It's a new week, let's talk Elite!

Zac Cocken

Junior Product Manager
This week?
  • Comparing data drop rates a different odyssey locations around Colonia
  • Getting a handle on when damaged settlements change state
  • Continuing the search for the dredger
  • Checking out the Far God worshipper system

Pretty busy :)

No idea about FA-off, srry. One day ....

I like it! How are you finding the experience around Colonia at the moment? I know there's calls for On-Foot Engineers there.
I'm particularly interested in knowing the ship you recommend learning FA-OFF in, something cheap please!

I'm all ears for the next couple of hours!
Hi Zac !

The humble Sidewinder is great for learning FA Off. Begin with an exercise called "tethering". Go to a Coriolis station and fly up to one of the "corners". Go FA-off there and hold your position relative to that corner as the station rotates. Try different corners, or random points on the station.

This gets you thinking that your velocity vector is divorced from the ships facing direction. After that, there are more advanced drills that end with doing "trench runs", flying through the superstructure at the edge of the Coriolis.

Good luck, and don't give it up too soon, it takes a good bit for people to get their heads around it. :)

I'm more than happy to demonstrate on stream too.

Zac Cocken

Junior Product Manager
As always, I like the lore-related developments. I'd like more lore and more lore puzzles, with things like message decryption, etc. Searching a defined area is fine, but figuring out clues to find things is more fun. :)

Me too, the community coming together to solve things is my favourite part of Elite so I'd love to see more of it too! There are exciting things in the works.
I like it! How are you finding the experience around Colonia at the moment? I know there's calls for On-Foot Engineers there.
Lots of broken bases - far better than the bubble :) But as you say, not many engineers. Once I'm done investigating I'm hoping there is a FC heading back. Or else I'll just head out into the black as this CMDR is mainly for exploring, so she doesn't need anything that a basic Artemis. But the odyssey base gameplay is quite addictive :)
What are your plans in-game for the week? What are you enjoying at the moment? What's not so great?
Keep flying to target at 62000ly away, 45000 to go. Hope when I return things will be fixed.
Please remind GUI team there about mouse + map. Those "half click" to select planet / star just to read some info, when you need to check tens of them is horrible.
....also something weird about bio signals around galaxy. I feel like .. if system has couple planets game will spawn same plants everywhere as on 1st visited, despite what DSS says.
Going back to Horizons to do some serious space trucking for the first time in a t9... it's time i take care of my bank account for once
A few weeks back, I worked my T9 until I had 1B CR in the bank. Since then any ships I've been buying have been treated as disposable and when I'm finished using them, I just sell them back.

Zac Cocken

Junior Product Manager
Basically I've stopped playing until the game is fixed. i do check in to test various things now and again but only in response to if there's been an update or not, it's even sapped my desire to play Horizons as there are problems caused in Horizons too.

Feedback: Honestly don't know where to start and everything has been stated a million times over but if you want something specific I'd say please suggest to David Braben that he needs to reiterate what his long term plans are for the game because his videos back in the day now contradicted by what the CM team are saying. Specifically "You WILL have ship interiors... We HAVE designed ships with ship interiors in mind" contrasted with "We have no plans to work on ship interiors"

But more importantly just fix all the bugs, then add a lot more content, remove the insane grind for weapons to something more reasonable.

@Zac Cocken

Zac Cocken

Junior Product Manager
Hi Zac !

The humble Sidewinder is great for learning FA Off. Begin with an exercise called "tethering". Go to a Coriolis station and fly up to one of the "corners". Go FA-off there and hold your position relative to that corner as the station rotates. Try different corners, or random points on the station.

This gets you thinking that your velocity vector is divorced from the ships facing direction. After that, there are more advanced drills that end with doing "trench runs", flying through the superstructure at the edge of the Coriolis.

Good luck, and don't give it up too soon, it takes a good bit for people to get their heads around it. :)

I'm more than happy to demonstrate on stream too.

This is a great training exercise - I have noted it down.
Taking out 90+ enemies, me and my SLF pilot, in a CZ in a VR slideshow (most of the times), but I'm hardboiled 🍻

The new SLF UI actually is better IMHO, and the graphics are too, even though the enemies are all black it seems and are hard to make out. Was playable for most parts. And fun ;)

I have been Scavenger hunting all weekend and now I am up to gunslinger and have all those silver bits for my armour. Think I will focus now more on gathering tech materials to get my missile launcher up to grade 5 and slap a scope on it. Then I may look into buying and upgrading another Dominator suit for more agile and night combat. If the lore stuff doesn't distract me.
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