Update 18 | Update Notes


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Introduced "Gravity Well" cockpit message to replace "Slow Down" when travelling at excessive speed near celestial bodies.

Wat? Almost 10 years of confusing people and now it's suddenly being changed... I'm confused :D I mean it's very good for a lot of people, but it's come out of nowhere.

A route set on the galaxy map will now be correctly recalculated after reloading the game.

Speaking of coming out of nowhere! If this is fixed then that's another very longstanding issue sorted out.

Levelling up an engineer whilst in the workshop UI now unlocks higher tier modifications without requiring the workshop to be closed and reopened.

OK another 9 year old bug being fixed. What's going on? 😂

Whatever it is I love it, keep it up please! There's some more nice ones in there like the inf + rep on mission rewards, and I'm interested to see what else we can find. Thanks a lot to the team and good luck for today.
Just asking, wasn't this update supposed to be the biggest update for years ? cause from here, doesn't look that crazy.
I don't think Frontier ever claimed that, and as far as the patch notes go, Update 18 contains about what Frontier told us to expect Update 18 to contain, plus some nice extras in the bugfix list. It just got assumed by some players after Friday's announcement that it was going to be big because it was 30 GB. But biggest in terms of filesize for a while (which is true) doesn't necessarily mean anything in terms of feature size.

Reissuing a bunch of existing texture files to fix some minor display bugs could add gigabytes to the download (especially if it's a ship with a lot of paint options which now need updating)

A whole new complex feature with no new asset requirements would just be adding text and code and might be struggling to fill a megabyte despite being way more noticeable once you get in game. (e.g. Frontier Elite 2 had a decent subset of Elite Dangerous' features and fit on a floppy disk, because it didn't need much storage space for fancy graphics)
  • Introduced "Gravity Well" cockpit message to replace "Slow Down" when travelling at excessive speed near celestial bodies.

I'm not sure I should be as happy to see this as I am, but there you are.:)
My normal reaction to the "Slow down" message is "NOPE" (aside from the occasional loop of shame).
It's such a small thing, but I am another one who is very pleased about this change.
I'm a little bit sad not to see fixes for certain bugs like the M missile bug (My beloved Cutter refuses to fire one rack still), or the SLF fighter pilot bug. As goes for not starting the update cycle with a bang named Python MkII. Honestly? It really depends on how the rest will go, though the bounty fix and the fire group fix will surely be a welcome sight.
Very exciting; looking forward to take the Titans down!
Are you planing to fix the bug in AX Solos? Interceptors and swarms are loosing interrest since update 16. Hydra Soloing is no longer possible since then. I know not many Cmdrs doing AX Solo but it was the best PvE Content and its a shame that this is taken from us.
My normal reaction to the "Slow down" message is "NOPE" (aside from the occasional loop of shame).
It's such a small thing, but I am another one who is very pleased about this change.
I concur.

I always found this amusing if not slightly annoying - by the time you saw that message, it would already be far too late to "slow down" because the game greatly impedes the deceleration rate of your ship. "Gravity well" makes so much more sense and also doesn't tell you to do something that A) you can't and B) won't make any difference to the fact you're about to overshoot the planet/target.

I have figured out a workaround for some instances though - if not too close to an actual body (a signal source, nav beacon, resource extraction sites) you could simply deselect the target if you got the "slow down" message (and the associated impeded deceleration rate) and your ship would magically regain its ability to slow down and continue your approach properly, without doing a loop of shame.

It remains to be seen if this workaround still applies, hopefully they've just changed the message text and not the mechanics surrounding it.
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