3rd Penguin

If we got a 3rd penguin (seems unlikely) what should it be? I was thinking that there’s three main categories they can go in: a crested penguin like the rockhopper, a small Antarctic penguin like the adelie or gentoo or the little blue penguin. What do you guys think? I personally wouldn’t hate any of them but I think I’d love a crested penguin the most
I would prefer the little blue penguin as it increases the Oceanian lineup. It’s common in zoos in the region and is also very cute.

I’m also torn between the Little Blue or a Rockhopper Penguin. As above post,I think any other penguin is too visually similar to what we have now
Rockhoppers get my vote, but I also wouldn't be upset about little blues. Honestly, though, I don't think a third penguin should really be a priority overall. Don't get me wrong, I like them, but the two we have provide a nice enough variety and we can realistically expect only so many more animals.
Although a third penguin is not a priority for me, I think that the Rockhopper Penguin would be the most different visually, but I would be fine with the blue penguin too since they are very important is Oceanian zoos.
I feel its fairly common for zoos to keep multiple species, often in mixed colonies.

My personal favourite are Little Blue, but I think Rockhopper or Macaroni would probably be more likely and visually distinct?

Could see a case for Adelie too.
I would go with the little blue--they're increasingly common in zoos outside Australia and are adorable. If not them, then a second Antarctic/sub-Antarctic penguin that could live in mixed exhibits with the king penguin; the likeliest candidate would be gentoo penguin.
I would pick Macaroni penguins, they are as cool as the rockhopper but they breed in the Antarctic peninsula, and getting a proper Antarctic animal would be great. My second choice would be Adelie, chinstrap or gentoo penguins.
The only penguins I would NOT want are emperor or Magellanic/Humboldt's as they are too similar to the two we already have.
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