiors for nearly 40 ships, plus the hundreds of modular components these ships can contain? Do really think that Frontier would be able to weather yet another PR disaster such a move would generate?

As I, and others, have said repeatedly in this thread, the best way to get interiors for your own ship is if it contains gameplay that is attractive to a wide audience. And there is far greater potential for gameplay on other people's ships than there is for your own. And given that even the majority of Obsidian "97% of players want ship interiors" Ant's audience would choose Full Atmospheric Planets over ship interiors if given the choice, the best way to get players to put down money for a paid DLC is to bundle it with something several major improvements to the game. Such as, say, full atmospheric planets.
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I’d be 100% fine with “landed/docked only” interiors, if that’s the FDev current excuse.

still don’t get why my NPC crew can’t sit in other cockpit chairs with me… especially since I see all the shuttle pilots
Almost every fantasy MMO has player housing these days.

People want a 'Home' in game, some where they can call theirs. They pay serious real world money for interesting houses, upgrades and decorations. Why? because they want to feel like they belong in the world.

This increases people attachment to the game, as they feel at home and means they will buy things.

Why oh why do Fdev not see this?

It would not have to have game play effects, they could still have their glowing blue immersion breaking teleporter, the could have the game effect where you did not want to take a large ship if you wanted to get in quick, as the run would be a long one. They could have both, and give you the option to use the teleporter, or to run in to your ship.

Arx upgrade packs for decoration and layout, it some individual items that could be placed personally. Invite your friends round for a drink in the 'crew' lounge on your Anaconda, before going multi-crew in to a conflict zone.

Our ship (or ships) are our homes in space, and people want to feel that way.

Also, that gives models to base wrecks off, so you could fly up to a wrecked anaconda to search the interior (and how cool would it be to go inside Jameson's Cobra?)

Look at the outside world Fdev, see what is going on, and the serious amount of real world money people are paying for it. Get a couple of devs for it and it could pay for it's self with bells on.
Internal decorations shop is one of the main reasons why i think ship interiors will come at some point, despite they currently having no plans for them.
I’d be 100% fine with “landed/docked only” interiors, if that’s the FDev current excuse.

still don’t get why my NPC crew can’t sit in other cockpit chairs with me… especially since I see all the shuttle pilots

I find that so weird, but then crew is another under developed part of the game. 1 person cannot fly an Anaconda.
I’d be 100% fine with “landed/docked only” interiors, if that’s the FDev current excuse.

still don’t get why my NPC crew can’t sit in other cockpit chairs with me… especially since I see all the shuttle pilots
They stay locked in the bathroom all the time, telepresencing from there.
That's the reason why they initially died on ship destruction, until they installed an escape pod in the bathroom too.
Sorry OP, My opinion is Ship Interiors will be a complete waste of the Dev team's time...................It'll all be just eye candy with ZERO contribution to the actual gameplay.
Absolutely, positively, completely WRONG. I just spent a few hundred for an SSD so I can run Star Citizen mainly because of… (wait for it…)


Doubt that I’m the only one.
If Fdev puts them in at some point, you can always ignore them, but a lot of us think they would be a great addition.

(Charges up fire extinguisher…)
Flames in 3,2,1…
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